Race to the Top-District Competition
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3) Policy and Infrastructure

3) Policy and Infrastructure. Comprehensive policies and infrastructure for learning that provide every student, educator, and level of the education system (e.g., classroom, school, and LEA) with the support and resources they need, when and where they are needed, including:

2) Teaching

2) Teaching. An approach to teaching that empowers educators to improve instruction and increase effectiveness at supporting student progress toward meeting college- and career-ready graduation requirements (as defined in this document) by enabling the full implementation of personalized teaching and learning for all students.

1) Learning

1) Learning: An approach to learning that engages and empowers all learners, in particular high-needs students, in an age appropriate manner, through the use of high-quality content aligned with college- and career-ready standards (as defined in this document), frequently updated data about individual student progress, and intervention support options.

C. Preparing Students for College and Careers

The extent to which the applicant has a high-quality plan for improving teaching and learning by personalizing the learning environment(s) to enable all students to graduate college- and career-ready.

B. District Capacity and Success Factors

Reform Conditions.
The extent to which each LEA has demonstrated evidence of—

A. Vision

  1. The extent to which the applicant has set forth a comprehensive and coherent reform vision that builds on its work in the four core educational assurance areas (as defined in this document) and articulates a clear and credible approach to the goal of advancing excellence and equity through personalized student and educator support.

Absolute Priorities

For FY 2012 and any subsequent year in which the Department makes awards from any list of unfunded applicants resulting from this competition, the Department will consider only applications that, consistent with 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), meet Absolute Priority 1 and one of Absolute Priorities 2-5 described below.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Eligible applicants include only individual local educational agencies (LEAs) (as defined in this document) and consortia of LEAs.
    1. LEAs may apply for all or a portion of their schools, for specific grades, or for subject area bands (e.g., lowest-performing schools, secondary schools, feeder pattern, middle school math, or preschool through third grade).
    2. L
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