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Useful Links to Related Sites



This is a reference library of links to other websites that may be useful for information on international finance, trade, exports,  business, government bodies, international organizations, etc. These citations are only suggested references -- intended as a service to our customers. Their inclusion does not convey recommendation or endorsement by the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Although the Ex-Im Bank makes frequent efforts to revise, update, and improve these selections, we assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the websites included.

US Government Agencies

Suggested Resources

  • Business.USA.gov is the U.S. government's official web portal to support business start-ups, growth, financing and exporting. It is designed to provide access to online resources and services of Federal, state, and local Government as well as those of non-profit and educational organizations supporting businesses.
  • News: Press releases, speeches, executive orders, etc. of the President of the United States.
  • OPIC's website contains information on investment opportunities and programs, copies of handbooks, procedures, annual reports, and an "Investor's Information Gateway."
  • Official US Department of Agriculture export credit programs for US grown or made foodstuffs.
  • Export.gov provides online trade resources and one-on-one assistance for your international business - whether you're just starting or expanding your global sales.
  • "Business.gov guides you through the maze of government rules and regulations... and provides access to services and resources to help you start, grow, and succeed in business."
  • Links to international markets, financing and other marketing websites.


Company Information


  • Links to several hundred company directories, corporate profiles, and stock summaries from dozens of Web-based resources, most of which are free. The value of this site is that it allows the user to search all of these links at once.
  • Telephone directories and other lookup tools for 184 countries.
  • Permits searching for either a person or company by either phone number, name, geography, etc...
  • Can be used to find basic information about companies, including their websites. Additional corporate information is available for a fee. 


  • EDGAR is the US Security and Exchange Commission's Web Site that freely provides companies' public SEC filings.  Foreign filings (ADRs etc.) are not yet required to be in EDGAR.
  • Eurostat, the "Statistical Office of the European Communities," provides statistical data, news, indicators, press releases, products, and databases.
  • A searchable database of 165,000 U. S. and Canadian companies classified under more than 55,000 product and service headings. Includes more than 3,100 online supplier catalogs of detailed buying and specifying information. 
  • NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) from the US Census Bureau, is replacing SIC.  It is a broader and more exact code for the 21st century; transition is currently underway.
  • North American Product Classification System
  • Industry classification codes, with cross-references between the differing codes; by Jon Haveman.
  • "...Business, Technology and Knowledge Management."  Extensive resources and links that may be useful for successful exploitation of information in business and technology.


Banks and Finance


  • Google's list of banks' directories and finding aids of all kinds.
  • From the home page of the Board of Govenors, find a menu of extensive reports and data on monetary indicators and activity.
  • The bank was created in November 2003 and entered into a contract with five premier global financial institutions. The bank's principal clients inside Iraq are the various government ministries and state owned enterprises. The bank has built partnerships with the largest Export Credit Agencies across the globe. The Bank satisfies the urgent need for trade facilitation in the reconstruction process.
  • ABA's Global Reach: Includes international alliances, professional development and international news and information resources
  • CFOC is an organization of the CFOs and Deputy CFOs of the largest Federal agencies, senior officials of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Treasury who work collaboratively to improve financial management in the U.S. Government


International Trade


  • These fee-based services provide domestic, foreign, and international information, data, and news for economic, trade, and industrial interests. Menus can be browsed, but full content is by subscription.
  • Automated Export System (AES) AES is "the central point through which export shipment data required by multiple agencies is filed electronically to Customs, using the efficiencies of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)." 
  • Country Trade Data (By 1 digit SITC Commodity Trade Codes) 
  • Provides in-depth statistical data and analysis concerning global and US industry and trade data. Data are also provided on the state and metropolitan area level.
  • The US Census Bureau provides the 10 digit Schedule B classification product codes which are used to classify US exports.
  • This US International Trade Commission Web Site provides US import data and statistics by 10 digit harmonized product code. The first 6 digits conform to an international standard harmonized product code for imports and the remaining 4 are unique to the US.
  • 1998 edition; full length online book (organized by chapters) produced by the International Trade Administration.
  • ICC activities cover a broad spectrum, from arbitration and dispute resolution to making the case for open trade and the market economy system, business self-regulation, fighting corruption or combating commercial crime.
  • Chambers Abroad provides links to many US Chamber of Commerce offices in other nations around the world.
  • The website of the not-for-profit Chamber of the Americas features information, daily news stories, and links designed to facilitate commerce and understanding between the businesses and governments of the Western Hemisphere.


