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Frequently Asked Questions

NOAA-wide Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - This page features links to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) pages of NOAA's various offices and programs, addressing their various subject areas and operations. They are categorized by NOAA topic, and include information identifying the office or program which produced the FAQ information.

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NOAA Central Library FAQs

Answers to questions frequently handled by NOAA Central Library

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NOAA Library Resources

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) access

Congressional Record access

Federal Register access

International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee papers

NOAA Photo Library - how to credit

NOAA Sources of Moving Images


Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) access

Here is some information about accessing current and older issues of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Current/Recent CFRs
The GPO Access web site's "Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Main Page" allows browsing or searching of CFRs from April 1996 to the present.

We also keep abut 2 years of hard copy of the CFR in the "Legal Collection" area of NOAA Central Library.

(NOAA staff: See also info on access via "HeinOnline" and "Nexis.com" under "Older CFRs" farther below.)

Older CFRs

  • NOAA staff NOAA-wide may select "HeinOnline" (a legal literature database) from NOAA Central Library's "Databases and Article Searching" page to access CFRs.
    After selecting "HeinOnline", under "Subscribed Libraries" select "Code of Federal Regulations Library".
    (Coverage includes 1938 to the present, with some gaps that will be filled over time.)
  • NOAA staff can also access the CFR or CFR Archive Archive in "Nexis.com" from NOAA Central Library's "Databases and Article Searching" page.
    (Note: NOAA Silver Spring staff have click-through access; NOAA staff in other locations may contact NOAA Central Library for an individual Nexis account.)
    After selecting Nexis.com, select the "Sources" tab at the top of the page. In the Keyword field type CFR followed by a space then the year of interest, such as:
    Put a check mark in the checkbox by "CFR (year)" then click OK to continue.
    In the search box type the word cite followed by a space then an open parenthesis, then the title number, then a space, then the word and, then a space, then the part number, then an exclamation point, then a closed parenthesis, such as:
    cite (50 and 300!)
    Mark the search results you want, and then print, save or email them to yourself by choosing the related icons on the right.
    (Coverage includes 1981-present.)
  • People outside the area who wish to access older issues of the CFR may visit the GPO Access site's Find a Federal Depository Library Near You page to locate a depository near them by State or by area code, and contact them about the range of their CFR collection.

Further information about the CFR and how it is organized is available on the GPO Access web site's "Code of Federal Regulations: About" page.


Congressional Record access

Here is some information about accessing current and older issues of the Congressional Record.

Current/Recent Congressional Record

The Library of Congress Thomas web site, a legislative information service (available to anyone), provides a link to "Congressional Record" on its sidebar. It includes full-text of the Congressional Record from Vol. 135 (101st Congress, 1989-90) to the present. Users can browse daily issues or serch the Congressional Record within the years of the Congress of interest.

The GPO Access web site's "Congressional Record: Main Page" allows browsing or searching of the Congressional Record from Vol. 140 (103rd Congress, 1994) to the present.

About two years of the most recent Congressional Record are also available in hard copy in the "Legal Collection" area of NOAA Central Library.

(NOAA staff: See also info on access via "Nexis.com" under "Older Congressional Record" farther below.)

Older Congressional Record

  • NOAA staff can access the Congressional Record in "Nexis.com" from NOAA Central Library's "Databases and Article Searching" page.
    (NOAA Silver Spring staff have click-through access; NOAA staff in other locations may contact NOAA Central Library for an individual Nexis account.)
    After selecting "Nexis.com", on the menu bar under the red "Search" tab select "Legal".
    On the sidebar select "Congressional Record".
    In the "Sources" dropdown menu select either "Congressional Record, All congresses combined" or the Congress of interest;
    In the Page Number field type the starting page number of the citation, and in the "Specify Date" dropdown select date range of interest.
    (Coverage includes 1985-present.)
  • NOAA staff and the public may use NOAA Central Library, which has these runs of the Congressional Record:
    Vol. 135 (101st Congress, 1989-90) to the present - on microfiche
    Most recent two years of Congressional Record - in hard copy
  • People outside the area who wish to access older issues of Congressional Record may visit the GPO Access site's Find a Federal Depository Library Near You page to locate a depository near them by State or by area code, and contact them about the range of their Congressional Record collection.

Further information about the types of materials published in the Congressional Record and how it is organized is available on the Thomas web site's About the Congressional Record page.


Federal Register Access

Here is some information about accessing current and older issues of the Federal Register

Current/Recent Federal Registers
The GPO Access web site's "Federal Register (FR): Main Page" provides links to a database of Federal Register contents, 1994-present (available to anyone).

