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Fire Program Statistics

Fire Program Statistics

2006 Non-WUI Treatments by Region

Rx Acres
Mech Acres
Other Acres
Total Acres
1 - Pacific 150 8,318.0 6,118.2 140.0 14,576.2
CNO 147 21,065.7 621.0 240.0 21,926.7
2 - Southwest 92 40,850.2 752.1 16.2 41,618.5
3 - Great Lakes 431 47,538.8 636.0 18.0 48,192.8
4 - Southeast 138 51,324.0 1,006.0 0.0 52,330.0
5 - Northeast 46 4,419.5 764.0 531.0 5,714.5
6 - Mountain-Prairie 276 47,841.5 53.0 0.0 47,894.5
7 - Alaska 22 9,633.0 24.0 0.0 9,657.0
1,302 230,990.7 9,974.3 945.2 241,910.2

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