Refuge Planning
Northeast Region
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: Emma Kerr
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: Emma Kerr

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
Comprehensive Conservation Planning

Creating a Refuge Conservation Plan for the Future, Wildlife and You

This year, we will work with local interests to develop a 15-year comprehensive conservation plan (CCP) for the refuge. The plan will evaluate three alternative strategies for managing wildlife, recreational uses, and other activities on the refuge. The environmental and economic impacts of the alternatives will be carefully evaluated and will guide our decisions. Each alternative will include a recreational beach, beachside parking for visitors, and continuing management of the Chincoteague pony herd.

With your involvement, we will develop a CCP that will ensure that Chincoteague remains a spectacular place for wildlife and as a vacation destination.

The Latest News

Image of first page of the latest newsletter

The latest newsletter (August 2012) with information about alternatives and the CCP process is available here.

Get Involved

The planning team expects to complete the draft plan and environmental impact statement by the end of 2012. There will be more opportunities for public participation at that time.

For additional information regarding the CCP process or to get on our project mailing list, please contact Thomas Bonetti at (413) 253-8307.

Previous Newsletters

For our August 2011 Newsletter, click here (pdf - 1 Mb).

For our May 2011 Newsletter, click here.

For our February 2011 Newsletter, click here.

Last updated: August 24, 2012