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FEMP trains Federal agency managers about the latest energy requirements, best practices, and technologies through eTraining Courses, First Thursday Seminars, and webinars.

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On demand training is listed after live training. All training is free unless otherwise noted.

Mar 5, 2013
1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
1 Hour

Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training Webinar

The Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training free webinar provides information on how to use the DC Pro tool suite to profile data center energy use and identify energy efficiency actions.

Mar 7, 2013
1 p.m. Eastern Time
1 hour

Federal Energy and Water Management Awards Criteria Briefing

This Webinar provides an overview of the 2013 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards criteria and eligibility requirements, as well as tips on how to prepare nomination narratives to achieve better scores.

Mar 12, 2013
11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
2.5 hours

Placing UESC Task Orders with the GSA Areawide Webinar

This webinar will show a step-by-step approach to placing a utility energy service contract (UESC) task order under a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Areawide Contract.

Mar 14, 2013
1 p.m. Eastern Time
.75 hours

WAPA & FEMP 2013 Renewable Energy Certificates Solicitation Webinar

The Western Area Power Administration and the Federal Energy Management Program would like to assist Federal Agencies in meeting the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 203 renewable energy goal, as well as the Executive Order 13514 greenhouse goal. This 45-minute webinar will cover the key requirements and steps associated with this REC purchase.

Apr 4, 2013
1:30 p.m. Eastern Time
1.5 hours

Solid-State Lighting: Highlighting Indoor Applications

FEMP First Thursday Seminars provide training for Federal energy and environmental professionals. Leading experts address timely topics in 90-minute sessions, offered live via satellite or through streaming video at your desktop. This seminar will explore solid-state and LED lighting developments, with an emphasis on indoor and troffer applications.

Apr 9, 2013
2 p.m. Eastern Time
1 hour

Federal Energy and Water Management Awards Criteria Briefing

This Webinar provides an overview of the 2013 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards criteria and eligibility requirements, as well as tips on how to prepare nomination narratives to achieve better scores.

Apr 11, 2013
11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
90 minutes

Introduction to UESC Webinar

The Introduction to Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESC) Webinar provides attendees with an overview of the contracting options and services available from their local utility companies to engineer, finance, and install cost-effective energy and water savings projects.

Apr 16-18, 2013
Washington, District of Columbia

ESPC Comprehensive Workshop

Open only to Federal employees and DOE M&O contractors, the FEMP ESPC Comprehensive Workshop outlines the latest U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) energy savings performance contract (ESPC) indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract and process. The session is taught by DOE national laboratory experts and other consultants with extensive background in ESPCs. There is currently a waiting list for this workshop. If you register, you will be added to the list and contacted if space becomes available.

Apr 23, 2013
1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
1 Hour

Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training Webinar

The Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training free webinar provides information on how to use the DC Pro tool suite to profile data center energy use and identify energy efficiency actions.

May 8, 2013
11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
2.5 hours

Placing UESC Task Orders with the GSA Areawide Webinar

This webinar will show a step-by-step approach to placing a utility energy service contract (UESC) task order under a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Areawide Contract.

May 20-21, 2013
2 Days
San Francisco,

Advanced UESC Workshop

This two-day workshop will review 42 USC 8256 which authorizes and encourages Federal agencies to take advantage of rebates, incentives, and other services offered by serving utilities to implement energy efficiency and water conservation projects – collectively referred to as Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESC).

Jun 11-13, 2013
San Diego, California

ESPC Comprehensive Workshop

Open only to Federal employees and DOE M&O contractors, the FEMP ESPC Comprehensive Workshop outlines the latest U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) energy savings performance contract (ESPC) indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract and process. The session is taught by DOE national laboratory experts and other consultants with extensive background in ESPCs.

Jun 18, 2013
1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
1 Hour

Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training Webinar

The Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training free webinar provides information on how to use the DC Pro tool suite to profile data center energy use and identify energy efficiency actions.

Jun 20, 2013
11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
90 minutes

Introduction to UESC Webinar

The Introduction to Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESC) Webinar provides attendees with an overview of the contracting options and services available from their local utility companies to engineer, finance, and install cost-effective energy and water savings projects.

