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Radiation Emergencies
Emergency Response:

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Emergency Preparedness
and Response

Below you will find links to information about the roles of various organizations in preparing for and responding to radiation emergencies.

On this page:

Other EPA Organizations

General Emergency Response

Office of Emergency Management
Coordinates and implements a wide range of activities to ensure that adequate and timely response measures are taken in communities affected by hazardous substances and oil releases where state and local first responder capabilities have been overwhelmed.

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response: Emergencies, Accidents, and Spills
There is a complex system of responsibilities for these types of emergencies because there are many parts to them. This site describes the response system.

Emergency Response Team (ERT East and West)
The Emergency Response Team is recognized as a vital link in EPA's efforts to remediate and limit damage to the environment and assess threats to human health.

National Radiation Labs

National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory

Nuclear Emergency Response
The NAREL emergency response teams support EPA's overall emergency preparedness responsibility. Teams are trained and equipped to respond to nuclear emergencies anywhere in the nation.

RadNet Monitoring System
RadNet is a national network of monitoring stations that regularly collect air, precipitation, drinking water, and milk samples for analysis of radioactivity.

Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory (R&IENL)

Environmental Restoration, Monitoring, and Emergency Response
R&IENL's Center for Environmental Restoration, Monitoring, and Emergency Response (CERMER) measures and monitors the concentration, distribution, and transport of radioactive materials.

Regional Offices

Radiological Emergency Response Contacts
This page provides phone numbers for EPA's Regional radiological emergency response contacts.

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Other Federal Organizations

Department of Homeland Security:

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security: Weapons of Mass Destruction
This page provides links to key federal nuclear response organizations.

National Response Plan
This page describes the content of the NRP and provides links to additional related material.

National Fire Academy Independent Study Courses
This page provides links to National Fire Academy self-study courses in the Incident Command Structure and other emergency-related areas.

Revised IS-800 National Response Plan (NRP), An Introduction
This course introduces the NRP.  It is intended for DHS and other Federal staff responsible for implementing the NRP, and Tribal, State, local and private sector emergency management professionals.

IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS)
This course introduces NIMS, explaining the purpose, principles, key components and benefits of NIMS. The course also contains "Planning Activity" screens, giving an opportunity to complete some planning tasks during the course.

National Disaster Medical System
This page describes the National Disaster Medical System and provides links to support and training for emergency responders, managers and response team leader.

Department of Health and Human Services:

Centers for Disease Control

Emergency Preparedness and Response: Radiation Emergencies
On this page, CDC offers information to help people be prepared for a radiation emergency.

U.S. Department of Energy

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
This page describes the FRMAC and its operation. It also provides links to fact sheets and other materials.

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site
This site describes REACT, its activities, the courses offered, and links to publications.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Nonproliferation and Homeland Security
This page contains information about LLNL's activities in emergency preparedness, prevention, and response.

National Response Team

National Response Team
The U.S. National Response Team (NRT) is an organization of 16 Federal departments and agencies responsible for coordinating emergency preparedness and response to oil and hazardous substance pollution incidents. This site provides links to technical assistance, resources and coordination on preparedness, planning, response and recovery activities related to emergencies of national significance.

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State Governments and Organizations   Exit EPA Disclaimer

Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors: Homeland Security
This page provides additional links to information for state emergency response organizations.

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International Links   Exit EPA Disclaimer

International Atomic Energy Agency
This site offers articles and reports of interest to those interested in nuclear security issues.

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Counter Terrorism Organizations

The White House/Homeland Security

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Threats and Protection
This site describes DHS's programs and activities aimed at identifying and deterring terrorist threats.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBI Counter Terrorism
This page describes the counter terrorism activities of the FBI. It includes analyses of threats, terrorist incidents, and the FBI's most wanted terrorists list.

DHS/Federal Emergency Management Agency

Emergency Response to Terrorism
This link opens a National Fire Academy self-study course on responding to terrorism.

FEMA: Terrorism
This site offers general information about terrorism and different types of terrorist attacks.


Chemical Emergency Prevention and Preparedness: Role in Homeland Security
This site describes EPA's role in homeland security.

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