‹ Analysis & Projections

Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Release Date: June 25, 2012   |  Next Early Release Date: January 23, 2013  |   Report Number: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)

NEMS overview and brief description of cases

The National Energy Modeling System

Projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (AEO2012) are generated using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) [142], developed and maintained by the Office of Energy Analysis of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). In addition to its use in developing the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) projections, NEMS is also used to complete analytical studies for the U.S. Congress, the Executive Office of the President, other offices within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and other Federal agencies. NEMS is also used by other nongovernment groups, such as the Electric Power Research Institute, Duke University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and OnLocation, Inc. In addition, the AEO projections are used by analysts and planners in other government agencies and nongovernment organizations.

The projections in NEMS are developed with the use of a market-based approach, subject to regulations and standards. For each fuel and consuming sector, NEMS balances energy supply and demand, accounting for economic competition among the various energy fuels and sources. The time horizon of NEMS extends to 2035. To represent regional differences in energy markets, the component modules of NEMS function at the regional level: the nine Census divisions for the end-use demand modules; production regions specific to oil, natural gas, and coal supply and distribution; 22 regions and subregions of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation for electricity; and the five Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADDs) for refineries.

NEMS is organized and implemented as a modular system. The modules represent each of the fuel supply markets, conversion sectors, and end-use consumption sectors of the energy system. The modular design also permits the use of the methodology and level of detail most appropriate for each energy sector. NEMS executes each of the component modules to solve for prices of energy delivered to end users and the quantities consumed, by product, region, and sector. The delivered fuel prices encompass all the activities necessary to produce, import, and transport fuels to end users. The information flows also include other data on such areas as economic activity, domestic production, and international petroleum supply. NEMS calls each supply, conversion, and end-use demand module in sequence until the delivered prices of energy and the quantities demanded have converged within tolerance, thus achieving an economic equilibrium of supply and demand in the consuming sectors. A solution is reached annually through the projection horizon. Other variables, such as petroleum product imports, crude oil imports, and several macroeconomic indicators, also are evaluated for convergence.

Each NEMS component represents the impacts and costs of legislation and environmental regulations that affect that sector. NEMS accounts for all combustion-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, as well as emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury from the electricity generation sector.

The version of NEMS used for AEO2012 generally represents current legislation and environmental regulations, including recent government actions, for which implementing regulations were available as of December 31, 2011, such as: the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) [143] issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in December 2011; the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) [144] as finalized by the EPA in July 2011; the new fuel efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) published by the EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in September 2011 [145]; California's cap-and-trade program authorized by Assembly Bill (AB) 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 [146]; the EPA policy memo regarding compliance of surface coal mining operations in Appalachia [147], issued on July 21, 2011; and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA2009) [148], which was enacted in mid-February 2009.

The potential impacts of proposed Federal and State legislation, regulations, or standards—or of sections of legislation that have been enacted but require funds or implementing regulations that have not been provided or specified—are not reflected in NEMS. However, many pending provisions are examined in alternative cases included in AEO2012 or in other analyses completed by EIA.

In general, the historical data presented with the AEO2012 projections are based on EIA's Annual Energy Review 2010, published in October 2011 [149]; however, data were taken from multiple sources. In some cases, only partial or preliminary data were available for 2010. Historical numbers are presented for comparison only and may be estimates. Source documents should be consulted for the official data values. Footnotes to the AEO2012 appendix tables indicate the definitions and sources of historical data. Where possible, the AEO2012 projections for 2011 and 2012 incorporate short-term projections from EIA's December 2011 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). For short-term energy projections, readers are referred to monthly updates of the STEO [150].

Component modules

The component modules of NEMS represent the individual supply, demand, and conversion sectors of domestic energy markets and also include international and macroeconomic modules. In general, the modules interact through values representing prices or expenditures for energy delivered to the consuming sectors and the quantities of end-use energy consumption.

Macroeconomic Activity Module

The Macroeconomic Activity Module (MAM) provides a set of macroeconomic drivers to the energy modules and receives energy-related indicators from the NEMS energy components as part of the macroeconomic feedback mechanism within NEMS. Key macroeconomic variables used in the energy modules include gross domestic product (GDP), disposable income, value of industrial shipments, new housing starts, sales of new light-duty vehicles (LDVs), interest rates, and employment. Key energy indicators fed back to the MAM include aggregate energy prices and costs. The MAM uses the following models from IHS Global Insight: Macroeconomic Model of the U.S. Economy, National Industry Model, and National Employment Model. In addition, EIA has constructed a Regional Economic and Industry Model to project regional economic drivers, and a Commercial Floorspace Model to project 13 floorspace types in 9 Census divisions. The accounting framework for industrial value of shipments uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

International Module

The International Energy Module (IEM) uses assumptions of economic growth and expectations of future U.S. and world petroleum and other liquids production and consumption, by year, to project the interaction of U.S. and international petroleum and other liquids markets. The IEM computes world oil prices, provides a world crude-like liquids supply curve, generates a worldwide oil supply/demand balance for each year of the projection period, and computes initial estimates of crude oil and light and heavy petroleum product imports to the United States by PADD regions. The supply-curve calculations are based on historical market data and a world oil supply/demand balance, which is developed from reduced-form models of international petroleum and other liquids supply and demand, current investment trends in exploration and development, and long-term resource economics by country and territory. The oil production estimates include both conventional and other liquids supply recovery technologies.

In interacting with the rest of NEMS, the IEM changes the oil price—which is defined as the price of light, low-sulfur crude oil delivered to Cushing, Oklahoma (PADD 2)—in response to changes in expected production and consumption of crude oil and other liquids in the United States.

Residential and Commercial Demand Modules

The Residential Demand Module projects energy consumption in the residential sector by Census division, housing type, and end use, based on delivered energy prices, the menu of equipment available, the availability of renewable sources of energy, and changes in the housing stock. The Commercial Demand Module projects energy consumption in the commercial sector by Census division, building type, and category of end use, based on delivered prices of energy, availability of renewable sources of energy, and changes in commercial floorspace.

Both modules estimate the equipment stock for the major end-use services, incorporating assessments of advanced technologies, representations of renewable energy technologies, and the effects of both building shell and appliance standards. The modules also include projections of distributed generation. The Commercial Demand Module also incorporates combined heat and power (CHP) technology. Both modules incorporate changes to "normal" heating and cooling degree-days by Census division, based on a 10-year average and on State-level population projections. The Residential Demand Module projects an increase in the average square footage of both new construction and existing structures, based on trends in new construction and remodeling.

