NHGRI Institutional Review Board (IRB)

NHGRI Institutional Review Board

Scientific Review Committee and Institutional Review Board Calendar

Below is the schedule of the deadlines of the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Due Dates for Submission of Protocols.

The IRB meetings are scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. in Building 10, Room 1C143, Department of Clinical Bioethics Conference Room.

Please NOTE: Meetings will be the 2nd Thursday of the month. There may be exceptions throughout the year due to conflicts.

Submit to PTMS
for SRC Review
SRC Coments
Submit Pre-Review for
Initial Protocol
NHGRI IRB Submission
Mon., Jun. 4, 2012 Wed., Jun. 20, 2012 Mon., Jul. 4, 2012 Tue., Jul. 19, 2012 Thu., Aug. 2, 2012
Mon., Jul. 9, 2012 Wed., Jul. 25, 2012 Mon., Aug. 6, 2012 Tue., Aug. 28, 2012 Thu., Sep. 13, 2012
Mon. Aug. 13, 2012 Wed., Aug. 29, 2012 Mon., Sep. 10, 2012 Tue., Sep. 252012 Thu., Oct. 11, 2012
Mon., Sept. 10, 2012 Wed., Sep. 26, 2012 Tue., Oct. 9, 2012 Tue., Oct. 23, 2012 Thu., Nov. 8, 2012
Tue., Oct. 9, 2012 Wed., Oct. 24, 2012 Mon., Nov. 5, 2012 Tue., Nov. 20, 2012 Thu., Dec. 13, 2012
Tue., Nov. 13, 2012 Wed., Nov. 28, 2012 Mon., Dec. 10, 2012 Wed., Dec. 26, 2012 Thu., Jan. 10, 2013
Tue., Dec. 10, 2012 Wed., Dec. 19, 2012 Mon., Jan. 7, 2013 Tue., Jan. 29, 2013 Thu., Feb. 14, 2013
Tue., Jan. 15, 2013 Wed., Jan. 30, 2013 Mon., Feb. 11, 2013 Tue., Feb. 26, 2013 Thu., Mar. 14, 2013
Tue., Feb. 11, 2013 Wed., Feb. 27, 2013 Mon., Mar. 11, 2013 Tue., Mar. 26, 2013 Thu., Apr. 11, 2013
Tue., Mar. 11, 2013 Wed., Mar. 27, 2013 Mon., Apr. 8, 2013 Tue., Apr. 23, 2013 Thu., May 9, 2013
Tue., Apr. 9, 2013 Wed., Apr. 24, 2013 Mon., May 13, 2013 Tue., May 28, 2013 Thu., Jun. 13, 2013
Tue., May 14, 2013 Wed., May 29, 2013 Mon., Nov. 13, 2012 Tue., Jun. 25, 2013 Thu., Jul. 11, 2013

Please e-mail Victoria Willits when you have all your SRC information in Protocol Tracking and Management System (PTMS) so that she can forward information on to Gayle Gwyn, Office of the Clinical Director.

For Scientific Review Committee, Protocols should be entered into PTMS under the Scientific Review Notice and Response. 

IRB Protocols should be submitted into PTMS and the PI must go into PTMS once the attachments have been entered and hit the submit toggle.  The Conflict of Interest (COI's) automatically go to Ethics once the PI hits Submit.  If you are adding an AI from NIH they must either sign off on the protocol (front page) or send an email stating they acknowledge being on the protocol.  If they are outside of NHGRI then they must have their CD also send an email stating it's OK for them to participate on the protocol.  OPS will not sign off on any protocol without those acknowledgements.

For SRC review, protocols should be entered into PTMS under Scientific Review Notice and Response.

Please contact Victoria Willits, IRB Coordinator at vwillits@mail.nih.gov or call 301-496-1906.

SRC information:  Contact Gayle Gwyn at ggwyn@mail.nih.gov

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Last Updated: July 3, 2012