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Recent Additions

8/30/12 The NO2/NOx In-Stack Ratio (ISR) Database and information on the related NO2/NOx ISR data collection effort are now available.

8/30/12 An updated release of the beta MMIF utility has been posted. Version 2.2 includes minor bug fixes, most notably improved translation of WRF variables related to landuse.

8/27/12 The EPA-approved version of CALPOST has been updated to version 6.221 (level 080724). Version 6.221 includes "Method 8," which utilizes the revised IMPROVE equation per the October 2010 - FLAG Phase 1 Report. This update only effects CALPOST and no other program in the CALPUFF System of programs.

6/21/12 The full transcripts and the presentations given at the 10th Conference on Air Quality Modeling have been posted.

5/22/12 The presentations from the 2012 EPA Regional, State, and Local Modelers' Workshop in Chicago, IL have been posted.

4/23/12 An updated version of the lead post-processing tool, LEADPOST has been posted. Version 12114 now outputs monthly contributions to the rolling 3-month averages.

4/16/12 An updated version of the Summary of AERMOD Implementation Workgroup (AIWG) Case Studies for 1-hour NO2 and SO2 NAAQS is availabe for review.

3/2/12 An updated version of AERMOD, dated 12060, has been posted on the AERMOD webpage. This update corrects bugs related to use of the MAXDCONT option for some applications, as well as a few other bugs. Additional changes were made to minimize the storage requirements for the MAXDCONT option. Model Change Bulletin #7 (MCB#7) provides a summary of the changes incorporated into version 12060 of AERMOD, and a minor update to the AERMOD User's Guide Addendum is also provided.

3/2/12 The Haul Road Workgroup Final Report has been posted.

2/15/12 Beta release versions of the MMIF, MMIFstat, and CALMET2NCF utilities have been posted. Please reference the supporting documentation on the Related Programs web page for more information on each utility.

2/15/12 The Documentation of the Evaluation of CALPUFF and Other Long Range Transport Models using Tracer Field Experiment Data report has been posted.

12/21/11 An updated version of AERMOD, dated 11353, has been posted on the AERMOD webpage. This update corrects a significant bug related to use of the MAXDCONT option with urban sources, as well as a few other minor bugs. Model Change Bulletin #6 (MCB#6) provides a summary of changes incorporated into version 11353 of AERMOD.

12/21/11 A limited update to AERMINUTE (dated 11325, 11/21/2011) is available. A summary of AERMINUTE changes is provided in MCB#1.

10/24/11 A Model Clearinghouse memo, "Model Clearinghouse Review of Equivalent Building Dimensions for AERMOD" has been posted.

10/19/11 The Draft SO2 NAAQS Implementation Guidance webinar presentation is available.

7/21/11 A memo regarding a"Revised Policy to Address Reconsideration of Interpollutant Trading Provisions for Fine Particles (PM2.5)" has been posted. The memo announces a change in the policy concerning the development and adoption of interpollutant trading (offset) provisions for PM2.5.

6/28/11 An "Update to the 24 Hour PM2.5 NAAQS Modeled Attainment Test" is available. This new version replaces section 5.2 of the 2007 PM2.5 modeling guidance.

6/16/11 The Guidance for Implementing 1-hour NO2 NAAQS for PSD webinar presentation is available.

5/6/11 A Model Clearinghouse memo, "Model Clearinghouse Review of AERMOD-COARE as an Alternative Model for Application in an Arctic Marine Ice Free Environment," has been posted.

5/6/11 Limited updates to AERSCREEN (version 11126) have been posted. A summary of changes can be found in MCB #3.

4/14/11 A limited update to AERMAP (dated 11103, 04/13/2011) is available. A summary of AERMAP changes is provided in MCB#3.

4/11/11 A clarification memo regarding status of AERSCREEN as EPA recommended screening model has been released. AERSCREEN (Version 11076) was released on 3/17/11 including updated MAKEMET (Version 09183) with documentation and test cases.

4/8/11 The updated AERMET files (version 11059) is available on the AERMET page. Model Change Bulletin #2 (MCB#2) provides a summary of changes incorporated into version 11059 of AERMET.

3/25/11 A guidance memo regarding "Area Designations for the 2010 Revised Primary Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards" is available.

3/1/11 A clarification memo regarding "Additional Clarification Regarding Applicability of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour NO2 NAAQS" has been issued to assist in PSD permit modeling for NO2 with applicability to SO2 NAAQS as well.


This website is maintained by EPA's Air Quality Modeling Group (AQMG). The AQMG conducts modeling analyses to support policy and regulatory decisions in the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) and provides leadership and direction on the full range of air quality models and other mathematical simulation techniques used in assessing control strategies and source impacts. Documentation and guidance for these air quality models can be found on this website, including downloadable computer code, input data, and model processors.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Adobe PDF files on this site. See EPA's PDF page for more information about getting and using the free Acrobat Reader.

This site contains the following sections.

Air Quality Models - Provides descriptions and documentation for three types of air quality models: dispersion, photochemical, and receptor models. Also provided with the dispersion modeling section are source code and associated user's guides and documentation for preferred/recommended models, screening models, and alternative models.

Modeling Applications and Tools - Provides more detailed information on modeling analyses AQMG has conducted to support policy and regulatory decisions in OAR including assessment of control strategies and source culpability. In addition, this site provides access to EPA developed tools for use in State Implementation Plan (SIP) demonstrations and other air quality modeling assessments.

Modeling Guidance & Support - Provides current guidance for applying air quality models for regulatory applications for both State Implementation Plans (SIP) demonstrations and revisions, as well as permit applications for new source reviews including Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations.  Included is the Model Clearinghouse which is designed to help record the interpretation of modeling guidance for specific regulatory applications.  Also included in this area are links to modeling contacts within the EPA Regional Offices and State environmental agencies. 

Meteorological Data & Processors  - Provides information on Meteorological data used in air quality models as derived from both ambient measurements and meteorological models. Processors based on these two main sources of meteorological data are also provided.

Conferences & Workshops - Provides announcements and related information for upcoming meetings, conferences, and workshops including agendas, review materials, and links.

Reports & Journal Articles
- Provides access to reports developed by AQMG staff as well as a bibliographic listing of journal articles they have authored or co-authored.

Related Links --- Provides website links of interest to air quality modelers and policy analysts.

About AQMG -Provides a link to the group's website with background information, principle roles/responsibilities, staff names and contact information.

Employment Opportunities:  AQMG currently has no open positions to fill. As positions become open, AQMG will update this website with details. In addition, job announcements can be found on the internet at the Office of Personnel Management website. The easiest way to find the announcement is to look for openings located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

If you would like to be notified when we have a position for which you may be interested in applying, you may send a resume to Tyler Fox, Group Leader at: Fox.Tyler@epa.gov.


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