Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume E–12, Documents on East and Southeast Asia, 1973–1976

List of Persons

  • Abramowitz, Morton I., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs
  • Agnew, Spiro T., Vice President of the United States from January 20, 1969 until October 10, 1973
  • Aichi Kiichi, Japanese Finance Minister until November 23, 1973
  • Aldrich, George H., Deputy Legal Adviser, Department of State, until 1977
  • Armacost, Michael H., Member of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
  • Barbian, Paul E., staff, Executive Secretariat of the Department of State
  • Barger, Herman H., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, until 1973
  • Barnard, Lance, Australian Deputy Prime Minister from December 5, 1972 until June 12, 1974; Minister for Defense from December 5, 1972 until June 6, 1975
  • Barnes, Thomas J., Senior Staff Member of the National Security Council for East Asia and the Pacific from August 1975 until September 1976
  • Bergesen, Alf E., Deputy Director of the Office of Thailand and Burma Affairs
  • Boun Oum Na Champassak, Prince, Prime Minister of Laos from 1948 until 1950 and again from 1960 until 1962
  • Bremer, L. Paul, Staff Assistant to the Secretary of State from July 1972; Special Assistant of the Secretary of State from May 1973
  • Brown, George S., General, USAF, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 1, 1974
  • Brown, L. Dean , U.S. Ambassador to Jordon until November 1973; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management from December 1973 until February 23, 1975
  • Brown, Winthrop G., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs until April 1972
  • Burns, Dr. Arthur F., Chairman, Federal Reserve System Board of Governors
  • Bush, George H.W., Representative to the United Nations until January 18, 1973; Head of the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing from October 21, 1974 until December 7, 1975; Director of Central Intelligence from January 30, 1976
  • Butterfield, Alexander P., Deputy Assistant to the President until 1973
  • Butz, Earl L., Secretary of Agriculture until 1976
  • Cairns, Jim, Australian Minister for Overseas Trade until December 11, 1974; Deputy Prime Minister from June 12, 1974 until July 2, 1975; Treasurer from December 11, 1974 until June 6, 1975
  • Cargo, William I., Director of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, until July 30, 1973
  • Chapin, Dwight, Deputy Assistant to the President until 1973
  • Chapin, Frank, Staff Secretary to the 303/40 Committee
  • Chapman, Christian A., Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Laos
  • Chartchai Ghunhavan, Thai Deputy Foreign Minister
  • Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi), President of the Republic of China from until April 5, 1975; Chair, Republic of China National Security Council until 1975; Director-General, Kuomintang, until 1975
  • Chou En-lai, see Zhou Enlai
  • Chow [also spelled Chou] Shu-kai (Zhou Shukai), Republic of China Ambassador to the United States until May 1971; Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1971 and 1972; Minister without Portfolio from 1972
  • Chung Il Kwon, Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea until December 19, 1970
  • Clements, William (Bill) Perry, Deputy Secretary of Defense
  • Cleveland, Paul M., Special Assistant and Staff Director, National Security Council Interdepartmental Group, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, until July 1973
  • Cline, Ray S., Director, Office of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from until November 24, 1973
  • Colby, E. William E., Director of Central Intelligence from September 4, 1973 until January 30, 1976
  • Collums, Haley D., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
  • Cooper, Charles A., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1975
  • Corner, Frank H., New Zealand Ambassador to the United States until 1972; New Zealand Secretary of Foreign Affairs from 1973
  • Covey, James P., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
  • Cronk, Edwin M., Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Trade Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State, until June 1972; Ambassador to Singapore from June 27, 1972 until June 7, 1975
  • Crowe, William J., Rear Admiral; Director, East Asia and Pacific Region, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Curran, Robert Theodore, Deputy Executive Secretary, Executive Secretariat, Department of State, until September 1972; Deputy Director of Personnel for Management from September 1972 until May 1974
  • Davis, Jeanne W., Staff Secretary, National Security Council Staff Secretariat
  • De Palma, Samuel, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs until June 20, 1973