Jul 17, 2013
11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
2.5 hours

Placing UESC Task Orders with the GSA Areawide Webinar

This webinar will show a step-by-step approach to placing a utility energy service contract (UESC) task order under a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Areawide Contract.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Achieving Energy Security in Federal Facilities

Achieving Energy Security in Federal Facilities builds competency in protecting critical missions by integrating energy security measures into all aspects of operations.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Achieving Energy-Efficient Data Centers with New ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines

Achieving Energy-Efficient Data Centers with New ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines explores energy and HVAC control strategies, with an emphasis on reliability and best practices related to the new American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) 9.9 Data Center Class Guidelines for controlling temperature, and air volume in high-intensity data centers. The seminar included project examples demonstrating cost-effective operations and payback periods that result from an in-depth engineering approach.

On Demand
1.5 hours

Acquiring Low Greenhouse Gas-Emitting Vehicles for Federal Fleets: Meeting EISA Section 141 Requirements

EPA, FEMP, and GSA present this webinar, intended for Federal fleet managers at all levels, on successfully acquiring low greenhouse gas-emitting vehicles for Federal fleets to meet the requirements of Section 141 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA Section 141).

On Demand
3.5 hours

Advanced Electric Metering in Federal Facilities

This course provides Federal energy and facility managers with the knowledge and skills to take full advantage of the benefits of advanced electric metering systems. The course discusses the components of an advanced electric metering system that meet Federal requirements and help sites take full advantage of metered data. Emphasis is placed on the data analysis, including selecting the appropriate software tools and conducting analyses that achieve quantifiable results.

On Demand
90 minutes

Advanced Metering Requirements and Best Practices

Advanced Metering Requirements and Best Practices is no-cost training that outlines fast-approaching Federal metering requirements, technologies, and best practices to help Federal agencies implement, measure, and monitor their progress.

On Demand

Advanced Metering Solutions for Federal Agencies

FEMP, through the O&M Working Group, is providing this symposium as an opportunity for Federal agencies to compare notes, learn from each other, and see what technology is available in the marketplace that will fill their needs.

On Demand
1.5 Hours

Combined Heat and Power: An Integrated Approach to Energy Resources

FEMP First Thursday Seminars provide training for Federal energy and environmental professionals. Leading experts address timely topics in 90-minute sessions, offered live via satellite or through streaming video at your desktop. This seminar will explore technologies, applications, and successful examples to optimize heat and power resources at your site.

On Demand
4.5 hours

Commissioning for Existing Federal Buildings

This course is designed for Energy and Facility Managers who manage commissioning processes for existing federal buildings. Focusing on proven strategies in the federal sector, the training is designed to achieve the maximum benefits of commissioning efforts.

On Demand

Commissioning for Federal Facilities

Commissioning for Federal Facilities covers ongoing commissioning processes to resolve operating problems, improve comfort, optimize energy use, and indentify retrofits for commercial and institutional buildings and central plant facilities.

On Demand

Compressed Air Assessment Basics

The Compressed Air Assessment Basics webinar is presented by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) on the basics of conducting compressed air assessments.

On Demand

DOE Building Technologies Program On-Demand Training

Listing of past DOE Building Technologies Program (BTP) webinars, including videos, slides, and transcripts.

On Demand
90 minutes

Energy 101

Energy 101 provides an introduction to Federal energy management. The training is designed for new Federal energy managers and others wanting an overall introduction to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water efficiency.

On Demand
125 Minutes

Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) Contracting and Negotiations

Learn more about energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) from a contracting point of view. Highlights include a review of enabling legislation, the contractor selection process, the project in preparation for negotiations, and the approach to making a price-reasonableness determination resulting in task order award.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Learn how to work with energy service companies (ESCOs) to streamline contract funding for energy management projects while meeting energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and emissions reduction goals.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Energy-Efficient Product Procurement

Learn how to meet executive order and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements on purchasing FEMP designated and ENERGY STAR products.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Federal Fleet Infrastructure and Electric Vehicles

Gain insight into ways to accelerate infrastructure upgrades and partner with other entities to advance the use of electric vehicles in Federal fleets.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Federal Fleet Management 101

Meet Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 and other Federal fleet requirements through best practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and petroleum consumption while increasing alternative fuel use and fleet fuel efficiency.

On Demand
90 minutes

Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting

Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting is no-cost training that provides an update on new greenhouse gas (GHG) regulatory requirements, as well as strategies, models, and technology tools to measure GHG emissions.

