BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Criminal Victimization in the United States - Statistical Tables Index

          Response time to victim

Associated data tables:

Table 05: Number of victimizations and victimization rates for persons age 12 and over, by type of crime and race of victims
 2008:Acrobat file (4K)  |  Spreadsheet (11K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (84K)

Table 06: Number of victimizations and victimization rates for persons age 12 and over, by type of crime and gender and race of victims
 2008:Acrobat file (4K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (81K)

Table 09: Victimization rates for persons age 12 and over, by race and age of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (7K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (80K)

Table 10: Number of victimizations and victimization rates for persons age 12 and over, by race, gender, and age of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (7K)  |  Spreadsheet (11K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (208K)

Table 15: Victimization rates for persons age 12 and over, by race and annual family income of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (6K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (81K)

Table 30: Percent of victimizations involving strangers, by gender and race of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (2K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (121K)

Table 35: Victimization rate by victim-offender relationship, by type of crime and selected victim characteristics
 2008:Acrobat file (9K)  |  Spreadsheet (13K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (111K)

Table 42: Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender
 2008:Acrobat file (18K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (77K)

Table 43a: Percent distribution of victimizations, by characteristics of victims, type of crime, and victim/offender relationship
 2008:Acrobat file (16K)  |  Spreadsheet (13K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (92K)

Table 48: Percent distribution of multiple-offender victimizations, by type of crime, race of victims and perceived race of offenders
 2008:Acrobat file (23K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (61K)

Table 54:
 Production of this table was discontinued after 2005
 1996-2005: Acrobat file ()

Table 69: Percent of victimizations in which victims took self-protective measures, by characteristics of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (3K)  |  Spreadsheet (11K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (219K)

Table 71: Percent distribution of self-protective measures employed by victims, by selected characteristics of victims
 2008:Acrobat file (29K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (61K)

Table 75: Percent of victimizations in which victims sustained physical injury, by selected characteristics of victim and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (14K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (236K)

Table 77: Percent of victimizations in which victims incurred medical expenses, by selected characteristics of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (6K)  |  Spreadsheet (10K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (97K)

Table 78: Percent of victimizations in which injured victims had health insurance coverage or were eligible for public medical services, by selected characteristics of victims
 2008:Acrobat file (3K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (63K)

Table 79: Percent of victimizations in which victims received hospital care, by selected characteristics of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (2K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (100K)

Table 80: Percent distribution of victimizations in which injured victims received hospital care, by selected characteristics of victims, type of crime and type of hospital care
 2008:Acrobat file (2K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (82K)

Table 82: Total economic loss to victims of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (12K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (89K)

Table 85: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in theft loss, by race of victims, type of crime and value of loss
 2008:Acrobat file (10K)  |  Spreadsheet (12K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (88K)

Table 86: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in theft loss, by race of victims, type of crime and proportion of loss recovered
 2008:Acrobat file (12K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (124K)

Table 88: Percent of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by type of crime and race of victims
 2008:Acrobat file (41K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (97K)

Table 90: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by race of victims, type of crime, and number of days lost
 2008:Acrobat file (13K)  |  Spreadsheet (11K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (178K)

Table 103: Percent of reasons for not reporting victimizations to the police, by race of victims and type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (6K)  |  Spreadsheet (14K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (89K)

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