National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program

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NETAP Toolkit for Earthquake Program Managers

FEMA developed National Earthquake Tecnical Assistance Program (NETAP) as a mechanism for delivering direct assistance to the public to increase their knowledge and ability to analyze their risk, make a plan, and take actions aimed at reducing their earthquake risk and supporting overall community resilience. NETAP is not a grant or cooperative agreement program, but a contract managed by FEMA to rapidly deploy training and technical assistance to organizations and communities. The NETAP Toolkit for Earthquake Program Managers provides information on how States and territories can request NETAP assistance.

Training Schedules

Background and Authorities

In accordance with the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (Public Law 95–124) and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Public Law 108–360), it is FEMA’s responsibility to support “the implementation of a comprehensive earthquake education and public awareness program, including development of materials and their wide dissemination to all appropriate audiences and support public access to locality-specific information that may assist the public in preparing for, mitigating against, responding to and recovering from earthquakes and related disasters.” FEMA developed the National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program (NETAP) as a mechanism for delivering direct assistance to the public to increase their ability to analyze risks, make plans, and take actions aimed at reducing seismic risks and supporting overall community resilience. The program is one element of FEMA’s ongoing participation in NEHRP. View the NETAP Fact Sheet.

Assistance Available through NETAP

NETAP is designed to help state, local, and tribal governments obtain the knowledge, tools, and support that they need to plan and implement effective earthquake mitigation strategies. FEMA provides the following types of assistance through the program:

  • Training—Courses and associated materials, available for classroom presentation or independent study, related to a variety of seismic risk-reduction activities and stakeholders.
  • Technical assistance—Technical advice and shared expertise that help recipients design, develop, and implement earthquake mitigation projects.
  • Tools development—Assistance in developing job aids and other tools that facilitate efficient and effective implementation of earthquake mitigation efforts.
  • Special-project support—Depending on the availability of program funding, support for demonstration projects or other original, unique, or replicable mitigation initiatives.

Obtaining Assistance through NETAP

Training materials sought for independent study can be obtained free of charge through the online FEMA Library, unless otherwise indicated in the course listings. Obtaining other NETAP assistance involves the following steps:

  1. Develop a request for assistance
    A state, local, or tribal government and any applicable mitigation partners prepare a written request for NETAP assistance. Requests must describe the type of assistance needed, its purpose or objectives, its scope (e.g., timing, location, amount), and how it will be coordinated, and provide contact information. Requests should be prepared in consultation with, and when complete be submitted to, the state earthquake program manager or other state official with responsibility for earthquake mitigation.
  2. Submit the request to FEMA for review and approval
    The state earthquake program manager forwards the request to the appropriate FEMA regional earthquake program manager, who coordinates with the FEMA NETAP manager to evaluate the request. The NETAP manager approves or disapproves the request based on current program funding and priorities, the content of the request, and other relevant factors such as levels of seismic risk and mitigation capacity in the affected area, and how well the assistance aligns with local hazard mitigation plans.
  3. Implement approved NETAP assistance
    The NETAP manager deploys approved resources in cooperation with the regional program manager, who coordinates with the state program manager to arrange for resource delivery.

    When the assistance provided consists of training courses presented to local groups, FEMA typically pays for the salary and travel expenses of an approved instructor as well as for any educational materials used by the students and instructor. The state or local government requesting the training, in cooperation with any partnering organizations, is normally responsible for local logistical requirements (e.g., classroom space, audiovisual equipment, refreshments, recruitment and registration of students).

    When providing tools-development, special-project, or technical assistance, FEMA normally delivers or funds the delivery of some portion of the expertise or support required. The respective contributions of FEMA, state or local governments, and other involved organizations are established through ad hoc negotiations.
  4. Report on the outcome
    During or following the provision of NETAP assistance, the state and FEMA regional program managers communicate with the NETAP manager about what has been accomplished with the assistance (e.g., number of students trained, technical tasks accomplished).

NETAP Training Courses and Associated Materials

FEMA 154 Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards
Trainees learn how to identify potentially hazardous buildings before earthquakes occur. The course covers methods and processes that enable personnel to “rapidly” identify, inventory, and rank local buildings according to their expected safety and usability during and after earthquakes. Local officials can use these data to plan and prioritize further engineering and vulnerability analysis, emergency-response needs, and mitigation projects. (Course length: 1 day)

FEMA 154 Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards and ATC 20 Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings
The FEMA 154 course, described above, may be combined with ATC 20 training, in which students learn how to evaluate the safety of buildings following earthquakes. ATC 20 trainees learn to perform seismic inspections and safety evaluations of buildings and post appropriate safety-status placards. These evaluations and placards can be used in planning and executing evacuation, re-entry, and rebuilding strategies. (Course length: 2 days)