Industrial Demand Module

The Industrial Demand Module (IDM) projects the consumption of energy for heat and power, as well as the consumption of feedstocks and raw materials in each of 21 industry groups, subject to the delivered prices of energy and macroeconomic estimates of employment and the value of shipments for each industry. As noted in the description of the MAM, the representation of industrial activity in NEMS is based on the NAICS. The industries are classified into three groups—energy-intensive manufacturing, non-energy-intensive manufacturing, and nonmanufacturing. Of the eight energy-intensive manufacturing industries, seven are modeled in the IDM, including energy-consuming components for boiler/steam/cogeneration, buildings, and process/assembly use of energy. Energy demand for petroleum refining (the eighth energy-intensive manufacturing industry) is modeled in the Petroleum Market Module (PMM), as described below, but the projected consumption is reported under the industrial totals.

There are several updates and upgrades in the representations of select industries. The base year for the bulk chemical industry has been updated to 2006 in keeping with updates to EIA's 2006 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey [151]. AEO2012 also includes an upgraded representation for the cement and lime industries and agriculture. Instead of assuming that technological development for a particular process occurs on a predetermined (exogenous) path based on engineering judgment, these upgrades allow IDM technological change to be modeled endogenously, while using more detailed process representation. The upgrade allows for technological change, and therefore energy intensity, to respond to economic, regulatory, and other conditions. For subsequent AEOs, other industries represented in the IDM projections will be similarly upgraded.

A generalized representation of CHP is included. A revised methodology for CHP systems, implemented for AEO2012, simulates the utilization of installed CHP systems based on historical utilization rates and is driven by end-use electricity demand. To evaluate the economic benefits of additional CHP capacity, the model also includes an updated appraisal incorporating historical rather than assumed capacity factors and regional acceptance rates for new CHP facilities. The evaluation of CHP systems still uses a discount rate, which is equal to the projected 10-year Treasury bill rate plus a risk premium.

Transportation Demand Module

The Transportation Demand Module projects consumption of energy in the transportation sector—including petroleum products, electricity, methanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas (CNG), and hydrogen—by transportation mode, subject to delivered energy prices and macroeconomic variables such as disposable personal income, GDP, population, interest rates, and industrial shipments. The Transportation Demand Module includes legislation and regulations, such as the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT2005), the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 (EIEA2008), and the ARRA2009, which contain tax credits for the purchase of alternatively fueled vehicles. Fleet vehicles are also modeled, allowing for analysis of legislative proposals specific to those markets. Representations of LDV Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards, HDV fuel consumption and GHG emissions standards, and biofuels consumption in the module reflect standards enacted by NHTSA and the EPA, as well as provisions in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA2007).

The air transportation component of the Transportation Demand Module explicitly represents air travel in domestic and foreign markets and includes the industry practice of parking aircraft in both domestic and international markets to reduce operating costs, as well as the movement of aging aircraft from passenger to cargo markets. For passenger travel and air freight shipments, the module represents regional fuel use in regional, narrow-body, and wide-body aircraft. An infrastructure constraint, which is also modeled, can potentially limit overall growth in passenger and freight air travel to levels commensurate with industry-projected infrastructure expansion and capacity growth.

Electricity Market Module

There are three primary submodules of the Electricity Market Module—capacity planning, fuel dispatching, and finance and pricing. The capacity expansion submodule uses the stock of existing generation capacity, the cost and performance of future generation capacity, expected fuel prices, expected financial parameters, expected electricity demand, and expected environmental regulations to project the optimal mix of new generation capacity that should be added in future years. The fuel dispatching submodule uses the existing stock of generation equipment types, their operation and maintenance costs and performance, fuel prices to the electricity sector, electricity demand, and all applicable environmental regulations to determine the least-cost way to meet that demand. The submodule also determines transmission and pricing of electricity. The finance and pricing submodule uses capital costs, fuel costs, macroeconomic parameters, environmental regulations, and load shapes to estimate generation costs for each technology.

All specifically identified options promulgated by the EPA for compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 are explicitly represented in the capacity expansion and dispatch decisions. All financial incentives for power generation expansion and dispatch specifically identified in EPACT2005 have been implemented. Several States, primarily in the Northeast, have enacted air emission regulations for CO2 that affect the electricity generation sector, and those regulations are represented in AEO2012. The AEO2012 Reference case also imposes a limit on power sector CO2 emissions for plants serving California, to represent the power sector impacts of California's AB 32. The AEO2012 Reference case reflects the CSAPR as finalized by the EPA on July 6, 2011, requiring reductions in emissions from power plants that contribute to ozone and fine particle pollution in 28 States. Reductions in mercury emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants also are reflected through the inclusion of the mercury and air toxics standards for power plants, finalized by the EPA on December 16, 2011.

Although currently there is no Federal legislation in place that restricts GHG emissions, regulators and the investment community have continued to push energy companies to invest in technologies that are less GHG-intensive. The trend is captured in the AEO2012 Reference case through a 3-percentage-point increase in the cost of capital, when evaluating investments in new coalfired power plants, new coal-to-liquids (CTL) plants without carbon capture and storage (CCS), and for pollution control retrofits.

Renewable Fuels Module

The Renewable Fuels Module (RFM) includes submodules representing renewable resource supply and technology input information for central-station, grid-connected electricity generation technologies, including conventional hydroelectricity, biomass (dedicated biomass plants and co-firing in existing coal plants), geothermal, landfill gas, solar thermal electricity, solar photovoltaics (PV), and both onshore and offshore wind energy. The RFM contains renewable resource supply estimates representing the regional opportunities for renewable energy development. Investment tax credits (ITCs) for renewable fuels are incorporated, as currently enacted, including a permanent 10-percent ITC for business investment in solar energy (thermal nonpower uses as well as power uses) and geothermal power (available only to those projects not accepting the production tax credit [PTC] for geothermal power). In addition, the module reflects the increase in the ITC to 30 percent for solar energy systems installed before January 1, 2017. The extension of the credit to individual homeowners under EIEA2008 is reflected in the Residential and Commercial Demand Modules.

PTCs for wind, geothermal, landfill gas, and some types of hydroelectric and biomass-fueled plants also are represented. They provide a credit of up to 2.2 cents per kilowatthour for electricity produced in the first 10 years of plant operation. For AEO2012, new wind plants coming on line before January 1, 2013, are eligible to receive the PTC; other eligible plants must be in service before January 1, 2014. As part of the ARRA2009, plants eligible for the PTC may instead elect to receive a 30-percent ITC or an equivalent direct grant. AEO2012 also accounts for new renewable energy capacity resulting from State renewable portfolio standard programs, mandates, and goals, as described in Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 [152].

