Subject: File No. S7-12-06
From: Darrell Hymer

September 5, 2006

Regulations SHO is a joke and I hope all involved will eventually go to jail.The SEC can go ahead and pat themselves on the back but the truth is that those in control at the SEC have been protecting the Market Makers, Hedge Funds and the Brokers.You have managed to rape and pillage the American investor by naked shorting and allowing the failure to delivers to continue.I personally think if you do decide to eliminate the grandfather clause then the crooks will find another way to continue with the naked (counterfeiting) shorting of stocks. We all know the SEC looks the other way and allows the DTC to get away with this. The word is out and one day those involved will pay. I hope all involved get to spend many years in Jail.what new law will you create in the back rooms to bring back the grandfather clause?I say arrest all those involved.