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Molecular Diagnostics:

Muñoz-Jordán J.L., Collins CS, Vergne E, et al. Highly sensitive detection of dengue virus nucleic acid in samples from clinically ill patients. J Clin Microbiol 2009; 47:927-931.

Das, S., Pingle, M. R., Muñoz-Jordán, J.L., Rundell, M. S., Rondini, S., Granger, K., Chang, G. J., Kelly, E., Spier, E. G., Larone, D., et al. (2008). Detection and serotyping of dengue virus in serum samples by multiplex reverse transcriptase PCR-ligase detection reaction assay. J Clin Microbiol 46, 3276-3284.

Thoisy, B. D., Lacoste, V., Germain, A., Muñoz-Jordán, J.L., Colón, C., Mauffrey, J. F., Delaval, M., Catzeflis, F., Kazanji, M., Matheus, S., et al. (2008). Dengue Infection in Neotropical Forest Mammals. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis.

Rondini, S., Pingle, M. R., Das, S., Tesh, R., Rundell, M. S., Hom, J., Stramer, S., Turner, K., Rossmann, S. N., Lanciotti, R., Muñoz-Jordán, J. L., et al. (2008). Development of multiplex PCR-ligase detection reaction assay for detection of West Nile virus. J Clin Microbiol 46, 2269-2279.

Vasilakis, N., Durbin, A. P., da Rosa, A. P., Muñoz-Jordán, J. L., Tesh, R. B., and Weaver, S. C. (2008). Antigenic Relationships between Sylvatic and Endemic Dengue Viruses. Am J Trop Med Hyg 79, 128-132.

Puig-Basagoiti, F., Tilgner, M., Bennett, C. J., Zhou, Y., Muñoz-Jordán, J. L., García-Sastre, A., Bernard, K. A., and Shi, P. Y. (2007). A mouse cell-adapted NS4B mutation attenuates West Nile virus RNA synthesis. Virology 361, 229-241.

Sariol, C. A., Muñoz-Jordán, J. L., Abel, K., Rosado, L. C., Pantoja, P., Giavedoni, L., Rodríguez, I. V., White, L. J., Martínez, M., Arana, T., and Kraiselburd, E. N. (2007). Transcriptional activation of interferon-stimulated genes but not of cytokine genes after primary infection of rhesus macaques with dengue virus type 1. Clin Vaccine Immunol 14, 756-766.

Muñoz-Jordán, J. L., Laurent-Rolle, M., Ashour, J., Martínez-Sobrido, L., Ashok, M., Lipkin, W. I., and García-Sastre, A. (2005). Inhibition of alpha/beta interferon signaling by the NS4B protein of flaviviruses. J Virol 79, 8004-8013.

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Serologic Diagnostics:

Hunsperger EA, Yoksan S, Buchy P, et al. Evaluation of commercially available anti–dengue virus immunoglobulin M tests. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009; 15:436-40

Hunsperger E, Yoksan S, Buchy P, Nguyen VC, Sekaran SD, Enria DA, Pelegrino JL, Vazquez S, Artsob H, Drebot M, Gubler D, , Halstead SB , Guzman MG, Margolis HS, Nathanson CM, Rizzo NR, Bessoff KE, Kliks S, Peeling RW. (2009) Evaluation of commercially available dengue IgM tests by a WHO/PDVI Laboratory Network, EID 15(3):436-440.

Bessoff K, Delorey M, Sun W, Hunsperger EA. (2008) Comparison of 2 commercially available dengue NS1 capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for diagnosis of acute DENV infection with a single clinical sample. Clin and Vaccine Immunol 15(10):1513-1518.

Spinsanti LI, Díaz LA, Glatstein N, Arselán S , Morales MA, Farías AA, Fabbri C, Aguilar JJ, Ré V, Frías M, Almirón WR, Hunsperger E, Siirin M, Travassos Da Rosa A, Tesh RB, Enría D, Contigiani M.(2008) First human outbreak of St. Louis encephalitis detected in Argentina, 2005. J Clin Virol, 42:27-33.

Buchy P., Yosan S, Peeling RW, Hunsperger E. (2007) Laboratory tests for the diagnosis of dengue virus infection Report of the Scientific Working Group on Dengue Meeting 1-5 October 2006, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank and WHO.

