Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife (Partners) Program provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners and local partners interested in restoring, enhancing and managing fish and wildlife habitats on private property. The program operates on a voluntary basis, relying on interested landowners to provide opportunities for habitat improvements on their lands. Under a cooperative agreement, landowners agree to maintain the habitat improvement project for at least ten years, but otherwise retain full control of their land.

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Partners Program Goals:
Click to enlarge.

  • Work cooperatively with private landowners to restore, enhance and manage native habitats that provide long-term benefits to Federal trust species, including migratory birds, anadromous fish, threatened or endangered species, and species of special concern
  • Facilitate private landowner-centered and results-oriented efforts that promote efficient and innovative ways to conserve natural resources
  • Compliment activities on National Wildlife Refuge System lands, or contribute to projects that will benefit refuge lands
  • Help teachers and students create wildlife habitat at their own schools
  • Assist partners with applying for other Service funding programs, including North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grants, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act grants, Endangered Species Program grants, Fish Passage Program grants, Tribal Wildlife Grants, and others. Click here for more grant info

Click to enlarge.Partners Program Projects:

The highest priority projects are those apply state-of-the-art techniques to restore, enhance and manage fish and wildlife habitats. Examples of project types include:

  • Building livestock exclusion fencing and alternative watering systems to allow for restoration of streams and riparian areas
  • Returning meanders and floodplain features to straightened stream channels in order to restore natural and hydrologic connection and function
  • Planting native trees and shrubs along riparian corridors and wetland edges
  • Removing exotic invasive plants that alter the natural habitat and compete with native species
  • Removing barriers to fish passage, which includes replacing undersized culverts and irrigation diversion structures to improve fish passage and hydrologic connection
  • Restoring long-term stream bank stability through bioengineering techniques (e.g. vegetative approaches to stabilizing eroding banks)
  • Restoring historic hydrologic function and vegetative condition of desert spring systems

Eligibility Information:
Click to enlarge.

  • Partners funding can be used to restore, enhance or establish habitat on any non-Federal or non-State property.
  • Funding recipients may include private landowners, tribes, counties, cities, watershed groups, non-profit organizations, and businesses.
  • Partners funding is generally limited to a maximum of $25,000 per project, but greater amounts may be considered.
  • The private landowner agrees to maintain habitat improvements for a minimum of 10 years (but otherwise retains full property rights, including right of trespass).
  • There is no minimum cost-share leveraging requirement. Cost-share contributions may be in-kind (e.g. labor, materials, use of equipment) or monetary.

Nevada landowners interested in the Partners Program may contact their nearest representative:

Susan Abele
Program Coordinator

1340 Financial Blvd., Ste. 234
Reno, Nevada 89502

P: 775.861.6300
F: 775.861.6301
Chris Jasmine
Northern Nevada

555 West Silver St., Ste. 101
Elko, NV 89801

P: 775.738.8431 x131
F: 775.738.7229
Christiana Manville
Southern Nevada

4701 N. Torrey Pines Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89130

P: 702.515.5240
F: 702.515.5231
NV Partners Program Info Sheet

NV Partners Info Sheet PDF
For more information visit the national Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program page.
  • Nevada Springs Conservation Plan Nevada Springs Conservation Plan(2.4 MB PDF)
  • Information on How Nevada Landowners Can Help Greater Sage-Grouse (.6 MB PDF)
    Last updated: February 13, 2012