(NOAA staff: See also info on access via "HeinOnline" and "Nexis.com" farther below.)

Older Federal Registers

  • NOAA staff NOAA-wide may select "HeinOnline" (a legal literature database) from NOAA Central Library's "Databases and Article Searching" page to access Federal Registers.
    After selecting "HeinOnline", under "Subscribed Libraries" select "Federal Register Library".
    (Coverage includes 1936-present)
  • NOAA staff can also access the Federal Register in "Nexis.com" from NOAA Central Library's "Databases and Article Searching" page.
    (NOAA Silver Spring staff have click-through access; NOAA staff in other locations may contact NOAA Central Library for an individual Nexis account.)
    After selecting "Nexis.com", on the menu bar under the red "Search" tab select "Legal".
    Select "Statutes & Regulations" on the sidebar.
    In the "Sources" dropdown menu select "FR - Federal Register";
    In the Citation Number Field" type the citation of interest, such as:
    64 FR 71680
    (Coverage includes 1980-present.)
  • NOAA staff and the public may visit NOAA Central Library, which has these runs of the Federal Register:
    Vol. 2 (1937) through Vol. 36 (1981) - on microfilm
    Vol. 47 (1982) through the present - on microfiche
    About two years of the most recent Federal Registers are available in hard copy in the "Legal Collection" area of the Library.
  • People outside the area who wish to access older issues of the Federal Register may visit the GPO Access web site's "Find a Federal Depository Library Near You" page to locate a depository near them by State or by area code, and contact them about their Federal Register availability:

Further overview information about the types of materials published in the Federal Register and related publications in the Federal Register publications system is available on the National Archives web site's "Federal Register" page.


International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee papers

International Whaling Commission (IWC) Scientific Committee papers (papers typically given at IWC annual conferences) are available at NOAA's National Marine Mammals Laboratory (NMML) Library in Seattle. The NMML Library has an arrangement with the IWC allowing them to distribute papers as needed for research purposes. The IWC Scientific Committee papers collection at the NMML Library includes papers from 1949 to the present, with 2004 to the present in electronic format.

These IWC Scientific Committee papers tend to be cited and summarized in the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, but the Journal does not publish the full-text of the papers. For information about accessing the papers, contact:

National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) Library
NMML Library Web site


NOAA Photo Library - how to credit

Most images in the NOAA Photo Library are in the public domain and cannot be copyrighted. You have permission to use any images that are not identified as copyrighted. Please credit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Central Library and the photographer, if identified.

The About the Images page explains this restriction, and how to download images.



NOAA Sources of Moving Images

Videorecordings from NOAA, other Federal agencies, and commercial producers may be discovered by searching the catalog of the NOAA Library and Information Network:
NOAA Libraries' Catalog (NOAALINC)
Complete the fields for subject and/or title, etc. according to your search parameters. From the lower search fields, select the field labeled "Type"; then select "Video". For access to videorecordings in tangible formats, note the call number and/or use the NOAA Central Library (NCL) Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service (note: NCL ILL available to NCL patrons only). To access digital videorecordings available online via the NOAA Libraries' Catalog, search "digital video and ocean exploration" in the "words or phrase" field.

For other sources of video footage from NOAA, see:

See the top of this index page for instructions about procurement and acknowledgments. Select topical links to view shot sheets that describe detailed contents.

A source of motion picture and video footage, including selections from NOAA, is:
The National Archives
Archival Research Catalog (ARC)
To search the catalog, select the "ARC Search" icon from the database homepage cited above, and after typing in your selected keyword(s), move to the "Types of Archival Materials" box and select "Moving images". Footage is available on a cost-recovery basis, so please see the National Archives instructions for procurement.


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NOAA General Information

Hand of Noah Scuplture

NOAA Logo Information

NOAA NAOs, DOOs, DAOs, and Related Information

NOAA Overview Information

NOAA Posters

NOAA Recreation Association Store

NOAA Silver Spring Campus


Hand of Noah Sculpture

The sculpture in front of NOAA's SSMC3 building (at 1315 East-West Highway) on its Silver Spring, Maryland campus is called "The Hand of Noah". It was given this title by its sculptor, Raymond Kaskey, in 1991, and symbolizes NOAA's stewardship of the environment.

Image of the Hand of Noah:

Sculptor: Raymond Kaskey:
Kaskey Wikipedia bio*

Kaskey Studio contact information:


NOAA employees may access DOC, NOAA and NODC logos in various formats via the NODC Intranet's "Reports and Information" page. (Scroll down to the "Informational Links" category, then select the "Graphics: Logos" section.)