Oil and Gas Supply Module

The Oil and Gas Supply Module represents domestic crude oil and natural gas supply within an integrated framework that captures the interrelationships among the various sources of supply—onshore, offshore, and Alaska—by all production techniques, including natural gas recovery from coalbeds and low-permeability formations of sandstone and shale. The framework analyzes cash flow and profitability to compute investment and drilling for each of the supply sources, based on the prices for crude oil and natural gas, the domestic recoverable resource base, and the state of technology. Oil and natural gas production activities are modeled for 12 supply regions, including 6 onshore, 3 offshore, and 3 Alaskan regions.

The Onshore Lower 48 Oil and Gas Supply Submodule evaluates the economics of future exploration and development projects for crude oil and natural gas at the play level. Crude oil resources include conventional resources as well as highly fractured continuous zones, such as the Austin chalk and Bakken shale formations. Production potential from advanced secondary recovery techniques (such as infill drilling, horizontal continuity, and horizontal profile) and enhanced oil recovery (such as CO2 flooding, steam flooding, polymer flooding, and profile modification) are explicitly represented. Natural gas resources include high-permeability carbonate and sandstone, tight gas, shale gas, and coalbed methane.

Domestic crude oil production quantities are used as inputs to the PMM in NEMS for conversion and blending into refined petroleum products. Supply curves for natural gas are used as inputs to the Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module (NGTDM) for determining natural gas wellhead prices and domestic production.

Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module

The NGTDM represents the transmission, distribution, and pricing of natural gas, subject to end-use demand for natural gas and the availability of domestic natural gas and natural gas traded on the international market. The module tracks the flows of natural gas and determines the associated capacity expansion requirements in an aggregate pipeline network, connecting the domestic and foreign supply regions with 12 lower 48 U.S. demand regions. The 12 lower 48 regions align with the 9 Census divisions, with three subdivided, and Alaska handled separately. The flow of natural gas is determined for both a peak and off-peak period in the year, assuming a historically based seasonal distribution of natural gas demand. Key components of pipeline and distributor tariffs are included in separate pricing algorithms. An algorithm is included to project the addition of CNG retail fueling capability. The module also accounts for foreign sources of natural gas, including pipeline imports and exports to Canada and Mexico, as well as
liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports and exports. For AEO2012, LNG exports and re-exports were set exogenously and assumed to reach and maintain a total level of 903 billion cubic feet per year by 2020.

Petroleum Market Module

The PMM projects prices of petroleum products, crude oil and product import activity, and domestic refinery operations, subject to demand for petroleum products, availability and price of imported petroleum, and domestic production of crude oil, natural gas liquids, and biofuels—ethanol, biodiesel, biomass-to-liquids (BTL), CTL, gas-to-liquids (GTL), and coal-and-biomass-toliquids (CBTL). Costs, performance, and first dates of commercial availability for the advanced other liquids technologies [153] are reviewed and updated annually.

The module represents refining activities in the five PADDs, as well as a less detailed representation of refining activities in the rest of the world. It models the costs of automotive fuels, such as conventional and reformulated gasoline, and includes production of biofuels for blending in gasoline and diesel. Fuel ethanol and biodiesel are included in the PMM, because they are commonly blended into petroleum products. The module allows ethanol blending into gasoline at 10 percent or less by volume (E10), 15 percent by volume (E15) in States that lack explicit language capping ethanol volume or oxygen content, and up to 85 percent by volume (E85) for use in flex-fuel vehicles.

The PMM includes representation of the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) included in EISA2007, which mandates the use of 36 billion gallons of ethanol equivalent renewable fuel by 2022. Both domestic and imported ethanol count toward the RFS. Domestic ethanol production is modeled for three feedstock categories: corn, cellulosic plant materials, and advanced feedstock materials. Starch-based ethanol plants are numerous (more than 190 are now in operation, with a total maximum sustainable nameplate capacity of more than 14 billion gallons annually), and they are based on a well-known technology that converts starch and sugar into ethanol. Ethanol from cellulosic sources is a new technology with only a few small pilot plants in operation. Ethanol from advanced feedstocks—defined as plants that ferment and distill grains other than corn and reduce GHG emissions by at least 50 percent—is also a new technology modeled in the PMM.

Fuels produced by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and through a pyrolysis process are also modeled in the PMM, based on their economics relative to competing feedstocks and products. The five processes modeled are CTL, CBTL, GTL, BTL, and pyrolysis.

Coal Market Module

The Coal Market Module (CMM) simulates mining, transportation, and pricing of coal, subject to end-use demand for coal differentiated by heat and sulfur content. U.S. coal production is represented in the CMM by 41 separate supply curves—differentiated by region, mine type, coal rank, and sulfur content. The coal supply curves respond to capacity utilization of mines, mining capacity, labor productivity, and factor input costs (mining equipment, mining labor, and fuel requirements). Projections of U.S. coal distribution are determined by minimizing the cost of coal supplied, given coal demands by region and sector, environmental restrictions, and accounting for minemouth prices, transportation costs, and coal supply contracts. Over the projection horizon, coal transportation costs in the CMM vary in response to changes in the cost of rail investments.

The CMM produces projections of U.S. steam and metallurgical coal exports and imports in the context of world coal trade, determining the pattern of world coal trade flows that minimizes production and transportation costs while meeting a specified set of regional world coal import demands, subject to constraints on export capacities and trade flows. The international coal market component of the module computes trade in 3 types of coal for 17 export regions and 20 import regions. U.S. coal production and distribution are computed for 14 supply regions and 16 demand regions.

Annual Energy Outlook 2012 cases

Table E1 provides a summary of the cases produced as part of AEO2012. For each case, the table gives the name used in AEO2012, a brief description of the major assumptions underlying the projections, and a reference to the pages in the body of the report and in this appendix where the case is discussed. The text sections following Table E1 describe the various cases. The Reference case assumptions for each sector are described in Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 [154]. Regional results and other details of the projections are available at website www.eia.gov/aeo/supplement.

Macroeconomic Growth cases

In addition to the AEO2012 Reference case, Low Economic Growth and High Economic Growth cases were developed to reflect the uncertainty in projections of economic growth. The alternative cases are intended to show the effects of alternative growth assumptions on energy market projections. The cases are described as follows:

  • In the Reference case, population grows by 0.9 percent per year, nonfarm employment by 1.0 percent per year, and labor productivity by 1.9 percent per year from 2010 to 2035. Economic output as measured by real GDP increases by 2.5 percent per year from 2010 through 2035, and growth in real disposable income per capita averages 1.5 percent per year.
  • The Low Economic Growth case assumes lower growth rates for population (0.8 percent per year) and labor productivity (1.5 percent per year), resulting in lower nonfarm employment (0.8 percent per year), higher prices and interest rates, and lower growth in industrial output. In the Low Economic Growth case, economic output as measured by real GDP increases by 2.0 percent per year from 2010 through 2035, and growth in real disposable income per capita averages 1.3 percent per year.
  • The High Economic Growth case assumes higher growth rates for population (1.0 percent per year) and labor productivity (2.2 percent per year), resulting in higher nonfarm employment (1.2 percent per year). With higher productivity gains and employment growth, inflation and interest rates are lower than in the Reference case, and consequently economic output grows at a higher rate (3.0 percent per year) than in the Reference case (2.5 percent). Disposable income per capita grows by 1.6 percent per year, compared with 1.5 percent in the Reference case.

