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Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act Partnership

Since inception, the PRIA2 Partnership has awarded $2.3 million to support eleven grant projects. These projects are helping growers shift to more comprehensive use of IPM techniques, spreading IPM into the nation's schools and urban environments, and characterizing the environmental factors affecting infectious disease transmission to humans.

Established in 2008, the Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act Partnership (PRIA2) funds grant projects that advance public-private partnerships focusing on pesticide stewardship efforts, especially the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The maximum funding level is $250,000 per project, and the project period of performance is limited to two years from the award date.

Who Can Apply for a PRIA2 Partnership Grant?
Funding is available to:

  • States
  • U.S. territories or possessions
  • Federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments
  • Native American Organizations
  • Public and private universities
  • Hospitals and laboratories
  • Commodity organizations, farmer groups, and other public or private nonprofit institutions
  • Individuals

What Types of Projects Do PRIA2 Partnership Grants Support?
The PRIA2 partnership seeks to achieve the following goals:

  • Promote partnerships between stakeholders, producers, commodity groups, scientists, extension, and government agencies to demonstrate, promote, and expand reduced-risk/IPM practices
  • Measure and document the effects and impacts of using the reduced risk/IPM programs on the environment, human health, and community
  • Promote the economic benefits of implementing IPM approaches and provide pesticide users data and analysis on costs associated with adopting IPM

Applicable projects utilize demonstration, outreach, and/or education to increase the adoption of reduced-risk/IPM approaches. For a description of the projects funded over the past two years, see the 2011 PRIA2 Grants and 2010 PRIA2 Grants pages.

When Can I Apply?

Information regarding future PRIA grant solicitations will be provided once the program's funding status for fiscal year 2013 has been clarified.

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