For further information, please visit the Department of Commerce Directives Management Program Web site. Select either Department Organization Orders (DOOs) or Department Administrative Orders (DAOs), and search "logo". This search should lead to documents such as:
Approval and Use of Seals, Emblems, Insignia and Logos (DA 201-1)
The Seal of the Department of Commerce (DA 201-17).


NOAA NAOs, DOOs, DAOs, and Related Information
NOAA Administrative Orders (NAOs)
Department Organization Orders (DOOs) -- Department of Commerce
Department Administrative Orders (DAOs) -- Department of Commerce (scroll to Numbers starting with DAO)
These resources are all linked from:
NOAA Administrative Issuances web site's "NOAA's Directives Management System" page
(scroll to bottom to see links to NAOs, DOOs, and DAOs)
Note: This page also provides links to:
NOAA Delegations of Authority
NOAA Circulars
NOAA records management
NOAA's federal advisory committees
NOAA Certifying Officers
and more.
You may also navigate to the NOAA Directives Management System page via:
NOAA Corporate Finance and Administrative Services Offices Site Map page:
(see link to: "NOAA's Directives Management System")

NOAA Overview Information

NOAA Functions and Programs
For general, introductory information about NOAA, see NOAA's homepage. See for example the 8 boxes in the upper right content area called "Explore NOAA": Weather, Ocean, Satellites, Fisheries, Climate, Research, Coasts, and Charting & Navigation. These links lead to webpages providing overview information for these NOAA areas of responsibility.

NOAA's Strategic Plan provides information on NOAA goals, programs, and issues:
NOAA Strategic Planning

NOAA Organization
See the NOAA Organization Chart, the NOAA Organizations page, and
NOAA Browser

NOAA History
NOAA History web site - includes information on NOAA's organizational history; staff profiles/stories/tools/art/poetry; Civil War and World Wars' accounts from NOAA's predecessor agencies.

NOAA Heritage - NOAA-related historical documents, laws, and essays

NOAA and the Preserve America Initiative - NOAA's work to preserve its heritage resources

NOAA Locations
NOAA's Office of Communications & External Affairs is located in the Department of Commerce building in DC:
NOAA Office of Public Affairs, 14th Street and Constitution Ave. NW, Room 6217, Washington, DC 20230. Phone: 202-482-6090.

NOAA's line offices are located in four buildings in Silver Spring, Maryland, and there are also regional offices and laboratories throughout the country. Visit the homepages of the line offices/staff offices and look for an "Organization" or "About" or "Contacts" link for further infomration:

National Weather Service
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Ocean Service
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
Office of Program Planning and Integration


NOAA Posters

Here is some information about online locations or purchasing of NOAA-related posters:

The Government Printing Office (GPO) sells various National Marine Fisheries Service Posters, such as:

For information on other National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) posters, visit the NMFS web site and search the word poster in the search field.

For additional information about or requests for NOAA posters, please contact NOAA Public Affairs Outreach section at:

NOAA Office of Public Affairs/Outreach
1305 East-West Highway
SSMC-4, Room 1W514
Silver Spring, MD 20910

For information on other NOAA educational resources, see:
NOAA Education Web site.

National Marine Sanctuaries Media Library* - an online vault of video clips and high-resolution still images of NOAA sanctuaries, available for searchable access and download


NOAA Recreation Association Store

NOAA's Recreation Association Store is located at the NOAA Silver Spring, Maryland campus, Building 2 (SSMC2) main level:

1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(open Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)

The store sells NOAA T-shirts, mugs, caps, and laptop bags, as well as tickets for special events, and miscellaneous gift items.

For further information on Government Employee Associations, see:
Government Employee Associations and Military MWRs Group*
Select the "NOAA" link in the content area.


NOAA Silver Spring, MD campus

Some information for those planning visits to the NOAA Silver Spring, MD campus:

NOAA Buildings
The four NOAA buildings are on East-West Highway, near the intersection of Colesville Rd. and East-West Hwy. Adresses:
SSMC1: 1335 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910
SSMC2: 1325 East-West Highway, " "
SSMC3: 1315 East-West Highway, " "
SSMC4: 1305 East-West Highway, " "

Metrorail and Buses
Take the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority's Metrorail Red Line to the Silver Spring station*.
Note: Metrobuses and Ride On buses* also have stations near the Silver Spring Metro station.

MARC Train
The Maryland Transit Administration's MARC Train Brunswick Line* (operates Monday through Friday only) stops at Silver Spring.