Oil Price cases

The oil price in AEO2012 is defined as the average price of light, low-sulfur crude oil delivered in Cushing, Oklahoma, and is similar to the price for light, sweet crude oil traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange, referred to as West Texas Intermediate (WTI). AEO2012 also includes a projection of the U.S. annual average refiners' acquisition cost of imported crude oil, which is more representative of the average cost of all crude oils used by domestic refiners.

The historical record shows substantial variability in oil prices, and there is arguably even more uncertainty about future prices in the long term. AEO2012 considers three oil price cases (Reference, Low Oil Price, and High Oil Price) to allow an assessment of alternative views on the future course of oil prices.

The Low and High Oil Price cases reflect a wide range of potential price paths, resulting from variation in demand by countries outside the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for petroleum and other liquid fuels due to different levels of economic growth. The Low and High Oil Price cases also reflect different assumptions about decisions by members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) regarding the preferred rate of oil production and about the future finding and development costs and accessibility of conventional oil resources outside the United States.

  • In the Reference case, real oil prices rise from a $93 per barrel (2010 dollars) in 2011 to $145 per barrel in 2035. The Reference case represents EIA's current judgment regarding exploration and development costs and accessibility of oil resources. It also assumes that OPEC producers will choose to maintain their share of the market and will schedule investments in incremental production capacity so that OPEC's conventional oil production will represent about 40 percent of the world's total petroleum and other liquids production over the projection period.
  • In the Low Oil Price case, crude oil prices are only $62 per barrel (2010 dollars) in 2035, compared with $145 per barrel in the Reference case. In the Low Oil Price case, the low price results from lower demand for petroleum and other liquid fuels in the non-OECD nations. Lower demand is derived from lower economic growth relative to the Reference case. In this case, GDP growth in the non-OECD countries is reduced by 1.5 percentage points relative to Reference case in each projection year, beginning in 2015. The OECD projections are affected only by the price impact. On the supply side, OPEC countries increase their conventional oil production to obtain a 46-percent share of total world petroleum and other liquids production, and oil resources outside the United States are more accessible and/or less costly to produce (as a result of technology advances, more attractive fiscal regimes, or both) than in the Reference case.
  • In the High Oil Price case, oil prices reach about $200 per barrel (2010 dollars) in 2035. In the High Oil Price case, the high prices result from higher demand for petroleum and other liquid fuels in the non-OECD nations. Higher demand is measured by higher economic growth relative to the Reference case. In this case, GDP growth in the non-OECD region is raised by 0.1 to 1.0 percentage point relative to the Reference case in each projection year, starting in 2012. GDP growth rates for China and India are raised by 1.0 percentage points relative to the Reference case in 2012, declining to 0.3 percentage point above the Reference case in 2035. GDP growth rates for most other non-OECD regions average about 0.5 percentage point above the Reference case in each projection year. The OECD projections are affected only by the price impact. On the supply side, OPEC countries are assumed to reduce their market share somewhat, and oil resources outside the United States are assumed to be less accessible and/or more costly to produce than in the Reference case.

Buildings Sector cases

In addition to the AEO2012 Reference case, three technology-focused cases using the Demand Modules of NEMS were developed to examine the effects of changes in technology. Buildings sector assumptions for the Integrated 2011 Demand Technology case and the Integrated High Demand Technology case are also used in the appropriate Integrated Technology cases.

Residential sector assumptions for the technology-focused cases are as follows:

  • For the Integrated 2011 Demand Technology case it is assumed that all future residential equipment purchases are based only on the range of equipment available in 2011. Existing building shell efficiencies are assumed to be fixed at 2011 levels (no further improvements). For new construction, building shell technology options are constrained to those available in 2011.
  • For the Integrated High Demand Technology case it is assumed that residential advanced equipment is available earlier, at lower costs, and/or at higher efficiencies [155]. For new construction, building shell efficiencies are assumed to meet ENERGY STAR requirements after 2016. Consumers evaluate investments in energy efficiency at a 7-percent real discount rate.
  • For the Integrated Best Available Demand Technology case it is assumed that all future residential equipment purchases are made from a menu of technologies that includes only the most efficient models available in a particular year for each fuel, regardless of cost. For new construction, building shell efficiencies are assumed to meet the criteria for the most efficient components after 2011.
Commercial sector assumptions for the three technology-focused cases are as follows:

  • For the Integrated 2011 Demand Technology case it is assumed that all future commercial equipment purchases are based only on the range of equipment available in 2011. Building shell efficiencies are assumed to be fixed at 2011 levels.
  • For the Integrated High Demand Technology case it is assumed that commercial advanced equipment is available earlier, at lower costs, and/or with higher efficiencies than in the Reference case [156]. Energy efficiency investments are evaluated at a 7-percent real discount rate. Building shell efficiencies for new and existing buildings in 2035 assume a 25-percent improvement relative to the Reference case.
  • For the Integrated Best Available Demand Technology case it is assumed that all future commercial equipment purchases are made from a menu of technologies that includes only the most efficient models available in a particular year for each fuel, regardless of cost. Building shell efficiencies for new and existing buildings in 2035 assume a 50-percent improvement relative to the Reference case.

The Residential and Commercial Demand Modules of NEMS were also used to complete the Low Renewable Technology Cost case, which is discussed in more detail below, in the renewable fuels cases section. In combination with assumptions for electricity generation from renewable fuels in the electric power sector and industrial sector, this sensitivity case analyzes the impacts of changes in generating technologies that use renewable fuels and in the availability of renewable energy sources. For the Residential and Commercial Demand Modules:

  • The Low Renewable Technology Cost case assumes greater improvements in residential and commercial PV and wind systems than in the Reference case. The assumptions for capital cost estimates are 20 percent below Reference case assumptions in 2012 and decline to at least 40 percent lower than Reference case costs in 2035.

The No Sunset and Extended Policies cases described below in the cross-cutting integrated cases discussion also include assumptions in the Residential and Commercial Demand Modules of NEMS. The Extended Policies case builds on the No Sunset case and adds multiple rounds of appliance standards and building codes as described below.