Country Information


  • Portals to the World contains selective links providing authoritative, in-depth information about the nations and other areas of the world. They are arranged by country or area with the links for each sorted into a wide range of broad categories. The links were selected by Area Specialists and other Library staff using Library of Congress selection criteria.
  • Extensive worldwide directory of websites for embassies and consulates. 
  • Comprehensive database of governmental institutions on the internet: parliaments, ministries, offices, law courts, embassies, city councils, public broadcasting corporations, central banks, multi-national organizations etc. Includes political parties.
  • From the Library of Congress. Provides encyclopedic in-depth information about many countries in the world. The Web Site provides for searching and browsing for individual country reports. (Some of the studies may be not be recent.)
  • Searchable database of Country and Industry Market Reports, including: Country Commercial Guides, Industry Sector Analyses, Marketing Insights, Multilateral Development Bank Reports, Best Markets, and other Industry/Regional Reports.
  • The CIA World Fact Book provides systematic basic information about many countries of the world, including data and maps.
  • Promotes the rule of law and includes rankings of nations in a "Corruption Index."
  • an easy-to-use site from the University of Colorado Library. From the main page you simply click on the first letter of the country you're interested in, then select the country from the list that appears. In an instant you'll be at a page of links to information about that country. Most countries have a hundred or more links to information, with things like: profiles, statistics, government links, background reports, demographics, useful links, and more. Some links are to commercial databases which require you to register, but most are free.


International Organizations


  • Information about activities and membership of the International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers in London, but better known as the Berne Union.
  • International Trade Law, and Commercial Law Monitor.  Extensive and substantive resources: texts, standards, e-commerce, international law, transnational accounting, etc.  Supported by universities and institutes in Norway, Australia, and the US.  In existence since 1993; edited by Ralph Amissah
  • "The United States-China Business Council is the principal organization of US companies engaged in trade and investment in the People's Republic of China." 
  • Press Releases and Public Statements
  • Hosted by Northwestern University Library: this compilation is a fairly comprehensive list of international governmental organizations. It is organized alphabetically, and provides useful subordinate links.


Legislation and Public Policy


  • Findlaw is a commercial Web Site that links to a wide range of legal sites on the internet. The links are organized into topics, jurisdiction, geography, and type. 
  • Findlaw also provides current federal Supreme Court and appellate judicial decisions on its site. 
  • Web Sites of the Members and Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Congress.
  • Thomas provides many US legislative documents in either citation or full-text format, and legislative status and amendments. Starting from the 104th Congress (approximately), Thomas provides Bill and major legislation information, Congressional Record, Committee Reports, full-text of certain major laws, and directory information on individual members and committees.

News Sources


  • Valuable for locating current financial news, in addition to current corporate stock information.
  • Reference guides, lists of suggested titles, links, and other information about current awareness, news, and the media.


Government Search Tools


  • These tools provide comprehensive directories and searchable indexes of U.S. federal government web sites and pages.
  • "Business.gov guides you through the maze of government rules and regulations... and provides access to services and resources to help you start, grow, and succeed in business."
  • Fedworld "serves as the online locator service for a comprehensive inventory of information disseminated by the Federal Government." 


General Search Tools


  • Search Engines.  Used for retrieving Websites by searching indexes of the actual text in the more important pages on those sites.
  • Internet subject directories used for browsing through hierarchical directories of topical listings and subdivisions.  Retrieve words in the professionally selected listings of the directory,  not the text of the websites selected for inclusion.
  • An international directory of more than 1,000 search engines organized by country.
  • Allows searching in the language of the country covered.

General Reference Sources


  • Everything International provides links to a wide variety of international business, education, and research internet sites. The site say links are maintained and updated regularly (every hyperlink is verified for accuracy approximately every 10 days). The site was created and is maintained by Dr. Lloyd C. Russow, Graduate Dean and Professor of International Business and Marketing at Philadelphia University.
  • Converts 164 currencies providing the Interbank exchange rate. New foreign exchange rates are updated daily; historical data can be obtained.
  • Compares different internet search tools.
  • A web gateway at the University of Auckland, New Zealand offers free official statistics on the web. Search by country, region, and topic, and you can find links to statistics on agriculture, housing, crime, health, globalization, energy, cost of living, women, taxes, and education, to name just a few.
  • The US Small Business Administration has compiled an extensive collection of links devoted to business resources. It is organized by topic.
  • Library catalogs that are especially rich for citations of international and foreign holdings in business, finance, and trade.
  • SDR (Standard Drawing Rights) is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries.

Page updated: July 6, 2010

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