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Materials Diffraction Suite Workshop


We are organizing a workshop on beamlines at NSLS-II devoted to powder diffraction and related materials science techniques, from noon on Monday, July 18, to 6 p.m., Tuesday July 19.

Please note, this site will be updated as workshop planning proceeds.


The workshop will cover various beamlines at NSLS-II that are at different stages of development. Some, such as X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD) are funded along with the NSLS-II project with construction commencing next year; others, like the NxtGen beamlines are approved, and yet others are proposed or on the drawing board. We are especially interested in attracting “occasional users” as well as "regular users" who may be interested in new capabilities and how they might enhance and complement their in-house research program.

The main topics for discussion will be:

  1. Advise the community of the status of the XPD beamline. This is part of the NSLS-II project, and will be available at the beginning of NSLS-II operations. See XPD Document (pdf)
  2. Begin to discuss "day-one" experiments on XPD - users' requirements for sample environments, software, detectors, etc.
  3. Discuss other beamlines with complementary missions and capabilities. For example, an In-situ X-ray Diffraction (IXD) beamline on a three-pole wiggler [IXD Document (pdf)] has been approved as part of the NxtGen phase of instrument construction. However, funding has not been secured, and participation of the scientific community for the preparation of a conceptual design report is crucial.

Workshops in July '07 and January '08 led to a Materials Diffraction Suite (MaDiS) white paper which proposed a Powder Instrument Next Generation (PING) beamline, which evolved into the XPD project beamline [MaDiS Document (pdf)]. The MaDiS white paper made clear that the high energy capabilities of XPD should be complemented by three-pole wiggler based powder and single crystal beamlines. So the coming workshop will be an important continuation of the MaDiS agenda.

The workshop will be based around breakout sessions on scientific opportunities and technical issues associated with XPD and other complementary beamlines associated with a materials science village at NSLS-II.

The main goal of this workshop will be to produce a white paper that we can use to make the case for one or more additional beamlines, and to argue for funding along side of the NSLS-II project. Your participation is crucial to insure that we can make the strongest possible case for support of our scientific programs.


On Tue,7/19 afternoon, we plan to have parallel Breakout sessions.

Organizing Committee


Please note, it is your responsibility to reserve your own accommodations. Transportation from area hotels is not provided by BNL. There is no public transportation to BNL. Attendees are strongly advised to make car rental arrangements prior to arrival. More...

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Last Modified: July 15, 2011