How Do I Get Started?

How do we select sources to buy from?
Many different ways.  For example, through:

  • Network of databases, including the Small Business Administration's Dynamic Small Business Search Database which is part of the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database at We recommend that all businesses register on this FREE database.
  • Individual contacts from requisitioners and from you.
  • BSA’s on-line Supplier Registration Database
  • Other organizations and national laboratories.

To the maximum extent possible, BSA attempts to purchase products and or services THAT THE LABORATORY USES from  Small, Small disadvantaged, Small woman-owned, Small veteran-owned; Small service-disabled veteran-owned, and Small Business Administration certified HUB-Zone businesses.

Please register on our Self Registration Database.

If you need to talk to the Small Business Liaison Officer, contact:

Jill Clough-Johnston
44 Ramsey Rd
Shirley, New York  11967

Phone: 631 344-3173
Fax: 631 344-5878

If your product and or service is deemed appropriate for the Laboratory AND we have an open requirement, you will be asked to fill out and submit a Brookhaven National Laboratory Offeror Representation and Certification for Commercial Items form

The Laboratory strives to have more than one supply source and encourages full and open competition among suppliers.

A Few Marketing Tips

  • Market your company. Know your market niche and focus on it. Develop a succinct, one page summary of your company's expertise and capabilities, including relevant experience, references with federal agencies, registrations, business type  (especially if you are one of the five small business types) and the certifications you have with the SBA.
  • Call or e-mail the buyer and/or contract specialist every couple of months to see if your company can help them with any of their current requirements.
  • In your marketing to the buyer, if you are a Small, Small disadvantaged, Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a); Small woman-owned, Small HUB-zone business, Small veteran-owned, Small service-disabled veteran-owned, or Small Business Administration (SBA) certified, it is VERY IMPORTANT to let the buyer know that you fit into one (or more) of these Small business categories definitions.
  • Follow up, follow up, and follow up on any contacts you have made.  Just because you made contact with someone does not mean your going to be  handed an order. They won’t come knocking on your door. You still have to do your marketing!
  • Make up two sets of business cards and stationary, one for commercial and one for government customers. On the government  put in bold type that you are a Small, Small disadvantage, 8(a), Small woman-owned, Small HUB-Zone business, Small veteran-owned, and/or Small service disabled veteran-owned. It is a positive for government buyers to know this information while it is a negative for commercial buyers.
  • Send a thank you note to the person who awarded you a purchase order.


  • Project a professional image, from that first telephone call, to the content and appearance of your company’s capability statement.
  • Market to everyone you talk to.  You never know who your next customer will be.
  • Participate in events/meetings attended by your target client.
  • Attend trade fairs in your company’s field and network.

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Last Modified: March 19, 2012
Please forward all questions about this site to: Michelle Holbrook