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November 23, 2007
Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment and Other Automatic Increases for 2008

The Office of the Chief Actuary has posted the automatic increase amounts for 2008. These figures are available at



June 20, 2007
^SSA Demonstrations Mailbox

Effective immediately, the ^SSA Demonstrations mailbox is no longer available. The information about Demonstration projects posted to the Office of Program Development and Research website is updated regularly and has the most recent information available. For other inquiries, you may find it helpful to search the Social Security Administration’s website and that can be found at


March 16, 2007
Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) fact sheet

We have added the following fact sheet: How Payments and Services Received Under the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Can Affect Social Security and SSI Benefits.


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