Volunteers and Invasive Plants: Learning and Lending a Hand link

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
America's National Wildlife Refuge System

Volunteers and Invasive Plants: Learning and Lending a Hand

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About The Learning Modules

The Volunteers and Invasive Plants—Learning and Lending a Hand learning modules are provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System for the volunteers who generously devote their time and effort to invasive plants problems. The goals of the learning modules are to enrich the volunteers’ experiences and to provide them with more knowledge of invasive plants. The more knowledge that one has, the more effective one can be in making a difference within a refuge and beyond its boundaries.

Tips For Using The Learning Modules


To get the most out of the learning modules consider the following:

  • Glance over the modules to get a feel for the topics and information that may spark your interest.
  • Set aside time to read a module completely. Leave time to take the "Test Your Knowledge" quizzes afterwards.
  • Explore the materials and websites that are linked from the modules.
  • In the computer’s browser, bookmark pages that are of interest.
  • If you prefer reading printed materials print the modules and add them to a 3-ring binder. Add other information to the binder to build upon the topic.
  • Use the modules as a reference—return to them for information.


  • After opening a PDF, slide show, or visiting website linked from a module, use the "back" button on the browser window to return back to the module. If you close the browser window by clicking on the X button in upper right corner instead of using the "back" button, the Volunteers and Invasive Plants website will close.


  • You need ADOBE Flash Player installed and javascript enabled on your computer to display videos and slide shows on this Web site.

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    If you are still having trouble viewing videos or slide shows, check to make sure that you do not have any adblocker software installed in your web browser that may be blocking video content.
  • When a slide show or video is opened, it must load the images before they can be viewed. This process will take longer with dial-up Internet access.
  • Large PDF files can take time to open with dial-up Internet access. To reduce time, right click on the PDF, save to your computer, and then open the file.

Module development

  • The Center for Invasive Plant Management developed the content of the modules with input and information from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Modules were reviewed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • The US Fish and Wildlife Service gratefully acknowledges the National Wildlife Refuge Association for supporting our efforts to engage volunteers and Friends groups in invasive plant management on refuge lands.
  • Symbols used to create diagrams are the courtesy of the Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.
  • Home page USFWS photo credits: S Chase, I Loredo, N Trovillion, D Lindsey Hayes, J & K Hollingsworth, L Ditto.
  • The Web site was designed by Earthtalk Studios.