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Healthy Aging at Your Library: Connecting Older Adults to Health Information


This "train the trainer" class is designed to help librarians assist their older adult patrons find health information. Discover techniques for teaching older adults to use computers and to find health information on the Internet, learn what makes a website senior-friendly; plan library programs on senior health topics; and find out about some recommended health websites for older adults.


Participants will:

  • Learn about the reasons it is important to better assist their older patrons
  • Be able to evaluate health information resources based on usability issues that affect older adults
  • Learn and practice techniques for teaching older adults to look for health information on the Internet
  • Be able to research health information for older adults on online resources from the National Institutes of Health and other recommended websites

Course Materials

Continuing Education

Upon successful completion of this class, each participant will receive 4 hours of continuing education credit awarded by the Medical Library Association. Certificates will be delivered through the mail at a later date.


Greater Midwest Region

Samanthi Hewakapuge, Consumer Health Coordinator, ,

Middle Atlantic Region

Lydia Collins, Consumer Health Coordinator, , ,

New England Region

Michelle Eberle, Consumer Health Information Coordinator,

South Central Region

Cheryl Rowan, Public Health Coordinator, ,

Karen Vargas, Consumer Health Coordinator, ,


Karen Vargas, MLS, Consumer Health Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region.