Group on Dengue Meeting 1-5 October 2006, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank and WHO.

Hunsperger EA and Roehrig JT. (2006) Temporal analyses of the neuropathogenesis of a West Nile virus infection in mice. J NeuroVirol 12(2):129-139.

Beatty ME, Vorndam V, Hunsperger EA, Muñoz JL, Clark GG. (2005) Travel-Associated Dengue Infections-United States, 2001-2004. MMWR 54(22):556-558.

Hunsperger EA and Roehrig JT. (2005) Characterization of West Nile viral replication and maturation in peripheral neurons in culture. J Neurovirol 11:11-22.

Behavioral Science:

Pérez-Guerra CL, Seda H, GarcÍa-Rivera EJ, Clark GG. Knowledge and attitudes in Puerto Rico concerning dengue prevention. Pan Am J Public Health 17(4):243-251, 2005.

Pérez-Guerra CL, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Vargas-Torres D, Clark GG. Community beliefs and practices about dengue in Puerto Rico. Pan Am J Public Health 25(3):218-233, 2009.

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Entomology and Ecology:

Barrera R. 2009. Simplified Aedes aegypti’s pupal-surveys for entomological surveillance and dengue control. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81: 100-107.

Smith J, Amador M, Barrera R. 2009. Seasonal and Habitat Effects on Dengue and West Nile Virus Vectors in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 25: 38-46. Adobe PDF file[PDF - 10 pages]

Barrera R, Amador M, Díaz A. Joshua Smith, Muñoz-Jordán JL, Rosario Y. 2008. Unusual productivity of Aedes aegypti in septic tanks and its implications for dengue control. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 22:62-69. PDF file[PDF - 8 pages]

Barrera R, Hunsperger E, Muñoz-Jordán, Amador M, Diaz A, Smith J, Bessoff K, Beltrán M, Vergne E, Verduin M, Sun W. 2008. First isolation of West Nile virus in the Caribbean. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 78: 666-669. PDF file[PDF - 3 pages]

Farrar J, Focks D, Gubler D, Barrera R, Guzmán MG, Simmons C, Kalayanarooj S, Lum L, McCall PJ, Lloyd L, Horstick O, Dayal-Drager R, Nathan MB, Kroeger A. 2007. WHO/TDR Dengue Scientific Working Group. Towards a global dengue research agenda. Tropical Medicine and International Health. Jun;12 (6):695-699.

Cox J, Grillet ME, Ramos OM, Amador M, Barrera R. 2007. Habitat segregation of dengue vectors along an urban environmental gradient. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76: 820-826.

Bosch I, Herrera F, Navarro JC, Lentino M, Dupuis A, Maffei J, Jones M, Fernández E, Pérez N, Pérez-Emán J, Guimarães AE, Barrera R, Valero N, Ruiz J, Velásquez G, Martinez J, Comach G, Komar N, A Spielman, Kramer L. 2007. West Nile Virus, Venezuela. Emerging Infectious Diseases 13:651-533. [PDF - 159 pages]

Report of the Scientific Working Group on Dengue. Geneva, 1-5 October 2006.

Focks DA, Alexander N, Villegas E, Barrera R, et al. 2006. Multicountry study of Aedes aegypti pupal productivity survey methodology: findings and recommendations. World Health Organization, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases. TDR/IRM/Den/06.1.

Barrera R., Amador M, and Clark GG. 2006. Sample-size requirements for developing targeted control strategies for dengue using the pupal / demographic survey. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 100 Supplement 1: 33 – 43.

Alexander N, Lenhart A, Romero-Vivas C, Barbazan P, Morrison A, Barrera R, Arredondo-Jimenez I, and Focks D. 2006. Entropy for Sample Size Estimation for Identifying Subsets of Compositional Data, Applied to the Distribution of Dengue Vector Pupae between Container Types. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 100 Supplement 1: 1 – 12.

Barrera R., Amador M, and Clark GG. 2006. Ecological factors influencing Aedes aegypti productivity in artificial containers in Salinas, Puerto Rico. Journal of Medical Entomology 43: 484 – 492. read

Barrera R., Amador M, and Clark GG. 2006. Application of the Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Pupal Survey Technique in Puerto Rico. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 74: 290-302.

Barrera R, Amador M, Clark GG. 2004. Bleach as a larvicide. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 20: 444 -448.