  • Dean, Charles, American tourist missing in Laos from September 1974
  • Deng Xiaoping, People’s Republic of China Vice Premier of State Council from 1973 until 1974
  • Denney, George C., Jr., Deputy Director, Directorate for Management, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, until November 1973
  • Dexter, John B., Director of the Office of Thailand and Burma Affairs, Department of State
  • Do Thanh, First Secretary, Socialist Republic of Vietnam Embassy, France
  • Donelan, Joseph F., Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Administration until March 31, 1973
  • Doolin, Dennis J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs
  • Douglas-Home, Sir Alexander Frederick, British Foreign Secretary until March 4, 1974
  • Eagleburger, Lawrence S., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during early 1973; member of National Security Council Staff from June 1973; Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State from October 1973; Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Management from February 1975 until May 1975; Under Secretary of Management for Management from May 1975
  • Eberle, William D., Special Representative for Trade Negotiations until 1975; also Member, Council on International Economic Policy, from 1971
  • Edmond, Lester E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  • Ehrlichman, John D., Counsel Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs until May 1973
  • Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Department of State until September 26, 1973
  • Ellerman, Alfred Denny, Staff member for International Economic Affairs of the National Security Council until March 3, 1975
  • Ellsworth, Robert, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Enrile, Juan Ponce, Philippine Secretary of National Defense from 1970
  • Ericson, Richard A., Jr., Country Director for Japan until January 1974
  • Faulkner, Arthur, New Zealand Minister of Defense and then Minister of Labour
  • Flanigan, Peter, Executive Director of the Council for International Economic Policy from February 1972.
  • Fleck, Benjamin A., Director of the Office for Philippine Affairs
  • Ford, Gerald R., House Minority Leader until 1973; Vice President from October 13, 1973 until August 8, 1974; President from August 8, 1974
  • Fraser, Malcolm, Australian Prime Minister from November 11, 1975
  • Friedersdorf, Max, Assistance to the President for Legislative Affairs
  • Froebe, John A., Jr., assigned to the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Island Desk, Bureau of East Asian Affairs, Department of State, but actually on the National Security Council staff beginning in 1971; formally detailed to the National Security Council in January 1974
  • Froehlke, Robert F., Secretary of the Army until May 14, 1973
  • Fukuda Takeo, Japanese Foreign Minister from July 5, 1971 until July 7, 1972; Japanese Prime Minister from December 1976
  • Fukuda, Manabu, Department of State Interpreter
  • Fulbright. J. William, Democratic Senator from Arkansas until 1974; Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until 1974
  • Galbraith, Francis J., Ambassador to Indonesia until 1974
  • Gallagher, William L., Drug Coordinator and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Officer for the Office of Regional Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
  • Gammon, Samuel R., Deputy Chief of Mission, American Embassy, France
  • Gandhi, Indira, Indian Prime Minister
  • Gilman, Benjamin, Republican Representative from New York
  • Gleysteen, William H, Jr., Deputy Chief of Mission, Taipei, from until 1974; Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from September 1974; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Japan-Korea-Republic of China-People Republic of China from October 1975; National Security Council Staff from August 1976
  • Godley, George McMurtrie, Ambassador to Laos until April 23, 1973; Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 1973
  • Granger, Clinton E., member, National Security Council staff until April 1976
  • Green, Marshall, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs until May 10, 1973; Ambassador to Australia from March 27, 1973 until July 31, 1975; Non-Resident Ambassador to Nauru from February 28, 1974 until July 31, 1975
  • Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister
  • Habib, Hasnan, General, Aide to Sumitro
  • Habib, Philip C., Ambassador to Korea until August 19, 1974; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from September 27, 1974 until June 30, 1976; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from July 1, 1976
  • Hahm Pyong Choon, South Korean Ambassador to the United States from 1973
