Chapter Search

Visit your local ICAN Chapter!


ICAN Chapter meetings are open to the public but we encourage you to join and support your ICAN chapter at the local level so that all women in your area will have access to the resources and support of the ICAN organization. A local chapter is invaluable in assisting women seeking information about caregivers or hospitals in her area and creates opportunities for women of like minds to meet in a safe place to share their experiences and make changes in their community.


Please keep in mind that all of our Chapter Leaders are mother-volunteers. If you do not get a response to your email, we recommend calling and leaving a message. If you have trouble reaching your local Chapter Leader, please contact the Chapter Director.


Click on a U.S. State or Canadian Province below to find a chapter near you. 


You can also check out our ICAN Professional Subscribers list to find an ICAN Professional Subscriber in your area.

Search for ICAN Chapters:


No Chapter in your area? If there is no chapter listed near you and you are seeking support, please contact your Regional Coordinator and she will assist you in finding local contacts.


MidEast - Mari Nebbaki mideastrc @ 

MidLakes: Julie Herr midlakesrc @

MidSouth: Ruthie Dicken midsouthrc @

Midwest: Martha Basham midwestrc @

Northeast: Sarah Dulany-Wilhelmi northeastrc @

Northwest: Christa Billings northwestrc @

Southeast: Melissa Taylor-Sivulka southeastrc @

Southwest: Mariel Cairns southwestrc @

Canada: Nicole Eramian presidentcanada @

Mexico: Mary Acasuso mexicorc @

UK: Tina Coley ukrc @

Caribbean: Monica Ruiz-Melendez caribbeanrc @

International: Vacant international @ to apply


Your area not represented? Consider starting a local chapter. It's easier than you think!  **Check out our ICAN Chapter FAQ page!**


Order your ICAN Chapter Guidebook -- chock-full of valuable information and resources for starting a chapter. Leader Applicant Fee, Chapter Guidebook and Accreditation Fee only $50.00 USD.


(Please note: You must be an ICAN Subscriber to order a guidebook. If you are not, please subscribe here. Your status will be verified before completing this order.  Also note that your Leader Applicant Fee is non-refundable.  If you are joining an existing chapter as a leader or co-leader, please contact your Regional Coordinator or the Chapter Director before submitting payment.)

To pay the Leader Applicant Fee and receive the official Chapter Guidebook (e-mailed in PDF format within one week of payment), please click the PayPal button below:




To order via another form of payment or for any other questions, please contact the Chapter Director.


Due to economic differences between countries, subscription rates and Chapter Leader Applicant Fees are adjusted for International subscribers.  To start a chapter outside of the United States or Canada, please contact the International Director for adjusted rates and payment instructions.


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