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The "Green Team"
Promoting Green Construction & Operations

The environmental impacts of major development projects – office buildings, shopping malls, sports stadiums, college campuses, and the like -- don’t end with construction.  From design and construction to operation and maintenance and all the way through to demolition, man-made structures can use tremendous amounts of energy and natural resources, while generating large quantities of waste.  Buildings, through the sheer amount of power they use, are responsible for some 40 percent of the nation’s energy consumption and 40 percent of its carbon dioxide emissions. For these reasons, EPA Region 2 works in partnership with public, private and government organizations to reduce the environmental impacts of their projects, which in turn, can reduce construction, operation and maintenance costs.

The EPA Region 2 Green Team helps building developers and facility managers incorporate more sustainable construction, operation and maintenance practices through voluntary agreements called memorandums of understanding (MOU’s).

The Green MOUs are tailored to each project and incorporate technologies and practices that can help project sponsors to:

As of March 31, 2012, 21 Green MOU Partners joined EPA in “Going Green” in a real and measurable manner. Five sectors are represented: retail, professional sports teams, higher education, real estate/property management and health care/hospitals. So far, our partners include (follow the links to read the associated press releases):

A few of the many achievements of the Green MOU program are:

The Green MOU and EPA Environmental Assessment are valuable tools for communicating environmental benefits to management, employees, customers, the public and other stakeholders.

If you represent a large corporation, higher education institution, health care facility, or the like, operating in the Region 2 area (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, or the US Virgin Islands) and are interested in becoming a Green MOU partner, please contact Andrew Bellina, PE,  at 212-637-4126 or GreenTeam.Region2@epa.gov.


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