FEMA 154 Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards and Rapid Observation of Vulnerability and Estimation of Risk (ROVER)
The FEMA 154 course, described above, may be combined with ROVER training and demonstration assistance. ROVER is open-source software that automates the paper-based screening procedures taught in the FEMA 154 course. Building-specific data are entered into ROVER in the field via smartphones and GPS devices, and are aggregated in a PC-based data server. ROVER includes many productivity-enhancing features, such as automated geolocation, integrated digital photography and sketching capabilities, and automated retrieval of site-specific soil and hazard data from U.S. Geological Survey maps. (Course length: 1–1½ days)

ATC 20 Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings and Rapid Observation of Vulnerability and Estimation of Risk (ROVER)
Requesters may be approved to receive ATC 20 training, without an accompanying FEMA 154 course, if the ATC 20 training is combined with ROVER training and use. ATC 20 and ROVER training and materials are described under courses listed above. (Course length: 1 day)

ASCE 31 (FEMA 310) Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings
Trainees learnhow to determine whether existing buildings are adequately designed and constructed to resist seismic forces. The training covers a three-tiered process that design professionals can use to further evaluate potentially hazardous buildings identified through rapid visual screening procedures (see FEMA 154 course above). All aspects of building performance are considered in relation to structural, nonstructural, and foundation/geologic hazard issues. This training is based on the American Society of Civil Engineers national standard, Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings (ASCE/SEI 31–03), which superseded FEMA’s Handbook for Seismic Evaluation of Buildings—A Prestandard (FEMA 310). (Course length: 1 day)

FEMA E-74 Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage
This training describes the sources of nonstructural earthquake damage and effective methods of reducing such damage. Nonstructural failures have accounted for the majority of damage in several recent U.S. earthquakes. It is critical to raise awareness of potential nonstructural hazards, the costly consequences of nonstructural failures, and the opportunities that exist to limit future losses. Nonstructural components of buildings include all elements that are not part of the structural system; that is, the architectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as furniture, fixtures, equipment, and other contents. (Course length: 1 day)

FEMA P-593 Seismic Rehabilitation Training for One- and Two-Family Wood-Frame Dwellings
This training promotes seismic rehabilitation of one- and two-family homes to reduce earthquake damage and increase post-earthquake habitability. Trainees are introduced to the effects of earthquakes on wood-frame dwellings, common seismic vulnerabilities in these structures, rehabilitation approaches, and available rehabilitation guidelines. (Course length: ½–1 day)

FEMA 395 Earthquake Safety and Mitigation for Schools
This is a webinar for school officials, teachers, facility managers, and other stakeholders interested in reducing earthquake risks in local schools. Numerous school buildings located in multiple states and U.S. territories are vulnerable to earthquake damage that threatens safety and continued operations. Attendees learn how to assess and analyze seismic risks; how to develop actionable plans for reducing and managing these risks; how to secure nonstructural elements of school facilities; and how to use “incremental seismic rehabilitation” as an affordable approach for protecting existing buildings and ensuring occupant safety. (Course length: 1–2 hours)

FEMA P767 Earthquake Mitigation for Hospitals
Students are introduced to earthquake hazards in health care settings and learn about methods that can be used to analyze and reduce risks of damage in hospitals and other medical buildings. Such facilities have unique nonstructural components, including equipment and infrastructure systems, that can become sources of injury or damage even during smaller earthquakes. By implementing sound, cost-effective mitigation measures, health care facilities can reduce or eliminate seismic risks and ensure that, in the event of an earthquake, they can remain in operation to serve their communities. (Course length: 1 day)

  • Flyer Template: FEMA P767 Flyer Template
  • Materials:
    • FEMA P767 Earthquake Mitigation for Hospitals: This PowerPoint presentation can be ordered from the FEMA Publication Warehouse at (800) 480-2520, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EST.

FEMA P-909 Train-the-Trainer: Home and Business Earthquake Safety and Mitigation
This new training program on structural and non-structural earthquake mitigation has three components: a Train-the-Trainer course, a Home and Business Earthquake Safety and Mitigation course, and a Hands-On Interactive Mitigation Demonstration. The goal of the training is to create a cadre of trainers with the ability to provide basic knowledge on earthquakes; along with simple steps toward safety and mitigation in their homes and businesses. The training consists of PowerPoint slides, hands-on demonstration instructions, supply lists, scripts, quiz (and answers), certificates, and posters. Audiences include government at all levels, emergency managers, first responders, businesses, volunteer community groups, and all others interested in leading an earthquake safety presentation.

IS-325 Earthquake Basics: Science, Risk, and Mitigation
This new training is an approximately 30 minute independent study module on the FEMA EMI website, IS-325—Earthquake Basics: Science, Risk, and Mitigation. It is an introductory course, targeted to the layperson, and offers a Certificate of Completion.

After completing this one-module course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe what causes earthquakes
  • Differentiate between hazard and vulnerability
  • Identify potential vulnerabilities in their homes or businesses
  • Take further steps to mitigate their overall risk.

Contact Information

Last Updated: 
08/24/2012 - 11:13
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