  • The No Sunset case assumes that selected policies with sunset provisions will be extended indefinitely rather than allowed to sunset as the law currently prescribes. For the residential sector, these extensions include: personal tax credits for selected end-use equipment, including furnaces, heat pumps, and central air conditioning; personal tax credits for PV installations, solar water heaters, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps; and manufacturer tax credits for refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers, passed on to consumers at 100 percent of the tax credit value. For the commercial sector, business IT's for PV installations, solar water heaters, small wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, and CHP are extended to the end of the projection. The business tax credit for solar technologies remains at the current 30-percent level without reverting to 10 percent as scheduled.
  • The Extended Policies case includes updates to appliance standards, as prescribed by the timeline in DOE's multiyear plan, and introduces new standards for products currently not covered by DOE. Efficiency levels for the updated residential appliance standards are based on current ENERGY STAR guidelines. Residential end-use technologies subject to updated standards are not eligible for No Sunset incentives in addition to the standards. Efficiency levels for updated commercial equipment standards are based on the technology menu from the AEO2012 Reference case and purchasing specifications for Federal agencies designated by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). The case also adds national building codes to reach 30-percent improvement relative to the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC 2006) for residential households and to American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1-2004 for commercial buildings by 2020, with additional rounds of improved codes in 2023 and 2026.

Industrial Sector cases

In addition to the AEO2012 Reference case, two technology-focused cases using the IDM of NEMS were developed that examine the effects of less rapid and more rapid technology change and adoption. The energy intensity changes discussed in this section exclude the refining industry, which is modeled separately from the IDM in the PMM. Different assumptions for the IDM were also used as part of the Integrated Low Renewable Technology Cost case, No Sunset case, and Extended Policies case, but each is structured on a set of the initial industrial assumptions used for the Integrated 2011 Demand Technology case and Integrated High Demand Technology case. For the industrial sector, assumptions for those two technology-focused cases are as follows:

  • For the Integrated 2011 Demand Technology case, the energy efficiency of new industrial plant and equipment is held constant at the 2012 level over the projection period. Changes in aggregate energy intensity may result both from changing equipment and production efficiency and from changing composition of output within an individual industry. Because all AEO2012 side cases are integrated runs, potential feedback effects from energy market interactions are captured. Hence, the level and composition of overall industrial output varies from the Reference case, and any change in energy intensity in the two technology side cases is attributable to process and efficiency changes and increased use of CHP, as well as changes in the level and composition of overall industrial output
  • For the Integrated High Demand Technology case, the IDM assumes earlier availability, lower costs, and higher efficiency for more advanced equipment [157] and a more rapid rate of improvement in the recovery of biomass byproducts from industrial processes—i.e., 0.7 percent per year, as compared with 0.4 percent per year in the Reference case. The same assumption is incorporated in the Low Renewable Technology Cost case, which focuses on electricity generation. Although the choice of the 0.7-percent annual rate of improvement in byproduct recovery is an assumption in the High Demand Technology case, it is based on the expectation of higher recovery rates and substantially increased use of CHP in that case. Due to integration with other NEMS modules, potential feedback effects from energy market interactions are captured.

The industrial No Sunset and Extended Policies cases described below in the cross-cutting integrated cases discussion also include assumptions in the IDM of NEMS. The Extended Policies case builds on the No Sunset case and modifies select industrial assumptions, which are as follows:

  • The No Sunset case and Extended Policies case include an assumption for CHP that extends the existing industrial CHP ITC through the end of the projection period. Additionally, the Extended Policies case includes an increase in the capacity limitations on the ITC by increasing the cap on CHP equipment from 15 megawatts to 25 megawatts and eliminating the system-wide cap of 50 megawatts. These assumptions are based on the current proposals in H.R. 2750 and H.R. 2784 of the 112th Congress.

Transportation Sector cases

In addition to the AEO2011 Reference case, two standalone cases using the NEMS Transportation Demand Module were developed to examine the effects of advanced technology costs and efficiency improvement on technology adoption and vehicle fuel economy [14]. For the transportation sector:

  • In the Low Technology case, the characteristics of conventional technologies, advanced technologies, and alternative-fuel LDVs, heavy-duty vehicles, and aircraft reflect more pessimistic assumptions about cost and efficiency improvements achieved over the projection. More pessimistic assumptions for fuel efficiency improvement are also reflected in the rail and shipping sectors.
  • In the High Technology case, the characteristics of conventional and alternative-fuel LDVs reflect more optimistic assumptions about incremental improvements in fuel economy and costs. In the freight truck sector, the High Technology case assumes more rapid incremental improvement in fuel efficiency for engine and emissions control technologies. More optimistic assumptions for fuel efficiency improvements are also made for the air, rail, and shipping sectors.

In addition to the AEO2012 Reference case, the NEMS Transportation Demand Module was used to examine the effects of advanced technology costs and efficiency improvement on technology adoption and vehicle fuel economy as part of the Integrated High Demand Technology case [158]. For the Integrated High Demand Technology case, the characteristics of conventional and alternative-fuel LDVs reflect more optimistic assumptions about incremental improvements in fuel economy and costs. In the freight truck sector, the High Demand Technology case assumes more rapid incremental improvement in fuel efficiency and lower costs for engine and emissions control technologies. More optimistic assumptions for fuel efficiency improvements are also made for the air, rail, and shipping sectors.

Three additional integrated cases were developed to examine the potential energy impacts associated with the implementation of proposed model year 2017 to 2025 LDV CAFE standards, the impact of the successful development of advanced batteries, and the impact of the penetration of HDVs using LNG. The specific cases include:

  • The CAFE Standards case examines the energy, GHG, and vehicle market impacts of increasing LDV fuel economy standards to reflect those proposed by the EPA and NHTSA for model years 2017-2025. Fuel economy standards are assumed to remain constant after model year 2025.
  • The High Technology Battery case examines the energy, GHG emissions, and sales impacts on new LDVs associated with rapid improvement in battery cost and non-battery systems performance.
  • The HDV Reference case incorporates revised pricing assumptions for CNG and LNG highway fuels and HDV market acceptance.
  • The HD NGV Potential case examines the energy and GHG impacts associated with assumed significant increases in LNG refueling infrastructure to enable market adoption of natural gas use by HDVs in long-haul corridors relative to the HDV Reference case.

Electricity Sector cases

In addition to the Reference case, several integrated cases with alternative electric power assumptions were developed to support discussions in the "Issues in focus" section of AEO2012. Two alternative cases were run for nuclear power plants, to address uncertainties about the operating lives of existing reactors, the potential for new nuclear capacity, and capacity uprates at existing plants. These scenarios are discussed in the "Issues in focus" article, "Nuclear power in AEO2012."

