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The Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) is a voluntary membership program that promotes the adoption of innovative, alternative pest control practices such as Integrated Pest Management (IPM). In becoming a PESP member, you join more than 250 nationally-recognized organizations committed to reducing the human health and environmental risks associated with pesticide use. Members demonstrate this commitment by developing an IPM strategy and may elect to independently document their improvement. Members enjoy a range of benefits plus the satisfaction of knowing that they are helping their community. We invite you to join today!

Membership Eligibility and Commitments
Benefits of Membership
How Can I Join?
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program Brochure (print version, 2 pp, 2MB, About PDF)

Membership Eligibility and Commitments
PESP membership is open to companies and organizations that:

  • Use pesticides
  • Represent pesticide users
  • Implement or influence pest management practices of pesticide users

Companies that primarily manufacture or market pest control chemicals or products are generally not eligible for membership.

Although PESP members represent diverse segments of the pesticide-user community, they often share common pesticide challenges. PESP membership is divided into four groups of members who share common pesticide interests, such as community IPM and sustainable agriculture.

PESP Groups-Where Do You Fit?
Where You Live
  • Homeowner associations and residential building managers
  • Landscaping retailers, service providers, and associations
  • Gardening retailers and associations
  • Environmental organizations
  • Local, state, and federal governments
Where You Play
Managers of:
  • Recreational areas such as golf courses, parks, and sports venues
  • Shopping centers
  • Vacation and entertainment destinations
Where You Work
  • Pest management professionals and associations

Managers of:

  • Utility companies (rights-of-way)
  • Office buildings
  • Industrial sites
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
On the Farm
  • Growers
  • Grower associations
  • Food processors
  • Agricultural researchers

PESP has three membership tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. New PESP members enter the program at the Bronze level. PESP members may independently develop an IPM strategy that may include, for example:  Risk Reduction, Education/Promotion, and Economic Benefits.  PESP members may elect to incependently track their progress toward their strategic goals as shown by their performance measures. 

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Benefits of Membership
Membership guarantees advantages and benefits that not only boost your own environmental stewardship efforts, but also assists PESP in reaching its goals. As you advance through PESP, you will be increasingly promoted and recognized by PESP for your work as well as receive expanded support to further your stewardship efforts. Joining PESP gives you an opportunity to publicly show your concern for the environment and society. Benefits include:

Public Recognition
PESP publicly recognizes members who have demonstrated their commitment to environmental stewardship and made progress in reducing pesticide risk. Such recognition may include:

  • An article in the monthly PESPWire e-bulletin or in program progress reports
  • A published success story
  • Coverage in press releases
  • PESP awards

Technical Assistance
EPA can:

  • Assist members transitioning to lower risk pest management practices
  • Help members develop their IPM strategies
  • Provide information on EPA activities
  • Research where a product is in the registration queue
  • Provide information on grant/funding opportunities to support strategy implementation

Improved Perception and Support
Membership enhances the public's view of your organization and boosts your organization's reputation that is committed to reducing risks associated with pesticides.

Technology Transfer

  • Invitations to workshops and symposia providing PESP members with a forum to address industry-specific challenges and solutions
  • Networking opportunities at awards ceremonies

Additional Benefits

  • Assistance in tracking and learning about EPA regulatory activities
  • Support for members' existing outreach programs
  • Support for members' existing certification programs
  • Umbrella memberships for trade associations

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How Can I Join?
Joining PESP and maintaining your membership is simple!

  • APPLICATION: Tell us about your organization and your interest in joining PESP.  With the application you will submit a statement committing to develop and use innovative practices that reduce risk to human health and the environment as well as pledging that environmental stewardship is an integral part of your pest management program.

We’re here to help you every step of the way! To get started simply complete a Member Application Form.

If you have trouble accessing this form, please contact us.

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