NHGRI Institutional Review Board (IRB)

NHGRI Institutional Review Board

Personal Financial Holdings

All initial and continuing protocols (as well as amendments that involve adding new investigators) are subject to conflict-of-interest review by the NHGRI Deputy Ethics Counselor (DEC). To obtain review and clearance, PIs should complete and send the "Clearance of NIH Investigator Personal Financial Holdings by IC Ethics Office" form to the NHGRI DEC at least two months ahead of the anticipated IRB review date.

Required Forms

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* NOTE to Investigators: The "Clearance of NIH Investigator Personal Financial Holdings by IC Ethics Office" form is available within the Protocol Tracking and Management System (PTMS). The form needs to be completed within the PTMS as a part of your overall submission.

NHGRI DEC Contact:

Barbara Fuller, Deputy Ethics Counselor
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
9000 Rockville Pike
31 Center Drive
Building 31, B1B36
Bethesda, MD 20892-2154
Phone: (301) 760-3960
Fax: (301) 594-5501
E-mail: barbaraf@mail.nih.gov

Please contact Barbara Fuller or Sara Hull with any questions about the Conflict-of-Interest Review policy.

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Last Reviewed: October 24, 2011