In addition, two alternative cases were run to analyze uncertainties related to the lifetimes of coal-fired power plants due to recent environmental regulations and potential GHG legislation in the future. Over the next few years, electricity generators will begin taking steps to comply with a number of new environmental regulations, primarily by adding environmental controls at existing coal-fired power plants. The additional cases examine the impacts of shorter economic recovery periods for the environmental controls, with the natural gas prices used in the AEO2012 Reference case and lower natural gas prices.

Nuclear cases

  • The Low Nuclear case assumes that all existing nuclear plants are retired after 60 years of operation. In the Reference case, existing plants are assumed to run as long as they continue to be economic, implicitly assuming that a second 20-year license renewal will be obtained for most plants that reach 60 years before 2035. The Low Nuclear case was run to analyze the impact of additional nuclear retirements, which could occur if the oldest plants do not receive a second license extension. In this case, 31 gigawatts of nuclear capacity is assumed to be retired by 2035. The Low Nuclear case assumes that no new nuclear capacity will be added throughout the projection, excluding capacity already planned or under construction. The case also assumes that only those capacity uprates reported to EIA will be completed (1 gigawatt). The Reference case assumes additional uprates based on NRC surveys and industry reports.
  • The High Nuclear case assumes that all existing nuclear units will receive a second license renewal and operate beyond 60 years (excluding one announced retirement). In the Reference case, beyond the announced retirement of Oyster Creek, an additional 5.5 gigawatts of nuclear capacity is assumed to be retired through 2035, reflecting uncertainty about the impacts and/or costs of future aging. This case was run to provide a more optimistic outlook, with all licenses renewed and all plants continuing to operate economically beyond 60 years. The High Nuclear case also assumes that additional planned nuclear capacity is completed based on combined license applications issued by the NRC. The Reference case assumes that 6.8 gigawatts of planned capacity is added, compared with 13.5 gigawatts of planned capacity additions in the High Nuclear case.

Environmental Rules cases

  • The Reference 05 case assumes that the economic recovery period for investments in new environmental controls in the electric power sector is reduced from 20 years to 5 years.
  • The Low Gas Price 05 case uses more optimistic assumptions about future volumes of shale gas production, leading to lower natural gas prices, combined with the 5-year recovery period for new environmental controls in the electric power sector. The domestic shale gas resource assumption comes from the High EUR case.

Renewable fuels cases

In addition to the AEO2012 Reference case, EIA developed a case with alternative assumptions about renewable fuels to examine the effects of more aggressive improvement in the cost of renewable technologies.

  • In the Low Renewable Technology Cost case, the levelized costs of new nonhydropower renewable generating technologies are assumed to start at 20 percent below Reference case assumptions in 2012 and decline to 40 percent below the Reference case costs for the same resources in 2035. In general, lower costs are represented by reducing the capital costs of new plant construction. Biomass fuel supplies also are assumed to be 40 percent less expensive than for the same resource quantities used in the Reference case. Assumptions for other generating technologies are unchanged from those in the Reference case. In the Low Renewable Technology Cost case, the rate of improvement in recovery of biomass byproducts from industrial processes also is increased.
  • In the No Sunset case and the Extended Policies case, expiring Federal tax credits targeting renewable electricity are assumed to be permanently extended. This applies to the PTC, which is a tax credit of 2.2 cents per kilowatthour available for the first 10 years of production by new generators using wind, geothermal, and certain biomass fuels, or a tax credit of 1.1 cents per kilowatthour available for the first 10 years of production by new generators using geothermal energy, certain hydroelectric technologies, and biomass fuels not eligible for the full credit of 2.2 cents per kilowatthour. This tax credit is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2012, for wind and 1 year later for other eligible technologies. The same schedule applies to the 30-percent ITC, which is available to new solar installations through December 31, 2016, and may also be claimed in lieu of the PTC for eligible technologies, expiring concurrently with the PTC expiration dates indicated above.

Oil and gas supply cases

The sensitivity of the AEO2012 projections to changes in assumptions regarding technically recoverable tight oil and shale gas
resources are examined in two cases:

  • In the Low EUR case, the EUR per tight oil or shale gas well is assumed to be 50 percent lower than in the Reference case, increasing the per-unit cost of developing the resource. The total unproved TRR of tight oil is decreased to 17 billion barrels, and the shale gas resource is decreased to 241 trillion cubic feet, as compared with unproved resource estimates of 33 billion barrels of tight oil and 482 of shale gas in the Reference case as of January 1, 2010.
  • In the High EUR case, the EUR per tight oil and shale gas well is assumed to be 50 percent higher than in the Reference case, decreasing the per-unit cost of developing the resource. The total unproved technically recoverable tight oil resource is increased to 50 billion barrels, and the shale gas resource is increased to 723 trillion cubic feet.
  • In the High TRR case, the well spacing for all tight oil and shale gas plays is assumed to be 8 wells per square mile (i.e., each well has an average drainage area of 80 acres), and the EUR for tight oil and shale gas wells is assumed to be 50 percent higher than in the Reference case. The total unproved technically recoverable tight oil resource is increased to 89 billion barrels, and the shale gas resource is increased to 1,091 trillion cubic feet, more than twice the Reference case assumptions for tight oil and shale gas resources.

Petroleum market cases

Production of petroleum and other liquid fuels has evolved and changed significantly in recent years as a result of changes in the mix of feedstocks, production regions, technologies, regulation and policy, and international markets. To better reflect those changes, a new LFMM has been developed for use as part of NEMS. The intent is to use the LFMM in developing the Annual Energy Outlook 2013 (AEO2013). The LFMM was designed as a data-driven tool using a generalized algebraic modeling system. The LFMM uses nine types of crude oil (compared to five types in the current model). The LFMM configuration uses nine refining regions instead of the traditional five PADDs—eight domestic regions and one maritime Canada and Caribbean region that captures imports of refined products into the northeastern United States.

Market conditions and regulations have resulted in the implementation of new technologies using nonpetroleum feedstocks such as grains, biomass, pyrolysis oils, coal, biomass, and natural gas. The EISA2007 RFS mandates the use 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2022, and the LFMM allows analysis of different renewable fuel capacities required to meet the mandate. Because the LFMM is a data-driven model, new technologies can be added easily to help in analysis of the RFS mandate. In addition, the LFMM has extensive representation of the RFS and other policies that affect its implementation. The technologies associated with the RFS have high development costs, and capital recovery is uncertain. That uncertainty can be analyzed by varying the market penetration rates for the technologies under different assumptions. Further, to accommodate evolving international markets, LFMM uses different approaches while interfacing with NEMS PMM. The new interface is able to work with newer crude types, as well as changes in prices for crude oil and petroleum products.

