Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2012

Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2012

A lecture series covering contemporary areas in genomics and bioinformatics

January 11 - April 25, 2012

Course Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits


We are pleased to announce that NHGRI will once again be presenting its "Current Topics in Genome Analysis" lecture series. Given the rapid advances in genomics and bioinformatics that have taken place in the past few years, we feel that an intensive review of the major areas of ongoing genome research would be of great value to our fellow NIH colleagues. A mixture of local and outside speakers will give the lectures designed to cover the major areas of genomics. The lectures are geared at the level of first year graduate students, are practical in nature, and are intended for a diverse audience. Handouts will be provided for each talk, and time will be available at the end of each lecture for questions and discussion.

Who Should Attend

The intended audience includes clinicians, clinical geneticists, social and behavioral scientists, genetic counselors, those involved with genetics and public policy, health educators, and other biomedical and clinical scientists with an interest in genetics, genomics and personalized medicine. No prior expertise on the part of the audience will be required and the lecturers will be instructed to provide any relevant background as part of their lectures.


At the completion of this activity, participants will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Explain the importance of using genomic approaches in modern biomedical research
  • Interpret case studies involving genome-wide association approaches
  • Utilize bioinformatics-based approaches with greater facility and confidence, through practice exercises aimed at reinforcing concepts presented during the lectures
  • Assess, select, and apply genomic and bioinformatic techniques that can help advance their own basic or clinical research programs
  • Identify potential areas where transdisciplinary approaches involving relevant aspects of genomics and bioinformatics can synergistically promote translational research
  • Recognize the difference between clinical diagnosis of disease and identification of genetic predisposition to disease.
  • Explain the potential ethical, legal, and social issues related to genetic testing and the recording of genetic information
Accreditation Statement

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation Statement

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine designates this live activity for 1.5 credits per session for a maximum of 19.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Policy on Speaker and Provider Disclosure

It is the policy of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that the speaker and provider disclose real or apparent conflicts of interest relating to the topics of this educational activity, and also disclose discussions of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentation(s). The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine OCME has established policies in place that will identify and resolve all conflicts of interest prior to this educational activity. Detailed disclosure will be made in the activity handout materials.

You may only claim CME credits for lectures you attended in person in the Lipsett Amphitheatre. You may not claim CME credits for watching the archived Webcasts.

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Last Reviewed: June 13, 2012