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NCEA Invites You to
“Join Us in the Fight Against Elder Abuse”

6th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15th, 2011

NCEA urges individuals, families, community groups, organizations, and businesses to “Join Us” by participating in elder abuse awareness and prevention efforts. There are many ways to become involved, from attending or organizing a World Day event, to visiting an older neighbor who lives alone, to volunteering for a program that benefits seniors, to organizing a fundraiser to support a local abuse prevention initiative.

NCEA has created the following tools to help you, your family, or your organization make a difference in the lives of vulnerable elders:

Tip Sheets for Involvement and Prevention:

Fact Sheets:

For More Ideas:

Read about past WEAAD events in special issues of the NCEA E-News:

The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, the organization that first established WEAAD in 2006, provides many resources for this global observance including a calendar of activities scheduled throughout the world.

Raising Awareness Every Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is not the only opportunity to focus public attention on this devastating but overshadowed issue. Throughout the calendar year there are many opportunities to “Join Us” in honoring older individuals and raising awareness of elder abuse, such as


  • New Year’s Day – January
  • Valentine’s Day – February
  • Mother’s Day – May
  • Memorial Day – May
  • Father’s Day – June
  • Grandparents’ Day – September
  • International Day of Older Persons - October
  • Veteran’s Day – November
  • Thanksgiving – November
  • Various additional holidays

National Observances

  • National Stalking Awareness Month - January
  • National Crime Victims’ Rights Week – April
  • National Sexual Violence Awareness Month – April
  • Older Americans Month – May
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month – October
  • National Family Caregivers Month – November
  • National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month - November

Share Your Ideas:

Would you like to share an idea to help raise awareness about elder abuse? Email your suggestions to the NCEA. Your activities may inspire others to become involved.

Together, we have the power to prevent elder abuse.


Link to HHS website
Dept. of Health and Human Services

Last Modified: 6/6/2011 7:52:05 AM 
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