For AEO2012, an LFMM case was developed to test the new model and compare results with those produced by the PMM—which is the current model used for AEO2012—for the Reference, Low Economic Growth, High Economic Growth, Low Oil Price, and High Oil Price cases produced using the current version of the NEMS. The intent is to highlight areas where the two models produce significantly different results and explore the basis of those differences so that EIA will be able to ensure that the LFMM is ready for use as part of AEO2013.

Coal market cases

Two alternative coal cost cases examine the impacts on U.S. coal supply, demand, distribution, and prices that result from alternative assumptions about mining productivity, labor costs, mine equipment costs, and coal transportation rates. The alternative productivity and cost assumptions are applied in every year from 2012 through 2035. For the coal cost cases, adjustments to the Reference case assumptions for coal mining productivity are based on variation in the average annual productivity growth of 2.8 percent observed since 2000. Transportation rates are lowered (in the Low Coal Cost case) or raised (in the High Coal Cost case) from Reference case levels to achieve a 25-percent change in rates relative to the Reference case in 2035. The Low and High Coal Cost cases represent fully integrated NEMS runs, with feedback from the macroeconomic activity, international, supply, conversion, and enduse demand modules. In the Low Renewable Technology Cost case, the levelized costs of energy resources for generating technologies using renewable resources are assumed to start at 20 percent below Reference case assumptions in 2011 and decline to 40 percent below the Reference case costs for the same resources in 2035. In general, lower costs are represented by reducing the capital costs of new plant construction. Biomass fuel supplies also are assumed to be 40 percent less expensive than in the Reference case for the same resource quantities used in the Reference case. Assumptions for other generating technologies are unchanged from those in the Reference case. In the Low Renewable Technology Cost case, the rate of improvement in recovery of biomass byproducts from industrial processes is also increased.

  • In the Low Coal Cost case, the average annual growth rates for coal mining productivity are higher than those in the Reference case and are applied at the supply curve level. As an example, the average annual productivity growth rate for Wyoming's Southern Powder River Basin supply curve is increased from -1.8 percent in the Reference case for the years 2012 through 2035 to 0.8 percent in the Low Coal Cost case. Coal mining wages, mine equipment costs, and other mine supply costs all are assumed to be about 21 percent lower in 2035 in real terms in the Low Coal Cost case than in the Reference case. Coal transportation rates, excluding the impact of fuel surcharges, are assumed to be 25 percent lower in 2035.
  • In the High Coal Cost case, the average annual productivity growth rates for coal mining are lower than those in the Reference case and are applied as described in the Low Coal Cost case. Coal mining wages, mine equipment costs, and other mine supply costs in 2035 are assumed to be about 27 percent higher than in the Reference case, and coal transportation rates in 2035 are assumed to be 25 percent higher.

Additional details of the productivity, wage, mine equipment cost, and coal transportation rate assumptions for the Reference and alternative coal cost cases are provided in Appendix D.

  • Cross-cutting integrated cases

    A series of cross-cutting integrated cases are used in AEO2012 to analyze specific cases with broader sectoral impacts. For example, three integrated technology progress cases analyze the impacts of more rapid and slower technology improvement rates in the demand sector (partially described in the sector-specific sections above), and two other integrated technology cases examine the impacts of more rapid and slower technology improvement rates across both demand and supply/conversion sectors. In addition, two cases also were run with alternative assumptions about expectations of future regulation of GHG emissions.

    Integrated technology cases

    In the demand sectors (residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation), technology improvement typically means greater efficiency of energy use and/or reduced cost. In the energy supply/conversion sectors (electricity generation, natural gas and petroleum and other liquids supply, petroleum refining, etc.), technology improvement tends to mean greater availability of energy supplies and/or reduced cost of production (and ultimately prices). When alternative cases that examine the impacts of variation in the rate of technology improvement are completed, combining the demand and supply/conversion sectors, the impacts on energy markets are sometimes masked because of the offsetting nature of technology improvements in the two areas.

    Two sets of alternative cases are used in AEO2012 to examine the potential impacts of variation in the rate of technology improvement. The first set looks at impacts on the demand sector in isolation. The second set looks at the combined impacts of technology changes in both the demand and supply/conversion sectors. The three demand technology cases—Integrated 2011 Demand Technology, Integrated Best Available Demand Technology, and Integrated High Demand Technology—examine the impacts on the end-use demand sectors of variations in the rate of technology improvement, independent of the offsetting impacts of variations in technology improvement in the supply/conversion sectors.

    EIA also completed two fully integrated technology cases that examine combined impacts on the demand and supply/conversion sectors. The Integrated 2011 Technology case combines the assumptions from the Integrated 2011 Demand Technology case with an assumption that the costs of new fossil, nuclear, and nonhydroelectric renewable power plants are fixed at 2012 levels and do not improve due to learning during the projection period. The Integrated High Technology case combines the assumptions from the Integrated High Demand Technology and the Low Renewable Technology Cost case with an assumption that the costs of new nuclear and fossil-fired power plants are lower than assumed in the Reference case, with costs 20 percent lower than Reference case levels in 2012 and 40 percent lower than Reference case levels in 2035.

    Greenhouse gas cases

    On May 13, 2010, the EPA promulgated standards for GHG emissions in the "Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule" [159]. The rule sets up levels of CO2-equivalent emissions at new and existing facilities that make major modifications that increase GHG emissions which trigger coverage of the facilities in the New Source Review and Title V permitting program. As a result of this and prior actions, regulators and the investment community are beginning to push energy companies to invest in less GHG-intensive technologies. To reflect the market reaction to potential future GHG regulation, a 3-percentage-point increase in the cost of capital is assumed for investments in new coal-fired power plants without CCS and new CTL plants without CCS in the Reference case and all other AEO2012 cases except the No GHG Concern, GHG15, and GHG25 cases. Those assumptions affect cost evaluations for the construction of new capacity but not the actual operating costs when a new plant begins operation.

    The three alternative GHG cases are used to provide a range of potential outcomes, from no concern about future GHG legislation to the imposition of a specific economywide carbon allowance price. AEO2012 includes two economywide CO2 price cases, the GHG15 and GHG25 cases, which examine the impacts of economywide carbon allowance prices. In the GHG15 case, the price is set at $15 per metric ton CO2 in 2013. In the GHG25 case, the price is set at $25 per metric ton CO2 in 2013. In both cases the price begins to rise in 2014 at 5 percent per year. The GHG cases are intended to measure the sensitivity of the AEO2012 assumptions to different CO2 prices that are consistent with previously proposed legislation. At the time the AEO2012 was completed, no legislation including a GHG price was pending, but the EPA is developing technology-based CO2 standards for new coal-fired power plants. In the two GHG cases for AEO2012, no assumptions are made with regard to offsets, bonus allowances for CCS, or
    specific allocation of allowances.

