Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region

Environmental Documents


Federal Register

News Release Date Posted Comment Deadline
Environmental Action Statement for NEPA Compliance (6.9 MB PDF)

Advanced Fuel Filtration Systems East Walker River Oil Spill Final Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment
(20.9 MB PDF)

Public Comment Sought on Proposal to Restore Paiute Cutthroat Trout to Historic Habitat in Silver King Creek

Paiute Cutthroat Trout Restoration Project Draft EIR EIS MAR 2009 (8.9 MB PDF)

View View 03/20/2009 05/04/2009
Biological Monitoring Plan for the Spring Valley Stipulation February 2009 (5.9 MB PDF)

Spring Valley Hydro Monitoring Plan Report February 2009 (7.1 MB PDF)

  View 02/17/2009  
East Walker River Natural Resource Trustees Seek Comments on Revised Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment

Environmental Assessment Plan (2.6 MB PDF)

Environmental Assessment Appendice

  View 08/01/2008 09/15/2008
Noxious Weed Environmental Assessment in the Walker River Basin (11.68 MB PDF)

Last updated: August 8, 2011