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2012 - AAB Webisode 2

2012 US Army All-American Bowl

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  • 2012 - AAB Webisode 2

    2012 US Army All-American Bowl

    TAGS: Events AAB

    2012 - AAB Webisode 2
  • 2012 - AAB Webisode 4

    2012 US Army All-American Bowl

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: AAB Events

    2012 - AAB Webisode 4
  • 2012 - AAB Webisode 6

    2012 US Army All-American Bowl

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: AAB Events

    2012 - AAB Webisode 6
  • 2012 - AAB Webisode 8

    2012 US Army All-American Bowl

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: AAB Events

    2012 - AAB Webisode 8
  • 2012 - AAB Webisode 10

    2012 US Army All-American Bowl

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: AAB Events

    2012 - AAB Webisode 10
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2012 - AAB Webisode 2

2012 US Army All-American Bowl

My name is Kelsey Ferneau and I play mellophone for the U.S. Army All-American Band. We just had our first rehearsal, like major marching rehearsal; we’re going to have in total 24 hours of practice.
T. Andre Feagin: The whole marching band component, that whole moving and playing thing is so, so very important and because you have so many programs represented here its so important to get everyone on the same page and we are so pressed for time in an order to do that.
Jeremy Spicer: This is actually a digital metronome called the DV 90 we can do various subdivision of eighth note subdivisions, 16 base note subdivision. We get them to focus and place their feet, their heals exactly in time with what they hear and then that establishes ensemble cohesiveness.
Kelsey Ferneau: Finally performing it will be the best part. Cause we can just let loose and be the best we can be because you’ve worked up toward it.
I am All-American, Hooah.
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