David R. Smock

Senior Vice President, Centers of Innovation, and Director, Religion and Peacemaking Center

David R. Smock is the Senior Vice President of the Centers of Innovation and Director of the Religion and Peacemaking Center. Previously he served as director of the USIP's Grant Program and coordinator of Africa activities.

He has worked on African issues for more than 30 years and lived in Africa for 11 years. As a staff member of the Ford Foundation from 1964 to 1980, he served in Ghana, Kenya, Lebanon, Nigeria and New York.

From 1980 to 1986, Smock served concurrently as director of the South African Education Program, a scholarship program that brings black South African students to U.S. universities and vice president for program development and research for the Institute of International Education. After serving as executive associate to the president of the United Church of Christ from 1986 to 1989, Smock became executive director of International Voluntary Services, supervising development projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

He received an M.Div. from New York Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in anthropology from Cornell University.


Available on usip.org


Publications & Tools

September 2012 | Olive Branch Post by David R. Smock

David R. Smock, USIP's senior vice president for the Centers of Innovation and director of the Religion and Peacemaking Center, discusses the agenda and tactics of Boko Haram and the threat it poses to security in Nigeria.

July 2012

South Sudan celebrates the first anniversary of its formal independence and nationhood on July 9. Though hopes for progress remain high, the young nation is struggling on several fronts—internal security, relations with Sudan, development, rule of law and statebuilding. The specialists at the U.S. Institute of Peace who work on conflict management and peacebuilding programs in South Sudan examine the gains made and the many challenges ahead.

June 2012

USIP hosts the seventh meeting of the U.S.-Nigeria Binational Commission commenced June 4, drawing senior U.S. and Nigerian officials to consider future steps in a deepening relationship between the United States and Africa’s most populous nation.

Facilitating Dialogue Cover
June 2012 | Book by David R. Smock and Daniel Serwer, editors

This forthcoming volume will publish in October 2012 and is available for pre-order.

Facilitating Dialogue presents seven case studies of the United States Institute of Peace’s facilitated dialogue efforts in Iraq, Kosovo, Israel/Palestine, Colombia, Nigeria, and Nepal. Covering a variety of conflict situations and peacemaking efforts—from the tribal reconciliation in Mahmoudiya, Iraq, to a justice and security dialogue in Nepal—the cases tell stories of peacebuilding successes, efforts in progress, limitations on what can be achieved, and lessons learned.

March 2012

USIP leaders explain the effect that events around the world and here at home will have on the U.S., and the contributions the Institute can and does make during a time of tremendous challenge – and opportunity.

March 2012 | News Feature by Steven Ruder

Experts on nonviolent peacekeeping presented their methodologies, lessons learned, and the way forward for the innovative field at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) on March 21, 2012.

March 2012

USIP hosted a briefing for an American commander deploying to the Horn of Africa.

March 2012

The importance of USIP’s convening authority and its unique expertise in religion, peacebuilding, Afghanistan, and conflict management  training was evident in a closed-door session between leading religious leaders, scholars, practitioners and representatives from the U.S. government on Monday, March 5, 2012.

Peacemaker's Toolkit logo. (Image: U.S. Institute of Peace)
February 2012

In coordination with the United Nations Mediation Support Unit and in collaboration with a number of other mediation institutes and experts, USIP is developing a series of "best practices" handbooks on key aspects of mediation and peacemaking.

USIP: Qamar-ul Huda
January 2012 | On the Issues by David Smock

In a period of tremendous change in parts of the world, we are asking USIP leaders, from board members to senior staff and experts, to explain the effects that events abroad and here at home will have on the United States, and the contributions the Institute can and does make. David Smock is currently the senior vice president for USIP’s Centers of Innovation.

November 2011 | News Feature by Thomas Omestad

The still-young field of religious peacebuilding has made significant strides in its development, though much more remains to be done in understanding its potential and its practical application to easing conflicts, a panel of practitioners said at an event hosted by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) on Nov. 9.

November 2011 | On the Issues by David Smock

Religion is often seen as the cause of strife around the globe, but in reality, it can provide the foundation for what helps to end conflict. USIP’s work, from Indonesia to Pakistan, demonstrates that religion can play a positive role in managing conflict. USIP’s David Smock, senior vice president for the Centers of Innovation, explores the issue in this brief question-and-answer.

(Courtesy: Bill Fitz-Patrick)
September 2011
Nigeria’s Foreign Minister, Ambassador Olugbenga Ashiru, visited the U.S. Institute of Peace on September 29 to lay out President Goodluck Jonathan’s agenda.
August 2011

USIP has found the documentary film "The Imam and the Pastor" useful as a resource for workshops and training programs exploring themes of religious peacebuilding and inter-group reconciliation. As such, we commissioned religion and peacebuilding specialist David Steele to produce a facilitator’s manual so that others might use this documentary, and the follow-up documentary" An African Answer," in their own training and workshops. This manual is available for download free-of-charge here.

Countries: Africa | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
April 2011 | On the Issues by David R. Smock

USIP’s David Smock discusses the recent presidential election in Nigeria and the challenges ahead for the African nation.