Garage 58 is located at NOAA building SSMC3 (1315 East-West Highway). It includes some metered spaces, though it gets harder to park after mid-morning.
Garage 58 info*
Garage 58 Frequently Asked Questions.

The next closest public parking garage with more available spaces for public parking is:
Bonifant-Dixon Garage (Garage 5)* - 1101 Bonifant St., Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Silver Spring Information/Maps
Silver Spring Downtown Web site*
Map of downtown Silver Spring*
Map of NOAA area of downtown Silver Spring*


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NOAA History

NOAA Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA Employee Awards (DOC medals)

NOAA General Counsels - Dates of service

NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Assistant Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service History Resources

NOAA National Ocean Service Assistant Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA National Weather Service Assistant Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA Program Planning and Integration Assistant Administrators - Dates of service

NOAA records

Women and NOAA


NOAA Administrators - Dates of Service

Dates of service for NOAA Administrators, 1970 to the present, are:

Robert (Bob) M. White: December 1971 - July 1977 (White biographical info)*
Richard A. Frank: July 1977 - January 1981 (Frank biographical info)
John V. Byrne: July 1981 - October 1984 (Byrne biographical info)
Anthony (Tony) J. Calio: October 1985 - September 1987 (Calio biographical info)*
William (Bill) E. Evans: April 1988 - July 1989 (Evans biographical info)
John A. Knauss: August 1989 - March 1993 (Knauss biographical info)*
D. James (Jim) Baker: May 1993 - January 2001 (Baker biographical info - scroll to bold heading for D. James Baker)*
Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr.: December 2001 - October 31, 2008 (Lautenbacher bio)
William J. Brennan (Acting): November 1, 2008 - March 19, 2009 (Brennan bio)
Jane Lubchenco: March 20, 2009 - present (Lubchenco bio)


NOAA Employee Awards (DOC medals)

To find information on NOAA employees who have received Department of Commerce medals/awards, please see:

NOAA History Web site's Department of Commerce Medal Recipients page.

If you are looking for news stories on awards for a particular year, you may wish to visit NOAA Central Library for print versions of old NOAA-wide newsletters and/or online locations of old issues of:

If you have a specific year you want to check against the programs from the awards ceremonies, contact Michael Osver at the Department of Commerce, who maintains the programs from 1949 to the present:
Michael Osver, MOsver@doc.gov


NOAA General Counsels - Dates of service

Dates of service for NOAA General Counsels, 1971 to the present, are:

Raud Johnson: August 1971 - October 1972
James W. Brennan (Acting): 1973
William C. Brewer, Jr.: 1974 - 1977
Eldon V.C. Greenburg: January 1978 - July 1981
Robert J. McManus: September 1981 - December 1985
Daniel W. McGovern: January 1986 - February 1988
Timothy R. Keeney: July 1988 - 1989
Thomas A. Campbell: July 1989 - January 1993
Meredith J. Jones: July 1993 - May 1994
Terry D. Garcia: September 1994 - March 2, 1997
Monica Medina: March 1997 - September 1999
James A. Dorskind: December 1999 - January 2001
Craig O'Connor (Acting): 2002
James R. Walpole: May 2002 - April 2007 (Walpole bio)
Jane C. Luxton: May 29, 2007 - January 20, 2009 (Luxton bio)
Jane Chalmers (Acting): January 21, 2009 - January 31, 2010 (Chalmers bio)
Lois J. Schiffer: February 1, 2010 - present (Schiffer bio)


NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service Administrators - Dates of service

Dates of service for NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Administrators, 1970 to the present are:

Thomas S. Austin: 1970 - 1978
Tom Potter: 1978 - 1982
John H. McElroy: 1982 - 1986
Thomas N. Pyke, Jr.: 1986 - 1992
Robert S. Winokur: 1993 - 1999
Gregory W. Withee: 1999 - 2006
Mary Ellen Kicza: 2006 - present (Kicza bio)


NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Assistant Administrators - Dates of Service

Dates of service for National Marine Fisheres Service Assistant Administrators, 1970 to the present, are:

Philip M. Roedel: 1970 - 1973
Robert W. Schoning: 1973-1977
Terry L. Leitzell: 1978 - 1981
William H. Stevenson (Acting) - 1981
William G. Gordon: 1981 - 1986
William E. Evans: January - December 1987
James W. Brennan: 1988 - 1989
William W. Fox: 1989 - 1992
Nancy Foster (Acting): January - October 1993
Rolland A. Schmitten: 1993 - 1999
Penelope E. Dalton: 1999 - 2000
William T. Hogarth: 2000 - December 2007
John Oliver (Acting): January 1, 2008 - February 10, 2008
James W. Balsiger(Acting): February 11, 2008 - February 15, 2010 (Balsiger bio) - Scroll to see bio for Balsiger as Regional Administrator of Alaska Office
Eric Schwaab: February 16, 2010 - present (Schwaab bio)


NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service History Resources

NOAA Central Library Resources
NOAA Central Library's collection includes some historical publications about NMFS and its predecessor agencies. Please visit the NOAA Libraries' Catalog
In the Subject field, search for such terms as:
  • National Marine Fisheries Service History
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service History
  • United States Fish Commission History
  • Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887

See also:
NOAA Central Library's digitized collection of United States Fish Commission Annual Reports, 1871-1940 and 1947-1979

NOAA History web site's Stories and Tales of the Fisheries Service area - scroll to see the links.

NOAA History web site's History of the National Marine Fisheries Service

NOAA History web site's The Origins and Early History of the Steamer Albatross

NOAA Photo Library's National Marine Fisheries Historic Fisheries Collection albums

An Analytical Subject Bibliography of the Publications of the Bureau of Fisheries, 1871-1920 - By Rose M.E. MacDonald; Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 1921 (Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 899)

Fishery Publication Index, 1920-54: Publications of the Bureau of Fisheries and Fishery Publications of the Fish and Wildlife Service by Series, Authors, and Subjects; Washington, DC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1955.
SH11 .A4467 no.36

Fishery Publication Index, 1955-64: Publications of the Fish and Wildlife Service by Series, Authors, and Subjects; Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 1969
SH11 .A4467 no. 296

Fishery Publication Index, 1965-74; Washington, DC: NOAA National Maine Fisheries Service, 1977
SH11 .A4467 no. 400

Fishery Publication Index, 1975-79 - Lee C. Thorson; Seattle, WA: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 1981
SH11 .A4467 no.437

Fishery Publication Index, 1980-85: Technical Memorandum Index, 1972-85; Seattle, WA: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 1987
SH11 .A44672 no.62

Other NOAA Resources
National Marine Fisheries Service 125th Anniversary Homepage
(Click on a year to access a timeline for that decade.)
Voices from the Fisheries - a NOAA Fisheries oral history database documenting the human experience of the fisheries of the U.S.

External Resources
1. Smithsonian Institution Archives Finding Aids
Record Unit 7184: United States Bureau of Fisheries, Records, circa 1877-1948

2. If you are looking for officially retired federal records of NMFS or its predecessor agencies, they would be at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). In NARA's Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States, see:

Record Group 370: Records of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(See section 370.7, Records of the Northwest Regional Office (Seattle, WA) of the NMFS, 1960-76)

Record Group 22: Records of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
(See section 22.4, Records of Divisions of the U.S. Fish Commission and the Bureau of Fisheries, 1969-1941)

For further information about conducting research at NARA, see:
National Archives Research


NOAA National Ocean Service Assistant Administrators - Dates of service

Prior to 1983, the National Ocean Service was called the National Ocean Survey.   Dates of service for National Ocean Survey/National Ocean Service Assistant Administrators, 1970 to the present, are:

Don A. Jones: October 3, 1970 - April 30, 1972
Allen L. Powell: May 4, 1972 - July 31, 1979
Herbert R. Lippold: July 31, 1979 - November 30, 1982
Paul Wolff: January 30, 1983 - July 7, 1988
Virginia Tippie: January 8, 1989 - November 4, 1991
Stanley Wilson: February 9, 1992 - June 2, 1997
Nancy Foster: June 2, 1997 - June 2000
Richard Spinrad: May 27, 2003 - September 30, 2005
John H. Dunnigan: January 22, 2006 - December 18, 2009
David M. Kennedy (Acting): December 21, 2009 - present (Kennedy bio)


NOAA National Weather Service Assistant Administrators - Dates of Service

Dates of service for Weather Bureau Heads/National Weather Service Administrators, 1870 - present, are:

General Albert J. Myer: 1870 - 1880
General William Babcock Hazen: 1880-1887
Major General Adolphus Washington Greely: 1887 - 1891
Professor Mark W. Harrington: 1891 - 1895
Professor Willis L. Moore: 1895-1913
Professor Charles F. Marvin: 1913-1934
Dr. Willis L. Gregg: 1934 - 1938
Dr. Francis W. Reichelderfer: 1938 - 1963
Dr. Robert M. White: 1963 - 1965
Dr. George P. Cressman: 1965 - 1979
Dr. Richard E. Hallgren: 1979 - 1988
Dr. Elbert W. "Joe" Friday: 1988 - 1997
Robert S. Winokur: 1997 - 1998
Brigadier General (USAF Retired) John (Jack) J. Kelly, Jr.: 1998 - 2004
Brigadier General (ASAF Retired) David L. Johnson: January 2004 - June 2007 (Johnson bio)
Mary Glackin (Acting): June 12, 2007 - September 15, 2007 (Glackin bio)
John L. "Jack" Hayes: September 2, 2007 - present (Hayes bio)


NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Assistant Administrators - Dates of service

Note: In the 1970s and part of the early 1980s, the Office now known as the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) was called the Office of Research and Development.