On Demand
2.5 hours

Federal On-Site Renewable Power Purchase Agreements

Federal On-Site Renewable Power Purchase Agreements provides Federal energy and facility managers and contracting officers with knowledge and skills to develop an on-site renewable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on a Federal site. On-site renewable energy generation projects help agencies meet Federal mandates, including EPAct 2005, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Executive Orders 13423 and 13514, and agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans.

On Demand
35 Minutes

Federal Renewable Energy Project Implementation: From RFP to Project Closeout

Nine approximate steps guide Federal renewable energy project planning and implementation. This course covers the implementation phase of Federal renewable energy projects – from creating and issuing a request for proposal (RFP) to project closeout.

On Demand

FEMP Exterior Solid State Lighting Initiative: High- Performance Parking Structure Lighting for Federal Facilities

This webinar provides attendees with an exterior SSL technology update, an overview of product and application-related support resources available from FEMP, and case studies of exterior SSL applications. Focus is placed on a performance specification that allows the user to select SSL, induction, or fluorescent technology, and apply it in a manner that helps ensure energy-efficient, high-quality lighting results.

On Demand
90 Minutes

FEMP Exterior Solid State Lighting Initiative: High-Performance Parking Lot Lighting for Federal Facilities

This webinar provides attendees with an exterior SSL technology update, an overview of product and application-related support resources available from FEMP, and case studies of exterior SSL applications. Focus is placed on a performance specification that energy managers can use to help ensure that their SSL sites deliver high-quality lighting while saving energy and minimizing maintenance requirements.

On Demand
96 Minutes

Financing and Pricing Evaluation for Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC)

The Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) Pricing and Financing webinar helps Federal agencies learn how ESPCs can finance the reduction of facility energy use and costs.

On Demand
60 Minutes

Greenhouse Gas and Sustainability Data Report Demonstration

The Greenhouse Gas and Sustainability Data Report Demonstration provides a step-by-step guide on completing the Greenhouse Gas and Sustainability Data Report for inventory and reporting Federal agency greenhouse gas emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3.

On Demand
27 minutes

Guiding Principles: Getting Started

This webinar will provide an overview of the Guiding Principles (GP) for Existing High-Performance Sustainable Buildings, and will discuss planning, strategies, documentation, reporting and data integrity for compliance.

On Demand
27 minutes

Guiding Principles: Optimize Energy Performance

This webinar will provide an overview of the Guiding Principle: Optimize Energy Performance for Existing High-Performance Sustainable Buildings.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Implementing Deep Retrofits: A Whole Building Approach

Implementing Deep Retrofits: A Whole Building Approach fosters competency in developing retrofit solutions that demonstrate integrated, holistic, and synergistic approaches to energy-efficient retrofits. The goal is to yield higher performance results than are achieved with standard, individual, and routine energy conservation measures.

On Demand
125 Minutes

Introduction to Alternative Financing for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technology

Learn how to use alternative financing tools to plan and implement energy and water saving measures and renewable energy systems in your Federal facility.

On Demand
.5 hour

Introduction to ECAM

This 1-hour training session is part of a 3-part series exploring Introduction to Energy Charting and Metrics (ECAM).

On Demand
130 Minutes

Introduction to Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs)

Learn about the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) energy savings performance contract (ESPC) program and how this simplified contracting mechanism can make your Federal facility more energy and water efficient.

On Demand
90 minutes

Introduction to Executive Order 13514

The Introduction to Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 training provides an overview of definitions, baseline measurements, and other requirements outlined by the new executive order.

On Demand
37 minutes

Introduction to Federal Renewable Energy Goals and FEMP Services

Introduction to Federal Renewable Energy Goals and FEMP Services provides an overview of Federal renewable energy goals and requirements, as well as available FEMP services and assistance.

On Demand
76 minutes

Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies

The Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies webinar provides an overview of renewable energy technologies available to help Federal facilities meet their renewable energy goals.

On Demand
6 minutes

Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies: Hydropower Addendum

Addendum to the original Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies webinar (recorded August 26, 2009) to add hydropower technologies to the presentation.

