
The Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) utilizes and produces a number of reports and tools in our efforts to help countries and people find the road away from conflict and toward peace. A selection of resources that may be of use to the broader conflict prevention and stabilization community follows. 


The First Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR): Leading Through Civilian Power
The QDDR provides a blueprint for elevating American "civilian power" to better advance our national interests and to be a better partner to the U.S. military. Leading through civilian power means directing and coordinating the resources of all of America's civilian agencies to prevent and resolve conflicts; help countries lift themselves out of poverty into prosperous, stable, and democratic states; and build global coalitions to address global problems.


Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction
The first strategic “doctrine” ever produced for civilians engaged in peacebuilding missions. It is a practical roadmap for helping countries transition from violent conflict to peace.

Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (ICAF)
Used to help people from different U.S. government departments and agencies work together to reach a shared understanding of a country’s conflict dynamics and consensus on potential entry points for additional U.S. government efforts. 


The Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations is developing partnerships with a range of U.S. government, non-governmental, and international partners to prevent conflict, address sources of violence, build on existing resiliencies, and promote burden-sharing. In particular, CSO encourages greater involvement of local civil society – including women, youth, and the media – to prevent and respond to conflict.

  • Within the Department of State: CSO collaborates closely with other bureaus, especially regional bureaus and sister bureaus in the new Under Secretariat for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, which seeks to help countries create societies that are grounded in democratic principles, respect for human rights, and the rule of law.
  • With Other Departments of the U.S. Government: CSO coordinates with U.S. government partners to support the International Operational Response Framework (IORF), which will establish transparent and accountable lines of responsibility across the U.S. government in response to international disaster, crisis, and conflict.
  • With Bilateral, Multilateral, NGO and Civil Society Partners: CSO works to ensure that our activities are coordinated with partner governments and multilateral organizations. Partners include, but are not limited to, offices in other governments, emerging powers, multilateral organizations, the private sector, NGOs, diaspora representatives and organizations, civil society organizations, and other nontraditional actors.

United Kingdom’s Stabilisation Unit
Canada’s Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (START)
Government of Australia’s Australian Civilian Corps
UN peacekeeping and peace-building operations


Final reports from field-based applications of the Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (ICAF)

-Liberia (2012)  [696 Kb]
-Nepal (2011)  [1030 Kb]
-Kyrgyz Republic (2011)  [947 Kb]
-Mindanao, Philippines (2011)  [2107 Kb]
-Liberia (2010)  [3315 Kb]
-Cambodia (2009)  [3807 Kb]
-Tajikistan (2008)  [3917 Kb]


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