Author Archives: Guest Blogger

Ask Dr. Borders: About How Teaching Fellows Connect Policy with Practice

Teacher voice is a crucial part of any education reform. Yet, teachers often feel that they don’t have a voice or that they are not heard. In this issue of “Ask Dr. Borders,” Regional Teaching Ambassador Kareen Borders answers educators’ … Continue reading

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On Charter Schools and Swimming Pools: A Changing Tide in School Choice

Summer is a time when I am reminded that the world is divided into two kinds of people:  those who, when confronted with a cold swimming pool, enter one toe at a time and those who dive right in. In … Continue reading

Posted in News, P-12 Reform, Teachers | Tagged | 4 Comments

Inspired by Teachers. Again.

It wasn’t just the excitement of spending a pre-service day with Baltimore County teachers.  It wasn’t the promise of a new school year just days away.  It wasn’t even Arne Duncan’s encouraging speech that caused me to feel so connected … Continue reading

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First Lady Michelle Obama Hosts First-Ever Kids’ State Dinner

Click here for an alternate version of the video with an accessible player. Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Yesterday, First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the first-ever Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House, welcoming 54 budding chefs to a formal luncheon … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Preparing Graduates for Green Careers

Many ED-Green Ribbon Schools use an inquiry-based approach that allows students to engage with the environment, sustainability, and their community through real life application.  This week, we look at how high schools are preparing their graduates for future careers in … Continue reading

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Behind the Scenes: Getting Ready for the Kids’ State Dinner

Cross-posted from the Let’s Move! blog. We’re all pretty excited to greet 54 amazing young chefs at the White House on Monday, August 20, when First Lady Michelle Obama will host the first-ever Kids’ State Dinner. Joining us will be … Continue reading

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Teachers@ED: Steven Hicks, Special Assistant for Early Learning

Teaching is in Steven Hicks’ blood. Almost everyone in his immediate family – including his mother, father, and all of his seven younger sisters – has either taught or teaches today. And Hicks is no exception.  “I didn’t decide I … Continue reading

Posted in Early Learning, Headlines, News, Teachers, Teachers at ED, Teaching Profession | 4 Comments

#AskFAFSA Office Hours: Back-To-School Edition

Congratulations! You survived the campus visits, the standardized tests and the overwhelming application process, and now you are preparing for your first day of college. Maybe you’re taking this time to pick out your new bedding or purchase a new … Continue reading

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Check Out ED’s New Parents & Families Page

The Department of Education is proud to announce the launch of a new parent web page that provides resources aimed at parent and family engagement. This new addition to ED’s site is an excellent resource for those interested in learning … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Parent & Family Engagement | 13 Comments

New Resources to Make the Financial Aid Process Easier

Cross-posted from the White House Office of Public Engagement Earlier this year, I had the most amazing opportunity – to be part of a dynamic and creative team of people who are making it easier for high-school students and adult … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News | 3 Comments

Top 5 Benefits of the College Navigator

Whether you’re a high school student wanting to look into your college options or a parent trying to get ahead of the game, the college research and application process can be confusing. With 4,000 degree-granting institutions in the United States, … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Results Driven Accountability Effort – Question Two

OSEP appreciates the comments and suggestions posted in response to the most recent RDA blog question.  After reviewing those comments (click here to read them), it is clear that stakeholders believe that RDA must include both an analysis of student … Continue reading

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