Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region

Invasive Species

Nevada has many invasive species that occur throughout the state. Many of these invasive species were introduced by humans, both accidently and in some cases, intentionally.

Invasive species are more competitive than native species. For example, cheatgrass seeds germinate in the fall and grow to maturity in very early spring without competition from native plants. In addition, it reproduces rapidly following a fire before other native plants can reestablish. A single quagga or zebra mussel can produce over one million eggs in a single spawning season and are spreading quickly and altering rivers and lakes in the United States.

Once established, these invasive species can spread in many ways: by humans, birds, livestock, wind, water or by hitchhiking on vehicles or watercraft. Invasive species create economic impacts and can make drastic changes to the environments they invade. They are expensive to control and they can reduce agricultural production, property values, recreation, wildlife habitat, and impact water supply systems.


Last updated: May 27, 2011