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Applications deadline is November 29, 2012.

Since 2002, more than $43 million in grants.

Grants have supported 395 projects in more than 35 countries.

Partners have contributed an additional $166 million.

More than 3 million acres of habitat affected.

2013 Proposal Instructions Posted
Proposal instructions, a proposal template and guidance on how to apply are now available on the Grant Applicants section of our website. Please visit those to learn more about how to apply for our program this year. The deadline to apply is November 29, 2012.

Pilot Program Continues Focus on High Priority Species for the 2013 Funding Cycle
The NMBCA pilot program targets a portion of funding on a group of particularly threatened Neotropical migratory birds with the goal of achieving a measurable biological improvement in these species over the next 5-10 years. Twenty-five to 30 percent of NMBCA funding for 2013 will be dedicated in support of projects that propose to address these species as outlined in these instructions. The remaining 70-75 percent of funds will be dedicated in support of the traditional NMBCA program, where conservation projects addressing any Neotropical migratory bird species are eligible.

The Southern Cone grasslands
The Southern Cone grasslands of South America are important for resident and migratory birds.  Read about the efforts of the Southern Cones Grasslands Alliance, a collaboration funded by NMBCA grants. In an effort to preserve important areas and promote responsible land management in southern South America, international conservation organizations created the Southern Cone Grasslands Alliance.  A 2003 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided the seed money the Alliance needed to get off the ground.  
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Last updated: June 21, 2011