  • Haig, Alexander Meigs, Jr., Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until January 1973; Army Vice Chief of Staff from January until August 1973; Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff from August 1973 until August 1974
  • Haldeman, H.R., Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff until April 30, 1973
  • Handley, William J., Ambassador to Turkey until April 19, 1973
  • Hannah, John A., Administrator, Agency for International Development until October 7, 1973
  • Harlow, Bryce N., Counselor to the President until 1974
  • Heath, Edward, British Prime Minister until March 4, 1974
  • Helms, Richard M., Director of Central Intelligence until February 2, 1973
  • Henderson, Marion J., Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  • Hill, Robert C., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Hodgson, James D., Secretary of Labor until February 1973
  • Holdridge, John Herbert, member, National Security Council Operations Staff/East Asia until April 1973
  • Hormats, Robert, member, National Security Council Operations Staff/International Economic Affairs
  • Hummel, Arthur W., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from February 1972, Ambassador to Ethiopia from February 1975; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from July 1976
  • Hurwitz, Edward, Counselor for Political Affairs from December 1974; Departmental Special Assistant from November 1975; Director of the Office of Korean Affairs from August 1976
  • Hyland, William, G., member, National Security Council Operations Staff /Europe until 1974; Director of Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from January 1974 until November 1975; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1975
  • Ingersoll, Robert Stephen, Ambassador to Japan until November 8, 1973; Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from January 8, 1974 until July 9, 1974; Deputy Secretary of State from July 10, 1974 until March 31, 1976
  • Ingraham, Edward C., Deputy Director of the Office for Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore from July 1974
  • Irwin, John N., II, Deputy Secretary of State from July 13, 1972 until February 1, 1973.
  • Jenkins, Alfred le Sesne, Director, Office of Asian Communist Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, until February 1973
  • Jiang Jieshi, see Chiang Kai-shek
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States from November 22, 1963 until January 20, 1969
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until February 1, 1973
  • Jordan, Amos, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Bureau of International Security Affairs
  • Jurich, Anthony J., Special Assistant to the Secretary for National Security Affairs, Department of the Treasury
  • Karamessines, Thomas H., Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director for Plans [title changed to Deputy Director for Operations after Karamessines’ tenure] from July 31, 1967 until February 24, 1973
  • Katz, Julius L., Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Resources and Food Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State, until April 1974
  • Kendall, Donald M., President and Chief Executive Officer of Pepsi-Cola (renamed Pepsi Co); friend of Richard Nixon; Chairman of the Emergency Committee for American Trade
  • Kennedy, Richard, member, National Security Council staff until January 23, 1975
  • Khukrit, see Kukrit Pramoj
  • Kim Dae-jung, member, South Korean National Assembly; Presidential candidate of New Democratic Party in 1971; leading opposition figure
  • Kim Dong-Jo, Republic of Korea Ambassador to the United States until 1973; Foreign Minister of Republic of Korea from December 3, 1973 until December 18, 1975
  • Kim Il-sung (Kim Il Sung), Premier (Chairman of the Council of Ministers) of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea until December 28, 1972; President (Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly) of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea from December 28, 1972; and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea
  • Kim Yong-shik, South Korean Foreign Minister from June 4, 1971 until December 2, 1973
  • Kintner, Willam R., Ambassador to Thailand from November 29, 1973 until March 14, 1975
  • Kirk, Norman, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of New Zealand from December 8, 1972 until August 31, 1974
  • Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until November 3, 1975; Secretary of State from September 21, 1973
  • Klein, Herbert G., White House Director of Communications until July 1973
  • Kleindienst, Richard G., Attorney General from February 1972 until April 1973
  • Knowles, John F., Office of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Pacific Island Affairs, Department of State
  • Kosygin, Alexei N., Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Premier) of the Soviet Union
