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What's New? Research & Policy

Our free e-newsletter has a new look and a new name Research1st News. Read the September issue and visit the archives for past issues.

The Association is partnering on 2 proposals that are finalists in Sanofi's Collaborate | Activate Challenge. Read more!

Post-exertional relapse is a hallmark of CFS. Check out resources here, including a July webinar recording.

Catch up on 2012 media coverage of CFS.

Laura Hillenbrand author of Unbroken and Seabiscuit is more hopeful than she has ever been. Research is the reason. Read more.

Click here to learn more about THECatalystFUND and meet some of our Catalysts.

Novelist Roger King has published an autobiographical account of his journey with CFS. Love and Fatigue in America. Learn more about the book and its author and listen in to our webinar with King and advocate Wilhelmina Jenkins.


Visit our new site, Research1st, for current, credible information about the latest research. 227+ posts so far, with new info added every week.

XMRV has brought new scientific interest to CFS. A multicenter study defined whether more research into this link is warranted.

President Barack Obama summarizes HHS and NIH efforts to encourage more CFS research. Read more.

The FDA has affirmed that CFS is a "serious and life-threatening" condition. Read more about its current activities to stimulate treatment research.

Journal Highlights for 2012 reveal an international effort to better understand ME/CFS.

FasterCures has featured our research program in its "Innovator Spotlight."

Dr. Peter Rowe of JHU gave an update on "Pediatric CFS: Gains and Gaps" at the recent CFS federal advisory committee meeting.

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With eight tightly integrated research projects led by experts in diverse disciplines, our vision becomes a reality. Read more about this "groundbreaking" news!