Arrivillaga, J. and Barrera, R. 2004. Food as a limiting factor for Aedes aegypti in water-storage containers. Journal of Vector Ecology. 29: 11-20. [PDF - 10 pages]

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Gregory CJ, Santiago LM, Argüello DF, Hunsperger E, Tomashek KM. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010 May;82(5):922-9. PMID: 20439977 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Clinical and laboratory features that differentiate dengue from other febrile illnesses in an endemic area--Puerto Rico, 2007-2008.
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Lopez Rodriguez E, Tomashek KM, Gregory CJ, Munoz J, Hunsperger E, Lorenzi OD, Irizarry JG, Garcia-Gubern C. Emerg Infect Dis. 2010 May;16(5):882-4. No abstract available. PMID: 20409395 [PubMed - in process] Co-infection with dengue virus and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus. Free Article

Tomashek KM, Rivera A, Muñoz-Jordan JL, Hunsperger E, Santiago L, Padro O, Garcia E, Sun W.Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2009 Sep;81(3):467-74.  PMID: 19706917 [PubMed - in process] Description of a large island-wide outbreak of dengue in Puerto Rico, 2007.

Ramos MM, Tomashek KM, Argüello DF, Luxemburger C, Quiñones L, Lang J, Muñoz-Jordan JL.  Early clinical features of dengue infection in Puerto Rico.  Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2008 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]

Johansson MA, Glass GE.  High-resolution spatiotemporal weather models for climate studies.  Int J Health Geogr. 2008 Oct 8;7:52 

Johansson, MA, F Dominici, & GE Glass. Local and global effects of climate on dengue transmission in Puerto Rico. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 3(2): e382 (2009).

Ramos MM, Mohammed H, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Hayden MH, Lopez JL, Fournier M, Trujillo AR, Burton R, Brunkard JM, Anaya-Lopez L, Banicki AA, Morales PK, Smith B, Muñoz JL, Waterman SH E.  Epidemic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever at the Texas-Mexico border: results of a household-based seroepidemiologic survey, December 2005.  Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008 Mar; 78(3):364-9.  PMID: 18337327 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ramos MM, Argüello F, Luxemburger C, Quiñones L, Muñoz J, Beatty M, Lang J and Tomashek KM.  Epidemiological and Clinical Observation on Patients with Dengue in Puerto Rico: Results from the First Year of Enhanced Surveillance-June 05-May 06.  Am J Trop Med Hyg 79(1), 2008, pp123-127.  PMID: 18606775 [PubMed - in process]

J Torres Aponte, E García Rivera, S Stramer, R Casanova, G Foster, R Luce, K Tomashek, H Mohammed, W Sun, E Hunsperger, JL Muñoz-Jordán, C Colón, E Vergne, M Verduin. (2008).  Detection of West Nile Virus in Blood Donors-Puerto Rico 2007. MMWR 57(21);577-580.

Mohammed, H., Linnen, J. M., Muñoz-Jordán, J. L., Tomashek, K., Foster, G. A., Broulik, A. S., Petersen, L. R., and Stramer, S. L. (2008). Dengue Virus in Blood Donations, Puerto Rico, 2005. Transfusion 48: 1348-1354.

Beatty M, Hunsperger EA, Long E, Schurch J, Jain S, Colindres R, Lerebours G, Bernard YM, Dobbins, JG, Brown M and Clark G. (2007) Mosquito-Borne Infections in the Aftermath of Hurricane Jeanne-Gonaives, Haiti, 2004. EID 13(2):308-310.

Ayala, A., Rivera, A., Johansson, M., and Muñoz-Jordán, J. L. (2006). Travel-Associated Dengue -United States, 2005. MMWR 55, 700-702.

Beatty, M. E., Vorndam, V., Hunsperger, E. A., and Muñoz-Jordán, J. L. (2005). Travel - Associated Dengue Infections - United States, 2001-2004. MMWR 54.

Brunkard JM, López JLR, Ramirez J, Cifuentes E, Rothenberg SJ, Hunsperger EA, Moore CG, Brussolo RM, Villarreal NA, Haddad BM. (2007) Underreported Dengue Fever on the Texas–Mexico Border: Population Prevalence and Risk Factors from a Seroprevalence Survey, 2004. EID 13(10):1477-1483.

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