  • Kukrit Pramoj, Prime Minister of Thailand from March 14, 1975 until April 20, 1976
  • Ladd, Bruce C., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Commercial Affairs and Business Activities, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State, from 1971 until 1973
  • Laird, Melvin R., Secretary of Defense until January 29, 1973
  • Le Duc Tho, member of the Politburo of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and leader of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam negotiating team in Paris until 1973
  • Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore
  • Lewis, Samuel W., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from December 1975
  • Lodal, Jan M., member, National Security Council staff until August 1975
  • Lon Nol, Cambodian Prime Minister until April 1975
  • Loomis, Henry, Deputy Director, United States Information Agency until 1973
  • Lord, Winston, member, National Security Council staff until 1973; Director of the Policy Planning Staff (Policy and Coordination Staff) at the Department of Defense from October 1973
  • MacDonald, Donald, member, National Security Council staff until June 1976
  • Malik, Yakov Alexandrovich, Permanent Representative of the Soviet Union to the United Nations until 1976
  • Mansfield, Michael, Democratic Senator from Montana until 1976; Senate Majority Leader until 1976
  • Mao Tse-tung, see Mao Zedong
  • Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung), Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
  • Marcos, Ferdinand, Philippine President
  • Marcos, Imelda Romualdez, wife of Ferdinand Marcos
  • Marsh, John, Counselor to President Ford
  • Masters, Edward S., Chargé d’Affaires in Thailand
  • Maw, Carlyle E., Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance from July 1974
  • McClellan, Robert, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Domestic and International Business
  • McCloskey, Paul N., Republican Representative from California
  • McCloskey, Robert J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Press Relations, and Special Assistant to the Secretary, until May 1973
  • McDonald, Angus, Staff Director, House Select Committee on Missing-in-Action persons
  • McGovern, George, Democratic Senator from South Dakota; Presidential candidate in 1972
  • McManis, David, member, National Security Council staff in 1970 and 1971; Director of the White House Situation Room in 1971 and 1972
  • Miki Takeo, Japanese Prime Minister from December 1974 until December 1976
  • Miller, Robert H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  • Miyazawa Kiichi, Japanese Minister of International Trade and Industry from January 14, 1970 until July 5, 1971
  • Moerdani, Benjamin, see Murdani, Benjamin
  • Moertopo, Ali, General and Deputy Chief of the State Intelligence Coordinating Body of Indonesia
  • Montgomery, Gillespie (Sonny) V., Democratic Representative from Mississippi
  • Moore, John Norton, Counselor on International Law, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State; Chairman of the National Security Council Interagency Task Force on the Law of the Sea, Deputy Special Representative of the President for the third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference and Deputy Chief of Delegation, until March 1976
  • Moorer, Thomas H., Admiral, USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 2, 1970 until July 1, 1974
  • Moose, Richard, member, National Security Council staff until 1970
  • Morris, Roger, member, National Security Council staff until 1971
  • Muldoon, Robert David, New Zealand Prime Minister from December 12, 1975
  • Murdani, Benjamin, Major general and Chief of Intelligence for the Indonesian Department of Defense and Security
  • Nakasone Yasuhiro, Japanese politician
  • Neubert, Joseph W., Acting Deputy Director for Planning, Planning and Coordination Staff, Department of State, until July 1973
  • Newsom, David D., Ambassador to Indonesia from 1974
  • Nguyen Van Thieu, President of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) until April 21, 1975
  • Nixon, Richard M., President of the United States until August 9, 1974
  • Noyes, James H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from 1971
  • O’Donohue, Daniel A, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs
  • Oakley, Robert B., member, National Security Council staff from September 1974
  • Odeen, Phil, member, National Security Council staff
  • Ohira Masayoshi, Japanese Foreign Minister from July 7, 1972 until July 12, 1974
  • Osborn, David Lawrence, Consul General in Hong Kong until March 1974
  • Ottinger, Richard L., Democratic Representative from New York
  • Oveson, Richard M., Colonel, U.S. Air Attaché, American Embassy, France
