Initiatives and Policy Priorities

Policy Priorities

  • Prescription Drug Abuse - Prescription drug abuse is the Nation's fastest-growing drug problem, and the Center's Disease Control and Prevention has classified prescription drug abuse as an epidemic.  Learn about ONDCP’s action plan to work with states, physicians, and the medical industry to reduce prescription drug abuse.
  • Drugged Driving - Americans are all-too familiar with the terrible consequences of drunk driving. We also are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of driving with distractions such as text messaging or talking on a cell phone. But new data shows that one in eight Americans driving on a weekend night have tested positive for an illicit drug, underscoring the importance of addressing drugged driving when looking at highway safety.
  • Community-Based Prevention - Preventing drug use before it begins is a cost-effective, common-sense approach to promoting safe and healthy communities.  Learn about ONDCP’s efforts to enhance our prevention activities, the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaigns efforts to encourage youth at the local level to be Above the Influence, and grants for Drug-Free Community coalitions that develop innovative ways to get the community involved in tackle local drug problems.


  • Substance Abuse and the Affordable Care Act – In addition to giving you better health security by putting in place comprehensive health insurance reforms that hold insurance companies accountable, lowering health care costs, guaranteeing more choice, and enhancing the quality of care for all Americans, the Affordable Care Act makes substance abuse disorders an essential benefit that must be covered by insurance companies.
  • Protecting Public and Tribal Lands – Unfortunately, criminal organizations are exploiting some of our most pristine public and tribal lands as grow sites for marijuana.  In 2010, nearly 10 million plants were removed from illegal outdoor grow sites in seven states and more than 46 percent of the marijuana plants eradicated were from public and tribal lands. 
  • Methamphetamine - The use and production of methamphetamine (meth) is a serious threat to the health and safety of many communities.  Despite some efforts to stem the production of meth, the number of domestic clandestine methamphetamine labs has recently been increasing.  The Obama Administration is pursuing several efforts to reduce methamphetamine production and trafficking, and to prevent and treat methamphetamine abuse.