Dates of service for the Assistant Administrators since it has been known as the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) are:

Joseph O. Fletcher: December 25, 1983 - ca. 1989
Ned A. Ostenso: October 8, 1989 - January 2, 1996
Alan Thomas (Acting): February 5, 1996 - June 30, 1997
Elbert W. "Joe" Friday: July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1998
David L. Evans: December 27, 1998 - September 7, 2002
Louisa Koch (Acting): September 8, 2002 - October 5, 2003
Richard D. Rosen: October 6, 2003 - October 2, 2005
Richard Spinrad: October 1, 2005 - April 9, 2010
Craig McLean (Acting): April 12, 2010 - present (McLean bio)


NOAA Program Planning and Integration Assistant Administrators - Dates of Service

Dates of service for Program Planning and Integration Assistant Administrators, 2002 to the present, are:

Mary Glackin: 2002 - 2003 (Acting)
Mary Glackin: 2003 - June 12, 2007 (Glackin bio)
Paul Doremus (Acting): June 12, 2007 - August 30, 2008 (Doremus bio)
Laura K. Furgione: August 31, 2008 - present (Furgione bio)


NOAA records

For information on NOAA's records at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), see this section of NARA's Guide to Federal Records:

Records of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 1860-1993
(bulk: 1954-93) - Record Group 370

Note that this collection contains records of NOAA's predecessor agencies as well as those of its more current component offices.

Related records in other record groups at NARA include:

For information on conducting research at NARA, see:

For information on records management policies and practices at NOAA, see:
NOAA Administrative Management and Executive Secretariat - Records Management
This page includes links to NOAA"s Records Management Guide and records disposition schedules, contact info for the Agency Records Management Officer and NOAA's Records Liaison Officers, and related information.


Women and NOAA

Here are some resources on the role of women in the workforce at NOAA and its predecessor agencies.

On the "History Makers" section of the NOAA 200th anniversary web site, there are profiles of ecologist/author Rachel Carson (who worked for the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries from 1935-1952) and Susan Solomon (a NOAA Senior Scientist who has done pioneering work on ozone depletion in the Antarctic)

The NOAA History site has a section on Women in the Weather Bureau During World War II

"Women Change the Face of the NOAA Corps" - NOAA Celebrating 200 Years of Science, Service, and Stewardship web site

"Evelyn Fields - A Career of Firsts" - NOAA Celebrating 200 Years of Science, Service, and Stewardship web site
(first woman and first African-American to hold position of Director of NOAA Corps and Office of Marine and Aviation Operations)

"Women in the Workplace" - National Weather Service Goodland, KS Forecast Office web site

Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer* - National Geographic in the Field web site
(Earle is a former Chief Scientist of NOAA)

Jane Lubchenco, the current NOAA Agency Administrator, is a marine ecologist and environmental scientist

You may also search "women" as a keyword in the NOAA Libraries' catalog


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(Note: See also the NOAA History section of this FAQs page for fisheries-related information on NOAA's history.)

Reference Sources on Fish Species

Listed below are some helpful reference sources on fish species:

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Marine Science and Technology Journals - bibliography and NOAA access information

Names of and facts about Oceans and Seas


Marine Science and Technology Journals - bibliography and NOAA access information

An annotated bibliography of Marine Science and Technology journals, compiled by two marine science librarians who are members of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), constitutes one of the chapters of Bowker's "Magazines for Libraries" (15th ed., 2006): pp. 706-714. This chapter is also available online in the Scholars Archive at Oregon State University.

It includes an introduction, lists of Basic Periodicals and Basic Abstracts and Indexes for the marine sciences, and an alphabetically arranged list of journal titles with bibliographic information and annotations about scope and topics covered.

Webster, Janet G. and Barbara A. Butler, Marine Science and Technology*, in Magazines for Libraries, 15th ed. RR Bowker, 206, pp. 706-714.
(Scroll to the gray box called "files in this item" and select "View/Open".)

