BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Criminal Victimization in the United States - Statistical Tables Index

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  Property crimes (See also Definition )

Associated data tables:

 Table 01: Number, percent distribution, and rate of victimizations, by type of crime
  2008:Acrobat file (5K)  |  Spreadsheet (11K)
  1996-2007: Acrobat file (93K )

    Agency type providing assistance to victim
    Burglary (See Burglary)
        Property stolen
        Recovery of
        Time from work
        Value of
    Motor vehicle theft (See Motor Vehicle Theft)
    Number of
        Persons in household
        Units in structure
    Place of occurrence
        Activity during initial contact
        Response time to victim
        Response to reported incident
    Reporting to police
            Family income
            Head of household
            Value of loss
        Reason for
        Reasons for not
    Series victimizations
    Theft (See Theft)
    Time of occurrence
    Victims (head of household)
        Activity at time of incident
        Distance from home
        Family income
            Number of years lived at
            Ownership of (tenure)
            Region of
            Urban, suburban, rural