Author Archives: Julie Ewart

Leaders and Teachers ‘Go the Extra Mile’ to Transform Milwaukee’s Hamilton High

“Turning around schools is one of the toughest, and important, challenges we face in education,” said Jason Snyder, a deputy assistant secretary from ED, as he toured Milwaukee Public Schools’ Alexander Hamilton High School in May. The school is in … Continue reading

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Secretary’s Mom Inspires National Service at Chicago Conference

Who inspires you? Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s hero is his mother, Sue Duncan, who founded a tutoring center in one of Chicago’s toughest neighborhoods 51 years ago, and continues to lead it today. The Secretary used his mom’s story … Continue reading

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Education + Industry + Race to the Top = Pathways to Good Jobs in Illinois

Just a few years ago, Alegandro Barrera thought he’d continue working at a local grocery store after graduating from high school in Wheeling, Ill.  It wasn’t a bad option, but he felt like he had no other choices.  But then, … Continue reading

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The Hard Work of School Turnarounds—When a Struggling School Becomes a Place Where Students Want to Be

Hammond High School junior Katherine Lopez has seen a big change in teachers’ attitudes since her freshman year at the northwest Indiana school in 2009/10. “Teachers seem much more involved with students and with what they’re teaching,” she said. “If … Continue reading

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i3 Grant Puts “I” in Team

As a 9th grade counselor at St. Louis Park Senior High School in suburban Minneapolis, Angie Jerabek was jarred by the 45 percent failure rate posted by the school’s freshmen in 1998.  She responded to the challenge by developing a … Continue reading

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North Minneapolis Promise Neighborhood Comes Together to Boost Education Opportunity

Tornado devastation, rampant foreclosures, tragic street violence and initial disappointment at not earning a Promise Neighborhoods planning grant in 2010 did not deter the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) from moving ahead with plans to build a culture of achievement in … Continue reading

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Springfield, Ohio: ‘We Don’t Let Barriers Get in the Way’

While Springfield, Ohio schools cope with a growing number of poor families, an achievement gap and a declining population — similar to many other districts nationwide — the community is tackling those challenges head-on. “We don’t let barriers get in … Continue reading

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Working Together Is the Only Way

“In these times of limited resources, working together is the only way,” said Aurora, Ill., Mayor Tom Weisner during Assistant Secretary of Communications and Outreach Peter Cunningham’s visit to his city last month. The President’s proposed American Jobs Act and … Continue reading

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“We Need Help to Have Better Schools”

“When ceiling tiles need to be changed once a week, it’s hard for students to feel like they’re here for serious business,” said LaTanza Boarden, principal of Lew Wallace Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Academy, during a visit by Peter Cunningham, … Continue reading

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What Inspires Young Teens?

What inspires young teens to do well in school? The admission from President Obama that he wasn’t always a perfect student really struck a chord with 6th – 9th graders as they watched the President’s  3rd Annual Back-to-School speech on Sept. 28 in Chicago. “I … Continue reading

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Answering Federal Student Aid Questions in Chicago

CHICAGO – Parents and students voiced questions about federal funding for college, and got some answers in an informal town hall meeting with Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education Eduardo Ochoa at Mather High School on Chicago’s north side last Friday. … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News, Schools and Community | Tagged | 3 Comments

Teachers ‘Go Bananas’ Over Real-World Connections to STEM

How can a room full of bananas help teachers get kids excited about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)? Secretary Duncan and other national leaders say that U.S. students need to complete a rigorous math and science coursework so they’re … Continue reading

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