New Titles List

The New Title list is a selection of newly received Agency documents available to order or, in some instances, to view online. This list changes about every month when the site is updated with the newest titles. You can scroll down to the end of the page to see when the list was updated last. For an explanation of the listing on this page, there is an ordering page available.

Orderable Hardcopy Documents

EPA Pub # Document Title

Online Documents

100F08029 Children's Environmental Health Disparities Black and African American Children and Asthma

100F08030 Children's Environmental Health Disparities Black and African American Children and Secondhand Smoke

180R97004 EPA Guidance for Utilization of Small, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises in Procurement Under Assistance Agreements

21A2001V2 Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission Study : Draft

2300389047 ASA/EPA Conferences on Interpretation of Environmental Data: IV. Compliance Sampling, October 5-6, 1987

2300689063 Processing Hazardous Materials Risk Information at the Local Level : Final Report on Phase One of Community Interpretation of Hazardous Materials Risk Information

2301088042 Heart Disease Patients' Averting Behavior, Costs of Illness, and Willingness to Pay to Avoid Angina Episodes

2301185018 AERE (Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Workshop on Recreation Demand Modeling

2301284002VOL1 Survey Management Handbook. Volume 1. Guidelines for Planning and Managing a Statistical Survey

2301284002VOL2 Survey Management Handbook. Volume 2. Overseeing the Technical Progress of a Survey Contract

2301285029 Alternative Methods for Toxicity Testing: Regulatory Policy Issues

231E15002B How Materials Management Wizard (MWiz) Works

300S16001BA EJ 2020 Action Agenda Revised {Chinese}

402K02003 A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home

420B16063 Logistics Company Partner 2.0.14 Tool: Quick Start Guide, 2015 Data Year - United States Version

420B16068 Step-By-Step Guide to Submit 40 CFR Part 85 Defect, Recall, and Quarterly Reports to EPA

420B16069 Step-By-Step Guide to Submit 40 CFR Part 1068 Investigation, Defect, Remedial Plan, and Quarterly Reports to EPA

420B16083 How to Use the Efficient Producer Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Calculator, Version 1.1

420B16086 Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting/EISA 141 Compliant Light Duty Vehicles: Model Year 2017 - Updated November 22, 2016

420D16004 Proposed Denial of Petitions for Rulemaking to Change the RFS Point of Obligation

420D91001 Preliminary Non-Attainment Area Population Estimates for Off-Road Equipment

420D93001 Control of NOx and Smoke Emissions from Nonroad Compression-Ignition Engines Greater than or Equal to 50 Horsepower (37.5 kilowatts) : Draft Regulatory Support Document

420F16053 Questions and Answers Regarding EPA's Tier 3 Gasoline Sulfur Regulations: 40 CFR Part 80 Subparts D, E, H, and O

420P01001 Strategies and Issues in Correlating Diesel Fuel Properties with Emissions: Staff Discussion Document

420R16002 Fuel Supply Defaults: Regional Fuels and the Fuel Wizard in MOVES2014

420R16013 Peer Review of ALPHA Full Vehicle Simulation Model

420R16015 Content Analysis of Model Year 2014 Professional Automotive Reviews

420R16016 Air Toxic Emissions from On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014

420R16017 Speciation Profiles and Toxic Emission Factors for Nonroad Engines

420R16018 Cost Reduction through Learning in Manufacturing Industries and in the Manufacture of Mobile Sources

420R16019 Renewable Fuel Standard Program - Standards for 2017 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2018: Response to Comments

420R79001 1969 Heavy-Duty Engine Baseline Program and 1983 Emission Standards Development

420R87001 Using Unmarked Vehicles in Decentralized I/M Programs : Guidance Manual

420R92010 Development of Vehicle Emissions Computer Simulation Model

452R07007A Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper

460385003 In-Use Evaporative Canister Evaluation

460A8131 Application for Certification 1981 Model Year Heavy-Duty Engines Mack Trucks

530R02007 Waste Minimization Trends Report (1991-1998)

530R78011 Public Hearing on the Proposed Guidelines for the State Hazardous Waste Programs, March 9, 1978

530SW89017A Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Cyanide Wastes

540R86023 Economic impact analysis for the proposed reportable quantity adjustments for radionuclides under Section 102 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

540R94014 Audit Management Process Reference Guide

540R94026 Oceania Regional Contingency Plan

540R94028 Area Contingency Plan for Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases for Inland Zone of New Jersey

540R94029 Area Contingency Plan for Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases for Inland Zone of New York State

540R94033 Federal Region 4 Regional Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan

540R94052 US EPA Region VII Inland Area Contingency Plan

5601180022 Failure to Produce Arsenic Neurotoxicity in the Rat. An Experimental Study

5601981ICF001 Economic Impact and Small Business Definition Analysis for the Final TSCA Section 8(a) Preliminary Assessment Information Rule : Final Report

560482005 Analysis of TSCA Section 8(a) Small Manufacturer Exemption

570990200 My Book About Water

570990600 The Safe Drinking Water Act : A Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems

570991028 WATERS : Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation and Reporting System

600180032 Pesticide Effects on Prenatal Cardiovascular Physiology. I. An Electrocardiographic Study of Mirex-Exposed Rat Fetuses and Newborns. II. An Analysis of the Causes of Perinatal Deaths Induced by Prenatal Exposure to Mirex

600280075D Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions from Petroleum Refining:. Volume 4. Appendices C, D and E

600280174 Tunable Diode Laser Stack Monitor for Sulfuric Acid Vapor

600281208 Restoring Hazardous Spill-Damaged Areas : Technique Identification/Assessment

600282057a Hitachi Zosen NOx Flue Gas Treatment Process : Volume 1 : Pilot Plant Evaluation : September 1982