On Demand
100 Minutes

Introduction to the E.O. 13514 Federal Fleet Guidance and Handbook

This course offers an introduction to the Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 Section 12 Guidance Document and its accompanying Federal Fleet Management Handbook.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Labs, Data Centers, and High-Tech Facilities

Learn about Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 requirements and best practices for improving the energy and environmental performance of Federal laboratories, data centers, and high-tech facilities.

On Demand
3 hours

Launching a Utility Energy Services Contract (UESC): Getting to Yes!

This course covers initial steps to develop a Utility Energy Services Contract, how to build a solid team, ways to evaluate financing and contracting options, and early steps to initiate a UESC with a serving utility.

On Demand
4 hours

Managing Water Assessment in Federal Facilities

Focused on managing the Water Assessment process in Federal facilities, this course assists the Federal Energy and Facility Manager to comply with executive orders and legislative mandates and meet the requirements of Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

On Demand
90 Minutes

New Lighting Technologies

New Lighting Technologies illustrates the uses and benefits of spectrally enhanced light (SEL) and solid-state lighting (SSL), such as LEDs. Topics include best deployment opportunities, correct applications, project examples, and measurement and verification protocols.

On Demand
90 minutes

Operations, Maintenance, and Commissioning

Operations, Maintenance, and Commissioning is no-cost training that provides an overview of operations and maintenance (O&M) best practices with a focus on corrective, preventive, and predictive infrastructure requirements and commissioning for existing buildings.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Placing UESC Task Orders Under a GSA Areawide Contract

Learn a step-by-step approach to placing a utility energy service contract (UESC) task order under a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Areawide Contract.

On Demand
4 hours

Planning an Energy Assessment for Federal Facilities

Focused on managing the Energy Assessment process in federal facilities, this course assists the Federal Energy and Facility Manager to comply with executive orders and legislative mandates and meet the requirements of Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

On Demand
45 Minutes

Procuring Solar Energy for Federal Facilities: Practical Guidance

Solar energy is positioned to play a significant role in Federal agency sustainability initiatives to meet renewable energy targets. Procuring solar energy and technology, however, can pose a unique set of challenges. This webinar outlines steps to successfully procure solar energy for your Federal facility.

On Demand
1 Hour

Project Planning: Determining the Best Renewable Energy Project for Your Site

This webinar provides Federal energy managers with an introduction to renewable energy project planning and determining the best renewable energy project for their site.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Renewable Energy

Learn about requirements and best practices for utilizing renewable energy for electricity, heating, cooling, and other applications at Federal facilities.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Renewable Power Purchases and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

This 90-minute webinar offers insight into leveraging renewable power purchases and RECs to meet Energy Policy Act of 2005, Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007, and other Federal mandates.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Selecting and Evaluating New and Underused Energy Technologies

Selecting and Evaluating New and Underused Energy Technologies demonstrates how to use the FEMP Technology Deployment Matrix to identify and select clean energy technologies that have high potential of immediate deployment into agency energy-use reduction programs; assess potential benefits; execute market-based deployment strategies; and develop performance metrics to validate effectiveness and justify project funding.

On Demand
3.5 hours

Selecting, Implementing, and Funding Photovoltaic Systems in Federal Facilities

This course covers PV technologies typically installed at Federal sites along with installation options, PV module ratings and testing, and warranties. Roof vs. ground mounted PV arrays, fixed vs. tracked PV arrays, and other options are discussed in terms of logistical, technical, and economic considerations.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Streamlining ESPCs for Small Sites

Streamlining Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) for Small Sites fosters skill in using ENABLE – a streamlined ESPC process that allows smaller facilities to contract with energy service companies (ESCOs) on energy-saving projects.

On Demand
3 hours

Sustainable Institutional Change for Federal Facility Managers

This course provides Federal facility managers with practical information and action-based strategies to change individual and organizational behavior in support of energy efficiency and strategic sustainability goals.

On Demand
90 Minutes

Utility Energy Service Contracts and Energy Project Incentive Funds

Learn more about financing the capital costs of energy improvement projects from savings generated through energy efficiency measures funded by utilities, public benefit funds, and other resources.

On Demand
90 minutes

Water Efficiency Planning and Implementation

Water Efficiency Planning and Implementation provides a strategic planning overview of developing and implementing a water efficiency program.

On Demand

Water Management Training

Water Management Training covers Federal water efficiency requirements and best practices.