  • Paik Doo Jin, Prime Minster of the Republic of Korea from December 19, 1970 until June 3, 1971
  • Park Chung Hee (Pak Chong-hui, Pak Chung-hui, Pak Jung-Hui), President of the Republic of Korea (South Korea)
  • Park Tong-jin, South Korean Foreign Minister from December 19, 1975
  • Peacock, Andrew, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs from December 1975
  • Pedersen, Richard F., Counselor of the Department of State until July 26, 1973
  • Peet, Ray, Vice Admiral; Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from January 6, 1974 until April 1, 1974
  • Pham Van Dong, Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Vietnam/Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Phoumi Vongvichit, Laotian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs until December 1975; Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education from December 1975
  • Pickering, Thomas R., Executive Secretary of State and Special Assistant to the Secretary of State from August 1973
  • Platt, Nicholas, Director, Executive Secretariat, from June 1972 until May 1973; political officer in the United States Liaison Office from May 1973 until January 1974; stationed in Japan from July 1974
  • Plimsoll, James, Australian Ambassador to the United States
  • Pollack, Herman, Director, Bureau of International Scientific and Technological Affairs, Department of State, until 1974
  • Pranger, Robert J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Plans and National Security Council Affairs, 1971
  • Prentice, Colgate S., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from until June 1973
  • Pursley, Robert E., Brigadier General, Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
  • Quinn, Kennth M., member, National Security Coucil Staff specializing in East Asia and the Pacific
  • Renner, John C., Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Trade Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, from July 1972
  • Richardson, Elliot L., Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare until January 1973; Secretary of Defense from January 30 until May 24, 1973; Attorney General from May until October 1973
  • Rithaudeen, Tengku, Malaysian Foreign Minister
  • Rives, Lloyd M., Laos/Cambodia Desk Office, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  • Robinson, Charles W., Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs from January 3, 1975 until April 9, 1976; Deputy Secretary of State from April 9, 1976
  • Rodman, Peter W., member, National Security Council staff
  • Rogers, William P., Secretary of State until September 3, 1973
  • Romulo, Carlos, Philippine Foreign Secretary
  • Rowling, Wallace Edward, New Zealand Prime Minister and Foreign Minister from September 6, 1974 until December 12, 1975
  • Rumsfeld, Donald R., Counselor to the President until January 1973; Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization until 1974; Assistant to President Ford from August 1974 until October 1975; Secretary of Defense from October 1975
  • Rush, Kenneth, Deputy Secretary of Defense from February 23, 1972 until January 29, 1973; Deputy Secretary of State from February 2, 1973 until May 29 1974
  • Rusmin, Nurjadin, Indonesian Ambassador to the United States from October 1974
  • Sanya Thammasak, Thai Prime Minister from October 14, 1973 until February 26, 1975
  • Sato Eisaku, Japanese Prime Minister from November 9, 1964 until July 6, 1972
  • Scali, John, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for ABC News until 1971; Special Consultant to the President from 1971 until 1973
  • Schlesinger, James R., Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission from August 1971 until February 1973; Director of Central Intelligence from February 2 until July 2, 1973; Secretary of Defense from July 2, 1973 until November 19, 1975
  • Scott, Hugh, Republican Senator from Pennsylvania; Senate Minority
  • Scowcroft, Brent, Military Assistant to the President from February 1972 until 1973, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from August 1973 until 1975, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 3, 1975
  • Seamans, Robert C., Jr., Secretary of the Air Force until May 14, 1973
  • Seni Pramoj, Thai Prime Minister from February 26, 1975 until March 14, 1975, and again from April 20, 1976 until October 6
  • Shakespeare, Frank, Director, U.S. Information Agency until February 7, 1973
  • Shoesmith, Thomas P., Country Director for the Republic of China, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, until August 1971; Deputy Chief of Mission in Tokyo from August 1972 until October 1977
  • Shultz, George P., Director of the Office of Management and Budget until May 1972; Secretary of the Treasury from May 16, 1972 until April 17, 1974
  • Sihanouk, Norodom, Prince, head of state of Cambodia until 1970; leader of a government-in-exile in Peking from 1970 until 1975
