CRM Cultural Resource Management Title Image

Volume 23
No. 09

Beyond Compliance: Tribes of the Southwest

23 - 09 Beyond Compliance: Tribes of the Southwest Cover Image

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Virginia Salazar; Jake Barrow

Beyond Compliance -
Planning Heritage Preservation for Native American Ancestral Sites
Frank Matero

Maintaining Traditions -
The Importance of Neighboring Tribes in the Effective Management of National Park Resources
Thomas Merlan; Loren Panteah; Myron Gonzales

Office of American Indian Trust Responsibilities -
Intermountain Region, National Park Service

The Reconquest of Fort Apache -
The White Mountain Apache Tribe Reclaims Its History and Culture
John R. Welch; Nancy Mahaney; Ramon Riley

Restoring Acoma -
The Pueblo Revitalization Projects
Dennis G. Playdon; Brian D. Vallo

Three Groundbreaking Conferences -
Ancestral Peoples of the Four Corners Region
Allen Bohnert

NAGPRA and Beyond -
Cooperation Leads to Precedents at the NAGPRA Review Committee Meeting
Virginia Salazar; Gary Roybal; Jeff Denny; Alexa Roberts

Living on the Edge -
Combining Traditional Pueblo Knowledge, Permaculture, and Archeology
Louie Hena; Kurt F. Anschuetz

American Indian Liaison Office

Sand Creek Massacre Site Oral History -
Protecting Tribal Intellectual Property
Alexa Roberts

Reburying History -
Backfilling at Aztec Ruins National Monument and the Power of Consultation
Theresa F. Nichols

Multiple Views of the Past -
Integrating Archeology and Ethnography in the Jeddito Valley
Nina Swidler; David Eck; T. J. Ferguson; Leigh Kuwanwisiwma; Roger Anyon; Loren Panteah; Klara Kelley; Harris Francis

The Navajo Nation Model -
Tribal Consultation Under the National Historic Preservation Act
Alan Downer

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