Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
Northeast Region
Credit: USFWS
      Images of Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center.
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Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center

We encourage you to start your visit at the Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center. This award-winning visitor center, which opened in October of 2003, offers an information desk staffed by refuge employees and volunteers, where visitors can pick up brochures and trail maps, get directions and suggestions, purchase passes, and ask any other questions about the refuge.

There are a variety of exhibits in the visitor center about the history of the island and the refuge, and the plants and animals that can be found at the refuge. There are also several child-friendly interactive exhibits.

Videos are shown daily in the visitor center auditorium, and programs on a variety of topics are offered during the summer. Inquire at the information desk for further details.

The refuge visitor center is an eco-friendly building and uses sustainable and energy-efficient technology. The building uses geothermal energy for heating and cooling, and multiple windows provide natural light. The floor and ceiling tiles are made from recycled or renewable materials, such as rubber from tires, cork, bamboo, and aspen wood. Solar panels provide energy for the building and the roof is made of recycled zinc. Outside the refuge visitor center, a created wetland area filters water used in the building’s toilets, and the landscaping is native, which provides habitat for wildlife, as well as prevents the spread of invasive plants.

The gift shop, with a selection of books, clothing items, and jewelry, is located in the refuge visitor center and is run by the Chincoteague Natural History Association.

The Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center is open 7 days a week. The hours are:

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Spring, Fall and *Winter
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Summer
*Closed Christmas and New Year’s Day



Last updated: September 24, 2012