Vice President Biden to Discuss College Affordability in Tallahassee, Florida

Erin Mulhall, The White House, Office of the Vice President, (202) 503-5401

Event Date 1: February 06, 2012 11:00 am - 01:00 pm

WASHINGTON, DC - On Monday, February 6, Vice President Biden and Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter will visit Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida to discuss the importance of tackling rising college costs to ensure America’s students and workers can obtain the education and training they need so that we have a workforce prepared for the jobs of the 21st century.

In his State of the Union address, President Obama laid out a blueprint for an economy that's built to last – an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values. As an important part of keeping the American promise alive, the President called for a comprehensive approach to tackling rising college costs. In today's global economy, a college education is no longer just a privilege for some, but rather a prerequisite for all. To reach a national goal of leading the world with the highest share of college graduates by 2020, we must make college more affordable.

As part of a continuing national dialogue on the issue, the Vice President will discuss the importance of college and the steps the Administration has taken to keep college affordable in Florida and across the country. He will also echo President Obama's call to Congress to advance new reforms that will promote shared responsibility to address the college affordability challenge. If these proposals are passed, this will be the first time in history that the federal government has tied federal campus aid to responsible campus tuition policies.
FACT SHEET available here.

RSVP: This event is OPEN PRESS. Media must RSVP with the NAME, POSITION (Reporter, TV Camera, Photographer, etc.) MEDIA OUTLET, PHONE and EMAIL for each person planning to cover the event to by Sunday, February 5th at 5:00 PM EST. At the event, you will be required to wear your outlet’s media credential at all times, either around the neck or pinned to clothing.

This event will be open press. Media details are below.

Event 1
Who : Vice President Joe Biden and Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter
What : Discuss College Affordability
When : Monday, February 6, 2012
Event Start Time: 11:00 AM EST
Camera pre-set time: 5:45-6:45 AM EST
Restricted access time: 6:45-9:00 AM EST
Press Arrival Time: 9:00 AM EST
Final Press Access Time: 10:30 AM EST
Where : Florida State University, Basketball Training Facility, 520 W Madison Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301
Satellite Truck Parking: Satellite Truck Parking: South Entrance of Florida State University Basketball
Training Facility off of W Madison Street. Parking will be directed on site
Press Parking: Leon County Civic Center Parking Lot, 505 West Pensacola Street
Press Entrance: Will be directed on site

Details: Cable Run: 375 ft
Throw: 40 ft

Notice of Language Assistance: English  |  español  |  中文: 繁體版  |  Việt-ngữ  |  한국어  |  Tagalog  |  Русский