Author Archives: Alexa Posny

Student Art Visits ED from Around the World

International Education Week is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and Department of Education to highlight the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. Our two departments work together to promote programs that prepare our students for a global … Continue reading

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Discussing Special Education Teacher Prep at Eastern Michigan

Last Friday, I had a great opportunity to participate in a roundtable at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) on special education teacher preparation, recruitment and retention. With six other distinguished panelists that included a state and district representative, an EMU faculty … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Headlines, News, Teacher Practitioner, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Improving the Lives of Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and their Families

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. On Tuesday, I had the great opportunity to be on a call with Secretary Duncan and Kareem Dale, Special Assistant to the president for Disability Policy, a call in which we announced the release … Continue reading

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Kicking Off ED’s Leadership Mega Conference

Yesterday, I had the great opportunity in joining Melody Musgrove, director of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), and Jim Shelton, assistant deputy secretary for Innovation and Improvement, in welcoming over 1,000 attendees to the Department of Education’s second … Continue reading

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Physical Fitness for All

Throughout May, the White House and Department of Education have celebrated Physical Fitness and Sports month—an annual reminder to us all of the importance of physical activity in our daily life. Yesterday, I  joined Andrea Cernich with the President’ s … Continue reading

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Thanking Mr. Otto

Mr. Warren Otto was my tenth grade geometry teacher. I have to admit that I was a handful. My father was the high school principal, which meant that I often got away with less-than-perfect behavior. Mr. Otto, however, always demanded … Continue reading

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Raising Autism Awareness

Awareness about people with autism and their abilities and desires to lead rich, active, connected lives is on the rise. For example, thanks to an award-winning HBO movie, more people are getting to know Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin is an … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News | 14 Comments

Inclusive Schools

When I was in kindergarten, my neighborhood friends and I waved goodbye to our families and set off for our first day of school. All except one. My friend with down syndrome didn’t board the bus with us that day. … Continue reading

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