Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers


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Welcome to Families USA!
Since 1982, Families USA has worked to promote high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

For Gayle Beamer and countless other Americans, the Affordable Care Act—Obamacare—has already paid dividends. See their stories.

Families USA's 501(c)(4) partner has prepared a report with never-before-released national and state-by-state data comparing three health reform programs: the health reform law enacted in Massachusetts under the leadership of Governor Mitt Romney, the Affordable Care Act enacted under the leadership of President Barack Obama, and the public positions on health care taken by Governor Romney in his role as the Republican presidential nominee.

From Families USA

Cutting Medicaid: Ineffective and Harmful quickly lays out the arguments for why cutting Medicaid is bad for enrollees, for middle-class families, for health care providers, and for states. (September 2012)

Brokers and Agents and Health Insurance Exchanges discusses how brokers and agents will interact with the new health insurance exchanges opening in states in 2014 and highlights issues that advocates and states may want to think about. (September 2012)

A Closer Look: The Supreme Court's Health Care Decision explains what was at stake in the case against the Affordable Care Act, how the Supreme Court ruled, and the impact of the ruling on the law. (August 2012)

The Supreme Court Decision: What It Means for Medicaid gives an in-depth look at the Court's ruling on Medicaid and what advocates can do to make sure their state expands coverage. (August 2012)

Medicaid's Success: Good Care discusses the quality care that people get in the Medicaid program and its popularity among those who use it. (August 2012)

More Resources

Worry No More: Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions Are Protected by the Health Care Law (July-August 2012)

Being a Woman Just Got a Little Easier: How the Affordable Care Act Benefits Women (July 2012)

Working toward Wellness: A Checklist for Creating Consumer-Friendly Workplace Wellness Programs | Profiles (July 2012)

Designing the Essential Health Benefits for Your State: An Advocate's Guide (July 2012)

Go to Publications by Date for a complete list of publications by year.

Medicaid Expansion Center
Make sure your state is ready
for 2014
Medicaid Defense Center:
Help fight budget cuts and other damaging proposals

Supreme Court Watch
Information on the June 28 ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

Conservatives in Congress continue to push for cuts in health care. Follow the latest developments.

Resources on the Affordable Care Act and the protections that are already in place.

Videos from
Families USA

The Consumer Assistance Programs Resource Center includes state profiles and information on best practices. l  Program Locator

Calculate the Impact: What will Medicaid cuts mean for your state? Use our calculator to find out.

Conference Calls for State Advocates:
Listen to calls from the 2012 series.

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