    The No GHG Concern case was run without any adjustment for concern about potential GHG regulations (without the 3-percentagepoint increase in the cost of capital). In the No GHG Concern case, the same cost of capital is used to evaluate all new capacity builds, regardless of type.

    No Sunset case

    In addition to the AEO2012 Reference case, a No Sunset case was run assuming that selected policies with sunset provisions—such as the PTC, ITC, and tax credits for energy-efficient equipment in the buildings and industrial sectors—will be extended indefinitely rather than allowed to sunset as the law currently prescribes.

    For the residential sector, the extensions include: (a) personal tax credits for selected end-use equipment, including furnaces, heat pumps, and central air conditioning; (b) personal tax credits for PV installations, solar water heaters, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps; (c) manufacturer tax credits for refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers, passed on to consumers at 100 percent of the tax credit value.

    For the commercial sector, business ITCs for PV installations, solar water heaters, small wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, and CHP are extended to the end of the projection. The business tax credit for solar technologies remains at the current 30-percent level without reverting to 10 percent as scheduled.

    In the industrial sector, the existing ITC for industrial CHP, which currently ends in 2016, is extended to 2035.

    For the refinery sector, blending credits are extended; the $1.00 per gallon biodiesel tax credit is extended; the $0.54 per gallon tariff on imported ethanol is extended; and the $1.01 per gallon PTC for cellulosic biofuels is extended.

    For renewables, the PTC of 2.2 cents per kilowatthour for wind, geothermal, and certain biomass and the PTC of 1.1 cents per kilowatthour for hydroelectric and landfill gas resources, which currently are set to expire at the end of 2012 for wind and the end of 2013 for other eligible resources, are extended to 2035; and the 30-percent solar power ITC, which currently is scheduled to revert to 10 percent in 2016, is extended indefinitely.

    Extended Policies case

    In the Extended Policies case, assumptions for tax credit extensions are the same as in the No Sunset case described above with the exception of the PTC extension for cellulosic biofuels and the tax credits for residential equipment subject to updated Federal efficiency standards, which are dropped. Further, updates to Federal appliance efficiency standards are assumed to occur at regular intervals, and new standards for products not currently covered by DOE are assumed to be introduced. Finally, proposed rules by NHTSA and the EPA for national tailpipe CO2-equivalent emissions and fuel economy standards for LDVs, including both passenger cars and light-duty trucks, are harmonized and incorporated in this case.

    Updates to appliance standards are assumed to occur as prescribed by the timeline in DOE's multi-year plan, and new standards for products currently not covered by DOE are introduced by 2019. The efficiency levels chosen for the updated residential appliance standards are based on current ENERGY STAR guidelines. Residential end-use technologies subject to updated standards are not eligible for No Sunset incentives in addition to the standards. The efficiency levels chosen for updated commercial equipment standards are based on the technology menu from the AEO2011 Reference case and either FEMP-designated purchasing specifications for Federal agencies or ENERGY STAR guidelines. National building codes are added to reach 30-percent improvement relative to IECC 2006 for residential households and ASHRAE 90.1-2004 for commercial buildings by 2020, with additional rounds of improvements in 2023 and 2026.

    In the industrial sector, the ITC for industrial CHP is further extended to cover all system sizes rather than applying only to systems under 50 megawatts; and the CHP equipment cap is increased from 15 megawatts to 25 megawatts. These extensions are consistent with previously proposed legislation (S. 1639) or pending legislation (H.R. 2750 and 2784).

    For transportation, the Extended Policies case assumes that the standards are further increased, so that the minimum fuel economy standard achieved by LDVs continues to increase through 2035.

    Endnotes for Appendix E

    142. U.S. Energy Information Administration, The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview 2009, DOE/EIA-0581(2009) (Washington, DC: October 2009), website www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/overview.
    143. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Mercury and Air Toxics Standards," website www.epa.gov/mats. 144. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)," website epa.gov/airtransport. CSAPR was scheduled to begin on January 1, 2012; however, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a stay delaying implementation while it addresses legal challenges to the rule that have been raised by several power companies and States. CSAPR is included in AEO2012 despite the stay, because the Court of Appeals had not made a final ruling at the time AEO2012 was published.
    145. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles; Final Rule," Federal Register, Vol. 76, No. 179 (September 15, 2011), pp. 57106-57513, website www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-09-15/html/2011-20740.htm.
    146. California Air Resources Board (ARB), "California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms," Article 5 § 95800 to 96023, website www.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/capandtrade.htm.
    147. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "July 21, 2011 Final Memorandum: Improving EPA Review of Appalachian Surface Coal Mining Operations Under the Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and the Environmental Justice Executive Order," website water.epa.gov/lawsregs/guidance/wetlands/mining.cfm.
    148. For the complete text of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, see website www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ5/html/PLAW-111publ5.htm.
    149. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2010, DOE/EIA-0384(2010) (Washington, DC: October 2011), website www.eia.gov/aer.
    150. U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Short-Term Energy Outlook," website www.eia.gov/forecasts/steo. Portions of the preliminary information were also used to initialize the NEMS Petroleum Market Module projection.
    151. U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey," website www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mecs.
    152. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2012, DOE/EIA-0554(2012) (Washington, DC: June 2012), website www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/assumptions.
    153. Alternative other liquids technologies include all biofuels technologies plus CTL and GTL.
    154. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2012, DOE/EIA-0554(2012) (Washington, DC: June 2012), website www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/assumptions.
    155. High technology assumptions for the residential sector are based on U.S. Energy Information Administration, EIA—Technology Forecast Updates—Residential and Commercial Building Technologies—Advanced Case (Navigant Consulting, Inc. with SAIC, September 2011), and EIA—Technology Forecast Updates—Residential and Commercial Building Technologies—Advanced Case: Residential and Commercial Lighting, Commercial Refrigeration, and Commercial Ventilation Technologies (Navigant Consulting, Inc., September 2008).
    156. High technology assumptions for the commercial sector are based on Energy Information Administration, EIA—Technology Forecast Updates—Residential and Commercial Building Technologies—Advanced Case (Navigant Consulting, Inc. with SAIC, September 2011), and EIA—Technology Forecast Updates—Residential and Commercial Building Technologies—Advanced Case: Residential and Commercial Lighting, Commercial Refrigeration, and Commercial Ventilation Technologies (Navigant Consulting, Inc., September 2008).
    157. These assumptions are based in part on Energy Information Administration, Industrial Technology and Data Analysis Supporting the NEMS Industrial Model (FOCIS Associates, October 2005).
    158. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Documentation of Technologies Included in the NEMS Fuel Economy Model for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks (Energy and Environmental Analysis, September 2003).
    159. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Final Rule: Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule," website www.epa.gov/nsr/documents/20100413fs.pdf.