Users of NOAA Central Library's Web site will find links to full-text of many of these titles from the EJournals page or the NOAA Newsletters page.
(As noted on the EJournals page, some journals are restricted to specific NOAA Washington, DC area campuses, while others are freely available to anyone.)

Some journals may be available in hard copy only, and would not be listed on the EJournals page; search for any titles you don't see on the EJournals page in the NOAA Libraries' Catalog.


Names of and facts about Oceans and Seas

Here are some resources which provide names of and/or facts about oceans and seas of the world:

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Weather/Climate Data

(Note: See also the NOAA History section of this FAQs page for weather-related information on NOAA's history.)

Atlantic and Caribbean Hurricane Season Summaries

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season Summaries

Hurricane Katrina

Local Climatological Data Products

National Weather Service Contact Information

Past Weather (How to Research)

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale

Weather Glossaries


Atlantic and Caribbean Hurricane Season Summaries

The Atlantic and Caribbean hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th. For end of season hurricane summaries, see:

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Worldwide Weather and Climate Events page.
Scroll to year of interest, then look for Atlantic Hurricane Season link for that year. The "Atlantic Hurricane Season" page links lead to monthly and seasonal information, as well as information on individual hurricanes and storms.

See also:
National Hurricane Center Homepage
Scroll down to the (current year) "Season Summaries and Reports" heading; under the "Atlantic" subheading select months of interest, or the "Tropical Cyclone Reports" link, which links to NHC reports for each hurricane and tropical storm.


Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season Summaries

The Eastern Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15th through November 30th. For end of season hurricane and tropical storm summaries, see:

National Hurricane Center homepage
Scroll down to the (current year) "Season Summaries and Reports" heading in the content area; under the "Eastern Pacific" subheading select months of interest, or the "Tropical Cyclone Reports" link, which links to NHC reports for each hurricane and tropical storm.


Hurricane Katrina

Here are some recommended resources on Hurricane Katrina impact and recovery, including NOAA resources, other federal resources, Katrina imagery, and economic impact information:

NOAA Resources
Environmental Impacts of Hurricane Katrina page
(Links to information on NOAA's work with other agencies to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of Katrina on living marine resources)

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) web site's Climate of 2005: Summary of Hurricane Katrina page
(includes overview, storm meteorology and background, rain, wind, and pressure, impacts of the storm, and link to a graphics archive)

NCDC Worldwide Weather and Climate Events - 2005: 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season page

Hurricane Katrina: A Climatological Perspective: Preliminary Report
NCDC Technical Report 2005-01 (October 2005)

National Hurricane Center web site's 2005 Tropical Cyclone Archive: Hurricane Katrina Advisory Archive

Other Federal Resources
Hurricane Katrina: Providing Oversight of the Nation's Preparedness, Response and Recovery Activities - Government Accountability Office, September 28, 2005
(Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives)

The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned - The White House, February 2006

A Failure of Initiative: Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina - U.S. Congress, House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina (February 15, 2006)

A Performance Review of FEMA's Disaster Management Activities in Response to Hurricane Katrina - Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Inspector General - March 2006

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) web site's Disasters and Emergencies: 2005 Hurricane Season page
(information on HHS actions, health and safety issues, and many links to 'Key State Government Agencies' in the region)

FirstGov.gov web site's "Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office" page
(U.S. Government portal to government information, with links to information on FEMA assistance and other government assistance, health and safety, and frequently asked questions)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Response to 2005 Hurricanes site

NOAA National Geodetic Survey (NGS) web site's Hurricane Katrina Images page

NASA Hurricane Season 2005: Katrina (featured images)

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal Change Hazards: Hurricanes and Extreme Storms - Hurricane Katrina
(pre- and post-storm 3D topography, before and after photo comparisons, post-storm quick response photos)

Economic Impact
Macroeconomic Effects of Hurricane Katrina
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress - September 13, 2005 (updated periodically)


Local Climatological Data Products

"Local Climatological Data" resources provide climate information for major U.S. cities, showing hourly, 3-hourly, daily, and monthly values for temperature, relative humidity, snow/ice, precipitation, cloudiness, and wind speed/direction, and related information.

