Author Archives: Cameron Brenchley

Back-to-School Bus Tour Ends on High Note

On its final day, the Education Drives America bus made stops in Roanoke and Richmond, Va., and a final rally at the Department of Education headquarters in Washington. In Roanoke, Secretary Duncan joined Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education … Continue reading

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Appalachian Bound: Bus Tour Day Seven

Lexington: Finding inspiration in language Deputy Secretary Tony Miller stopped by Picadome Elementary School in Lexington, Ky for the first stop of day seven of the Department’s back-to-school bus tour across the country. Picadome is a unique school in that … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News, Teachers | 1 Comment

Collaboration on Display in Three States: Bus Tour Day Six

Columbia: Rural educators teaching with technology Rural educators face a challenge of isolation. Miles away from their peers, collaboration and training can often be difficult. Technology is helping bridge this geographic divide, and was the focus of our first Education … Continue reading

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We’re Not in Kansas Anymore…But We Were for Bus Tour Day Five

Topeka: Celebrating a legacy of hope and courage If we’ve learned anything in three years of producing back-to-school tours, it’s that an event that begins with a high school band is bound to be terrific. That was certainly the case … Continue reading

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Connecting with Colorado Communities: Bus Tour Day Four

Denver: Getting fit and staying healthy It may have been a once-in-lifetime occurrence: two cabinet secretaries, one governor, two U.S. senators and dozens of students all line-dancing. Historic or not, the importance of the Let’s Move! back-to-school bus tour event … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News, Schools and Community, Teachers | Tagged | 5 Comments

Wyoming Is Ready to Work: Bus Tour Day Three

Rock Springs: Celebrating career academies A four-year college education isn’t for everyone. Both President Obama and Secretary Duncan often note the importance of community colleges, technical and career programs to the future of our country’s economic health. Earlier this year, … Continue reading

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Towards the Rockies – Bus Tour Day Two

Elko: Community collaboration is key With only two days complete of ED’s cross-country bus tour, it’s already clear that education really does drive America. During Thursday’s first event at Great Basin College in Elko, Nev., we witnessed how communities can … Continue reading

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Autotuned Arne Begins Bus Tour Across America

  Silicon Valley: Transforming learning through technology and teaching You might not think that a panel discussion on education technology with the Secretary of Education and the Chairman of the FCC would excite an auditorium of high school students, but … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News, Teachers | Tagged | 2 Comments

Bus Tour Across America: 5 Ways to Stay Connected

Tomorrow, Secretary Duncan and top ED officials will kick off the Department of Education’s third annual back-to-school bus tour. The Education Drives America tour begins in Silicon Valley on Sept 12 and ends with a rally at the Department of … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News, Teachers | 1 Comment

Watch the Education Drives America Bus Tour Live

Visit to read more about the tour and to see all the stops. Below are our events scheduled to be streamed live online. Times are listed in the time zone of the event and please not that events and … Continue reading

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Bus Sneak Peek and Final Details Released

The Education Drives America bus has a full tank of gas is ready for the launch of ED’s back-to-school tour. Secretary Arne Duncan will kick off the tour in Silicon Valley on Wednesday, Sept. 12, and below are the details … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News, Teachers | 2 Comments

Education Drives America – Bus Tour Stops in the Midwest

Leaving the Rockies behind, this year’s Education Drives America back-to-school bus tour will head through the Great Plains and on to the Midwest with stops in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. Here are the details released today: Topeka – Sept. … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News, Parent & Family Engagement, Teachers | 2 Comments