HALLEX Volume I, Division 3

Transmittal Sheets

I-3-01May 31, 1989Workup of Case by Analyst and Appeals Council Dismissals
I-3-02October 30, 1990Appeals Council Review
I-3-03September 15, 1991Appeals Council Decisions
I-3-04October 18, 1991Remands
I-3-05February 28, 1992Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions
I-3-06February 28, 1992Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-07June 11, 1992Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-08September 9, 1992Appeals Council Remands
I-3-09September 28, 1992Appeals Council Decisions
I-3-10October 1, 1992Appeals Council Remands
I-3-11October 30, 1992Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-12January 6, 1993Appeals Council Jurisdiction
I-3-13March 31, 1993Appeals Council Review
I-3-14April 9, 1993Appeals Council Decisions
I-3-15June 30, 1993Appeals Council Review
I-3-16November 18, 1993Post Adjudicative Actions
I-3-17November 18, 1993Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-18November 30, 1993Post-Adjudicative Actions
I-3-19December 17, 1993Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-20June 29, 1994Denial of Request for Review
I-3-21June 30, 1994Workup of Case by Analyst, Grant Review and Own Motion, Post Adjudicative Actions
I-3-22June 30, 1994Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-23June 30, 1994Denial of Request for Review
I-3-24June 30, 1994Appeals Council Review
I-3-25November 10, 1994Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions, Workup of Case by Analyst, and Denial of Request for Review
I-3-26November 11, 1994Denial of Request for Review
I-3-27November 15, 1994Grant Review and Own Motion
I-3-28March 15, 1995Initial Processing of Request for Review
I-3-29April 26, 1995Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions
I-3-30September 25, 1995Appeals Council Jurisdiction
I-3-31July 31, 2001Appeals Council Review
I-3-32August 26, 2004Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions
I-3-33August 26, 2004Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-34August 26, 2004Appeals Council Decisions
I-3-35March 11, 2005Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions
I-3-36September 9, 2005Appeals Council Review
I-3-37March 15, 2006Workup of Case by Analyst and Post-Adjudicative Actions
I-3-38April 28, 2006Post-AC Actions
I-3-39December 16, 2008Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions
I-3-40December 16, 2008Workup of Case by Analyst
I-3-41August 6, 2009Special Notices for Blind or Visually Impaired Claimants or Recipients
I-3-42October 13, 2011Workup of Case by Analyst and Grant Review on Own Motion
I-3-43March 27, 2012Critical Case Procedures
I-3-44December 27, 2012Appeals Council Jurisdiction
I-3-45December 27, 2012Denial of Request for Review