Please see NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) web site
On the sidebar, under "Purchase Data" select "Most Popular".
On the next page, scroll down to a category called "Most Requested A (Local Climatological Data Edited, U.S.)"
On the next page, you have choices between these options (their titles are links):
"1. Unedited (ULCD)" - Provides monthly summaries of pre-2005 data from major airport weather stations, including daily temperature extremes, degree days, precipitation, and winds;
"2. Quality-Controlled (QCLCD)" - Provides monthly summaries of 2005-onward data from major airport weather stations including daily temperature weather extremes, degree days, precipitation, and winds. After clicking this link, select "LCD Serial Publication System"; this takes you to the "Local Climatological Data, Edited" Publication.
Select the State and then the weather station nearest you, then the year/month(s) of interest.
"3. Edited Monthly LCD" - Provides monthly summaries of pre-2005 data from major weather airport stations including daily temperature extremes, degree days, precipitation and winds; this is the final quality-controlled copy of the Local Climatological Data publication and generally has a 2-3 month time lag.
"4. Edited Annual (LCD Annual)" - Provides annual summary from major airport weather stations showing climatic normals and extremes. Also features tables showing a 30-year monthly history of temperature means, precipitation totals, snow totals, and heating and cooling degree days.

If you need further assistance with accessing NCDC data, please contact the NCDC:

You could also contact your state climatologist to ask for this data. Please see: American Association of State Climatologists*
Select your state on the U.S. map or select your regional or State climate office from the dropdown menu.


National Weather Service Contact Information

To submit a question or comment directly to a NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) expert, visit:

NWS Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services
This page allows you to note your affiliation and select a category for your weather question.

For further information on NOAA's weather resources, you may wish to visit the National Weather Service homepage, or call NWS Headquarters: 301-713-0090.

To contact your local forecast office, see:
NWS Offices and Centers


Past Weather (How to Research)

Non-Certified Data
For non-certified data for fairly recent past weather (e.g. previous day/week/month/year), it may be available through NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS). First, select an NWS Forecast Office near you.

Look for the "Climate" category on the sidebar; select "Local" under that category. You will go to a page featuring different sorts of weather data for the area, with tabs for the following categories: Observed Weather, Climate Locations, Climate Prediction, Climate Resources, Local Data/Records, Astronomical Data, and "NOWData". The NOWData tab is especially useful in leading you to a variety of weather fields you can combine:

  • products (daily data for a month, daily almanac, monthly averages/totals, monthly occurrences, monthly extremes, daily extremes, daily/monthly normals, record extremes, and First/Last dates)
  • locations (cites)
  • variables (maximum, minimum or average temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, snow depth, heating degree days, cooling degree days, and growing degree days), and
  • choice of years (current year; last year; 1971-2000).

After selecting the desired radio button under each category, select "Go" to generate your results.

Certified Data
As noted on NOAA's Past Weather page, you may contact NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) to ask about which of their resources best addresses the type of weather, date, and location you are interested in:
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
On the sidebar, under the "Data & Products" category, select the "Free Data" link for descriptions of and links to free NCDC resources. Or under the "Purchase" category, select the "Most Popular" link for descriptions of and links to NCDC resources which bear a cost for non-subscribers. See especially the various 'local climatological data' databases.

As noted above, some NCDC resources are free, while others bear a cost. You may also contact your nearest Federal depository library to find out if it has a subscription to NCDC resources of interest which you may be able to use at that library.

Or contact your State Climatologist*.


Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale

NOAA Resources
NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) began using a new hurricane scale in early 2010, called the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. For information on how it differs from the earlier Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, see:
NOAA National Weather Service to Use New Hurricane Wind Scale: Storm Surge and Flooding Prediction Dropped in New Scale" - Feb. 17, 2010
Please see NOAA NWS Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center web site's Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale page for links to updated documents.

External Resources
The Southern Regional Climate Center's Tropical Desk page* allows searching of hurricane tracks by year and hurricane names, and displays tracks color-coded according to the Saffir-Simpson scale.


Weather Glossaries

NOAA National Weather Service Glossaries
NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) glossary contains information on more than 2,000 terms, phrases, and abbreviations used by NWS.

Some of the National Weather Service's programs have their own glossaries which focus on their subject areas, for example:
Aviation Weather Center Acronym Glossary

Visit the NWS office or program of interest to see if their web site might offer a glossary, or search 'glossary' in the NWS web site's search engine, and browse the results.

American Meteorological Society (AMS) Glossary
The American Meteorological Society's Glossary of Meteorology, 2nd edition, (published in 2000) contains over 12,000 terms, many from the newer disciplines of satellite meteorology and numerical weather prediction. Search the second edition of the AMS Glossary online*.

Note: A browseable 1999 version of the AMS Glossary of Atmospheric Terms is also available online at:

Other Resources
In addition, a Google search* of 'weather glossary' should lead you to weather glossaries on web sites such as weather.com.


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  Last modified:    Fri, 17-Jun-2011 16:42 EDT Library.Reference@noaa.gov
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