February 2011 | News Feature by Tara Sonenshine

The U.S. Institute of Peace continues to follow the developments in Egypt and the Middle East.  Read about USIP's work on Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle East, work on national security issues, democratization, and more.

February 2011

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has resigned on Feb. 11 after weeks of peaceful protests. USIP takes a comprehensive look at the situation and its implications.

December 2010 | News Feature by David R. Smock

David Smock, vice president of USIP's Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution, discusses religious tensions and recent events in Nigeria, and examines the outlook for Africa's most populous nation.

December 2010

USIP experts look back at 2010 and ahead to 2011 on Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Arab/Israeli conflict, gender issues, and more and look at how to manage international conflict, terrorism, violence, and instability around the world.

Cover of "Is Nigeria a Hotbed of Islamic Extremism?" (Image: U.S. Institute of Peace)
May 2010 | Peace Brief by Stephanie Schwartz

Recent incidences of ethno-religious violence in northern Nigeria have alarmed the international community to the point where Nigeria is now perceived as a potential breeding ground for transnational terrorism and violent religious extremism. According to Nigeria expert John Paden, this characterization is false. If anything, Nigeria is a hotbed of Islamic moderation.

The Sulta­n Bello mosqu­e in Kadun­a, Niger­ia. (Photo: NY Times)
March 2010 | On the Issues by David R. Smock

Longstanding religious and political tensions in Nigeria erupted into bloodshed this month, marking the latest in a series of clashes between Muslims and Christians that have claimed the lives of hundreds of people this year. USIP’s David Smock answers some questions related to the recent developments in Nigeria and its stability.

Countries: Nigeria | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
Map of Niger Delta (Courtesy: CIA)
September 2009 | Peace Brief by David R. Smock

USIP's David Smock explores the factors underlying and perpetuating the militancy in the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. In this report, based on an 11-day trip to Nigeria in late August 2009, Smock analyzes the prospects for the amnesty process, and why stronger political processes and economic development could help address the roots of the conflict there.

August 2009 | Book by Daniel Brumberg and Dina Shehata, editors

Conflict, Identity, and Reform in the Muslim World highlights the challenges that escalating identity conflicts within Muslim-majority states pose for both the Muslim world and for the West, an issue that has received scant attention in policy and academic circles.  

Issue Areas: Political Reform
Islamic Peacemaking Since 9/11 - SR218 (Image: USIP)
January 2009 | Special Report by David Smock and Qamar-ul Huda

Muslims in general and Muslim leaders particularly have often been severely criticized for not more energetically condemning the violent acts of Muslim extremists. The uninformed often assume that extremists represent Islam’s mainstream.

August 2008 | Book by David R. Smock and Amy L. Smith

Managing the Mediation Process offers an overview of the process of mediating interstate and intrastate conflicts. Each of its six chapters covers a different step in the process, identifying what needs to be done at that step and how best to accomplish it. 

Peacemaker's Toolkit "Managing a Mediation Process" Handbook Cover
August 2008 | Practitioner Tool by David R. Smock and Amy L. Smith

Managing a Mediaiton Process is the first handbook of the Peacemaker’s Toolkit series. This handbook provides a methodology for mediating interstate and intrastate conflicts. Each of the six chapters covers a different step in the process, identifying what needs to be done at that step and how best to accomplish it.

February 2008 | Peace Brief by David Smock

Writing from peace talks in Juba, Southern Sudan, David Smock, present as an observer, analyzes negotiations between the Lord's Resistance Army and the Ugandan government.

Countries: North Uganda, Uganda | Issue Areas: Negotiation and Diplomacy
April 2007 | Peace Brief by David R. Smock

While the humanitarian and security crises continue in Darfur, there have been some improvements in recent weeks, including the decrease in civilian casualties. However, in the first two months of 2007, 80,000 people were forced from their homes because of violence. How can the international community help enhance peacekeeping in Darfur?

January 2007

David Smock is interviewed on Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia, and event that thrusted Somalia back into the international spotlight.

Countries: Ethiopia, Somalia
August 2006 | Peace Brief by David Smock with assistance from Emily Hsu

The current crisis in Somalia is much more complicated than simply a conflict between Islamic extremists and moderates. U.S. policy toward Somalia must be more all-encompassing.

Countries: Somalia
Applying Islamic Principles in the Twenty-first Century - SR 150 (Image: USIP)
September 2005 | Special Report by David Smock
Countries: Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
Teaching about the Religious Other - SR 143 (Image: USIP)
July 2005 | Special Report by David Smock
Ijtihad - SR 125 (Image: USIP)
August 2004 | Special Report by David Smock
August 2004 | Arabic Report by David Smock
April 2004 | Congressional Testimony by Faleh A. Jabar, Amatzia Baram, David R. Smock

A Special Discussion on Capitol Hill Sponsored by The Faith and Politics Institute and the United States Institute of Peace.