  • Simon, William E., Secretary of the Treasury
  • Sisco, Joseph J., Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until February 18, 1974; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 19, 1974 until June 30, 1976
  • Smyser, W. Richard, member, National Security Council Operations Staff/East Asia until 1972; member, National Security Council Staff from September 1973
  • Sneider, Richard L., Deputy Chief of Mission in Japan until July 1972; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from August 1972 until September 1974; Ambassador to Korea from September 1974
  • Solomon, Richard H., senior staff member, National Security Council until 1976
  • Sonnenfeldt, Helmut C., member, NSC Staff until 1974; Counselor, Department of State from 1974
  • Souphanouvong, Lao Prime Minister from December 1975
  • Souvanna Phouma, Lao Prime Minister until December 1975
  • Spiers, Ronald I., Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs until August 2, 1973
  • Springsteen, George S., Executive Secretary, Department of State
  • Stans, Maurice, Secretary of Commerce until January 27, 1972
  • Steadman, Richard C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, 1969
  • Stearman, William L., member, National Security Council staff
  • Stein, Herbert, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors until July 1974
  • Suarez, Pablo, Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the Philippines
  • Suharto, Indonesian President
  • Sullivan, William H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs until July 1973; Ambassador to the Philippines from August 6, 1973 until April 26, 1977
  • Sumitro, Indonesian General
  • Sunthorn Hongladarom, Thai Ambassador to the U.S. until 1972
  • Symington, Stuart, Democratic Senator from Missouri
  • Talboys, Brian, New Zealand Foreign Minister from December 12, 1975
  • Tanaka Kakeui, Japanese Prime Minister until December 9, 1974
  • Tarr, Curtis W., Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs from May 1, 1972 until November 25, 1973
  • Taylor, John J., member, National Security Council Staff for East Asia and Pacific Affairs from June 1975
  • Teng Hsiao-p’ing, see Deng Xiaoping
  • Thajeb, Sjarif, Indonesian Ambassador to the United States until April 1974
  • Thanom Kittikachorn, Thai Prime Minister until February 26 1973
  • Thayer, Harry E.T., advisor on political affairs at the United States Mission to the United Nations until September 1973
  • Togo, Fumihiko, Japanese Deputy Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ambassador to the United States
  • Tran Hoan, Counselor of Socialist Republic of Vietnam Embassy, France
  • Unger, Leonard, U.S. Ambassador to Thailand
  • Ushiba Nobuhiko, Japanese Ambassador to the United States until July 1973
  • Vega, Wilfredo, Ambassador of the Philippines to the United States
  • Virata, Cesar, Philippine Minister of Finance
  • Volcker, Paul A., Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs until June 1974
  • Walters, Vernon A., Lt. Gen., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until July 31, 1976
  • White, Lloyd, New Zealand Ambassador to the United States
  • Whitehouse, Charles, S., Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam until August 1973; Ambassador to Laos from September 20, 1973 until April 12, 1975; Ambassador to Thailand from May 30, 1975
  • Whitlam, Gough, Australian Prime Minister from December 5, 1972 until November 11, 1975
  • Wickel, James J., Political Officer, Department of State from July 1972
  • Wilenski, Peter, Principal Private Secretary (and principal adviser) to Prime Minister Gough Whitlam
  • Willesee, Donald, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs from November 30, 1973 until November 11, 1975
  • Williams, F. Haydn, President’s Personal Representative for Micronesian Status Negotiations
  • Wilson, James Harold, British Prime Minister from 1974 until 1976
  • Wilson, James M., Jr., U.S. Representative for Micronesian status negotiations from November 1972
  • Wolthus, Bob, Deputy Assistance to the President for Legislative Affairs
  • Wright, W. Marshall, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from April until December 1972; Acting Assistant Secretary from December 1972 until April 1973
  • Yasukawa Takeshi, Japanese Ambassador to the United States from July 1973
  • Zhou Enlai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China until January 8, 1976; member, Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Bureau until 1976
  • Ziegler, Ronald, White House Press Secretary until 1974
  • Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr., Adm., USN, Chief of Naval Operations until July 1, 1974
  • Zurhellen, J. Owen, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs