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PMN Fees

What is the fee for submitting?

The fee for most PMN submissions is $2,500.00. The fee is reduced under certain conditions: (1) if your company qualifies as a small business (sales, including those of subsidiary/parent companies, are less than $40 million/year), the fee is $100.00; (2) if a PMN for an intermediate substance is submitted with a final product PMN, the fee for the intermediate substance is $1,000.00; and (3) if a consolidated PMN, as approved by a prenotice coordinator, is filed for multiple chemicals (no more than six) that are related, the total fee is $2,500, except that for a small business it is $100.00.

When several product PMNs have been consolidated, the Agency will consider consolidation for intermediates used in their syntheses where those intermediates are used at parallel stages in their syntheses.

For information about PMN fees see 40 CFR Section 700, or contact the TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Assistance Information Service (tsca-hotline@epa.gov).

How do you submit PMN fees?

Fees can be submitted by check or paid by credit card.

To send checks:

The bank that formerly provided "lock box" services accepting TSCA section 5 Premanufacture Notice user fees (Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, PA) has been changed; we are now using US Bank in St Louis Missouri. User fees sent to the Pittsburgh post office box address formerly listed for PMN payments are no longer being forwarded to the St. Louis lock box service at the address below. Please use the below address for user fee payments.

US Mail:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington Finance Center
Toxic Substances Control Act User Fees
P.O. Box 979073
St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

Courier services:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington Finance Center
Toxic Substances Control Act User Fees
Lockbox 979073 - US Bank
1005 Convention Plaza
St Louis, MO 63101

The telephone number for US Bank staff, which the courier service can use, is: 314-418-1618

To pay by credit card, using the US Treasury Pay.gov program:
The New Chemicals program can accept payments made through the Pay.gov program of the US Treasury. Pay.gov can be a mechanism for paying using a credit card. Pay.gov has generated a form for paying TSCA fees. The form can be found on the Agency List at the Pay.gov homepage, as well.


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