Category Archives: Schools and Community

Announcing the New

Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently unveiled the revitalized Stop Bullying website The site encourages children, parents, educators, and communities to take action to stop and prevent bullying, and provides a map … Continue reading

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Wisconsin Community Targets Achievement Gap

Michael Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County, in Madison, Wis., can hardly contain his enthusiasm about recent support his agency received from more than a dozen corporations and hundreds of local donors to help … Continue reading

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ED Program Helps Put Homeless Students on Right Track

According to a 2009 study, four in 10 children in Milwaukee are poor. Milwaukee Public Schools is the largest school district in Wisconsin with an enrollment of 80,000 students — 80 percent qualify for free or reduced-priced meals. More than … Continue reading

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Deputy Secretary Tony Miller Addresses the Importance of Community Involvement in Education Reform in Richmond, Virginia

Last Wednesday, Deputy Secretary Tony Miller was joined by former Virginia Governor and Mayor of Richmond, Douglas Wilder, and 25 African-American community leaders in Richmond, Virginia to discuss the importance of community-led education reform efforts.  The roundtable discussion included leaders … Continue reading

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A Coming of Age Moment

Secretary Arne Duncan visited the Green Schools National Conference in Denver yesterday, where he praised the 1,500 educators in attendance for their commitment to greening our schools. Continue reading

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Teaming Up in Philly to Promote Childhood Literacy

For the almost 8,000 students in the 14 square-mile radius of West Philadelphia, discovering the world of books isn’t easy. Many of the area’s schools lack library facilities, and, if libraries are on school grounds, they often have few books. … Continue reading

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How Are You Increasing Opportunities in Rural Schools?

President Obama’s FY2013 budget request includes a discretionary funding increase of $1.7 billion for education, maintains critical formula funding that many rural schools depend on, and proposes new grant opportunities to support innovation. Many rural schools are forming partnerships to … Continue reading

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A Green Revolution for All

Two weeks from today, Secretary Duncan will take the stage at the Green Schools National Conference in Denver, providing a high note at what is fast becoming the largest annual meeting of the green schools movement. The Secretary and other … Continue reading

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U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools: For an Education Built to Last

Last week President Obama asked us to work together to create an America built to last — one that thrives on innovation, collaboration, affordable education and spending within our means.   As part of this effort, the U.S. Department of Education … Continue reading

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Duncan Discusses College Affordability During Florida Town Halls

“The way we’re going to bring in and keep the great jobs in this country is by having the most educated workforce,” Secretary Duncan said last week at a town hall in Pembroke Pines, Fla. Speaking with a large group … Continue reading

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Nevada District Finds Success in Turning Around

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of vising Dilworth STEM Academy for 7th and 8th graders in Sparks, Nevada to meet with Washoe County School District (WCSD) leadership and school staff. This district serves 63,000 and has had amazing success … Continue reading

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A Special Message on National Gay-Straight Alliance Day

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Since taking office, President Obama and his Administration have taken many steps to ensure that all students are safe and healthy and can learn in environments free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. Bullying is … Continue reading

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