600377105 Nonpoint Source -- Stream Nutrient Level Relationships : A Nationwide Study

600380092 Biological Monitoring of Toxic Trace Metals. Volume 2. Toxic Trace Metals in Plants and Animals of the World. Part III

600485034 Evaluation of Passive Sampling Devices (PSDs)

600485043 Development of a Portable Monitor for Detection of Toxic Organic Compounds

600485045 Review of Sampling and Analysis Methodology for Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds in Air from Mobile Sources

600485046 Application of the Microenvironment Monitoring Approach to Assess Human Exposure to Carbon Monoxide

600780155A Trace Metals and Stationary Conventional Combustion Processes: Volume 1. Technical Report

600780157 Fabric Filtration Analyses for Three Utility Boiler Flyashes

600781065 Model of Migration in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region

600781115 Legal and Institutional Aspects of Interstate Power Plant Development in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region

600981014 Computer Program Documentation for the Stream Quality Model QUAL-II : An Intermediate Technical Report

600A93242 Landfill Gas Pretreatment for Fuel Cell Applications

600A93251 Simultaneous Calibration of Open-Path and Conventional Point Monitors for Measuring Ambient Air Concentrations of Sulfur Dioxide, Ozone, and Nitrogen Dioxide

600A93253 Measurements of Soil Permeability and Pressure Fields in EPA's Soil-Gas Chamber

600A93256 Engineering Aspects of Waterborne Disease Outbreak Investigations

600A93257 Evaluation of the Impacts of Incinerator Waste Feed Cutoffs

600A93267 Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs

600A93278 Life Cycle Analysis: Its Place in Waste Management

600A93280 Practical Tools and Concepts for Environmental Audits and Assessments

600A94073 Assessing Ozone Effects on Plants Native to the Southeastern United States

600A94247 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program for Waste Management Facilities

600A94255 Human Exposure Estimates of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)

600A94259 NOx Control Technology Requirements under the United States' 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments Compared to Those in Selected Pacific Rim Countries

600A94264 US Environmental Protection Agency's National Strategy for Radon Remediation

600A95001 Evaluation of Fungal Growth Penicillium Glabrum on a Ceiling Tile

600FR89001 Proposed Amendments to the Guidellines for the Health Assessment of Suspect Developmental Toxicants : Request for Comments, Notice

600J84289 Lake Tahoe Visibility Study

600J84324 Transformations of Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Microcosms and Groundwater

600J89418 TCLP as a Measure of Treatment Effectiveness : Results of TCLP Work Completed on Different Treatment Technologies for CERCLA Soils

600J93162 Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Phanerochaete Chrysosporium

600M86007 Ground-Water Data Management with STORET

600N92004 ORD Publications Announcement

600N93009 ORD Publications Announcement : February-May 1993

600N93017 ORD Publications Announcement

600R16220 Characterization of Emissions from Open Burning of Meals Ready-to-Eat and their Paperboard Packaging

600R16225 Micro Auto Gasification System: Emissions Characterization

600R99096 Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Exposure for Fourteen Cities Using HAPEM-MS3

730B95001 Catalog of OPP Publications and Other Information Media

730F98022 Pesticide Fact Sheet Name of Chemical(s): Kaolin

730F98023 Pesticide Fact Sheet Name of Chemicals: Killed Fermentation Solids and Solubles of Myrothecium Verrucaria

730F98033 Pesticide Fact Sheet Name of Chemical(s): Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate

732R00002 Pesticide Data Submitters List by Chemicals, 2000

732R98001C Pesticide Data Submitters List: Volume 2a

738R093024 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Barium Metaborate

817B16004 Exploratory Analysis of Time-Series Data to Prepare for Real-time Online Water Quality Monitoring

821F13001 Preliminary 2012 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan Factsheet

821R02002A Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase II Existing Facilities Rule Part A -B

821R02002B Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase II Existing Facilities Rule. Part C - E

821R02002C Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase II Existing Facilities Rule Part F -G

821R02002D Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase II Existing Facilities Rule. Part H - I

821R04011V1 Technical Development Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point Source Category (40 CFR 432). Volume 1 of 4

821R04011V2 Technical Development Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point Source Category (40 CFR 432). Volume 2 of 4

821R04011V3 Technical Development Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point Source Category (40 CFR 432). Volume 3 of 4

821R04011V4 Technical Development Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point Source Category (40 CFR 432). Volume 4 of 4

822K94001 Cryptosporidium

823D96001 National Sediment Contaminant Point Source Inventory : Analysis of Facility Release Data.

823F16003 Revision of Federal Human Health Criteria Applicable to Washington Fact Sheet

830R81102 Design Module : Management Plans and Implementation Issues. Small Alternative Wastewater Systems Workshops

832R83119 Injection Well Procedures Manual : A Case Study of the Raft River Geothermal Project, Idaho

833B89102 Manual: Guidance for Writing Case-by-Case Permit Requirements for Municipal Sewage Sludge

833B96005 Whole Effluent Toxicity Training Course

841F16001EE Nonpoint Source Success Story Arizona Erosion Control and Natural Degradation of Pesticides Leads to a Decline in Pollutants in the Middle Gila River

904980055 Collection and Analysis of Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Data from Upwind Ozone Monitoring Sites for Louisville Kentucky and Nashville Tennessee

APTD0906 Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Diesel Engines : A Theoretical Analysis

APTD0945 Engineering and Cost Effectiveness Study of Flouride Emissions Control (Final Report) Volume I

RODR0396214 Superfund Record of Decision : River Road Landfill/Waste Management, Inc., PA