Countries: Iraq | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
Would an Invasion of Iraq Be a "Just War?" - SR 98 (Image: USIP)
January 2003 | Special Report by David Smock
Countries: Iraq
Islam and Democracy - SR 93 (Image: USIP)
September 2002 | Special Report by David Smock
August 2002 | Book by David R. Smock

In this volume, Jews, Muslims, and Christians with very diverse views address such issues as the just war doctrine, explaining their differences and finding often surprising common ground.

May 2002 | Book by David R. Smock

Drawing on their extensive experience in organizing interaction and cooperation across religious boundaries in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Northern Ireland, and the Balkans, the contributors explore the formidable potential of interfaith dialogue.

Islamic Perspectives on Peace and Violence - SR 82 (Image: USIP)
January 2002 | Special Report by David Smock
Faith--Based NGOs - SR 76 (Image: USIP)
October 2001 | Special Report by David Smock
September 1999 | Special Report by John Prendergast and David Smock
Reconstructing Peace in the Congo - SR 52 (Image: USIP)
August 1999 | Special Report by John Prendergast and David Smock
A New Approach to Peace in Sudan - SR 45 (Image: USIP)
February 1999 | Special Report by David R. Smock
Can Nigeria Make a Peaceful Transition - SR28 (Image: USIP)
December 1997 | Special Report by David R. Smock

On October 23, 1997, the United States Institute of Peace and the U.S. Department of State cosponsored a one-day roundtable discussion of diplomats, scholars, and nongovernmental organization specialists from the United States, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom on the current transition in Nigeria.  The purpose was to assess the current sociopolitical conditions of Nigeria, evaluate the transition, and offer policy options for the United States.


Countries: Nigeria
Zaire's Crises of War and Governance - SR22 (Image: USIP)
April 1997 | Special Report by David R. Smock

On January 16, 1997, the United States Institute of Peace and the U.S. Department of State cosponsored a one-day roundtable discussion of diplomats, scholars, and nongovernmental organization specialists on the unfolding crises in Zaire-both the complex humanitarian emergency and civil war in eastern Zaire and the ongoing crisis of governmental legitimacy and capacity stemming from a lagging transition to multiparty democracy.

December 1996

Testimony of David Smock before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus.

December 1996 | Congressional Testimony by David R. Smock

Testimony of David Smock before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus

NGOs and the Peace Process in Angola - SR16 (Image: USIP)
April 1996 | Special Report by David Smock and John Prendergast

A United States Institute of Peace team spent time in Angola in February to explore how Angolan and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can promote reconciliation in Angola as part of the postwar peace process. The recommendations the team prepared are directed primarily at Angola but could apply to other countries engaged in peacebuilding.

Countries: Angola
Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa - PW6 (Image: USIP)
February 1996 | Peaceworks by David R. Smock

The good work of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in recent conflicts in such countries as Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia is well known—providing food, shelter, medicine, and a host of other materials and services under extremely difficult conditions. But does humanitarian assistance in some cases actually exacerbate conflict?

Countries: Africa | Issue Areas: Conflict Analysis and Prevention
October 1995 | Book by David R. Smock and Chester A. Crocker, editors

The U.S. Role in Peacemaking

Countries: Africa | Issue Areas: Conflict Analysis and Prevention
March 1995 | Book by David R. Smock

Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Views on Nonviolence and International Conflict

December 1993 | Book by David R. Smock, editor

Foreign Intervention in Africa

Relief, Reconciliation, and Reconstruction in Somalia - SR1 (Image: USIP)
December 1992

The purpose of the meeting was to see if this diverse gathering of Somali professionals could develop consensusre commendations about how to promote more effective relief efforts in Somalia and how to advance toward political reconciliation and reconstruction  Given their divergent perspectives, the group was able to achieve an impressive degree of consensus on key points. The purpose of this report is to summarize these points of consensus.

Countries: Somalia


Facilitation Dialogue: USIP's Work in Conflict Zones
October 17, 2012

Today’s international conflicts typically involve multiple actors, interests, and drivers that have sparked long, violent histories. Ending these conflicts relies more and more on facilitated dialogue, a process in which a neutral third party helps a broad spectrum of conflicting parties overcome the many barriers to effective communication.

March 21, 2012

Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) and Peace Brigades International (PBI), two of the leaders in unarmed civilian protection, will present how peacekeeping works without guns, what lessons are being learned, and how this practice can now be brought to scale.


Sri Lanka Religious Workshop
November 9, 2011

To mark USIP's Religion and Peacemaking program's ten-year anniversary, USIP hosted a  workshop to reflect on what the wider field of religious peacebuilding has achieved and how best to move forward over the next decade.

The Imam and The Pastor + An African Answer DVD cover
October 26, 2011

The Department of State’s Office of International Religious Freedom and the Religion and Peacemaking program at the U.S. Institute of Peace are pleased to announce the Washington premier of "An African Answer."

Countries: Kenya, Nigeria | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
September 29, 2011

USIP welcomes Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Olugbenga Ashiru, on September 29 to discuss President Goodluck Jonathan’s efforts to consolidate recent economic progress and improve the quality of life for all Nigerians.

Countries: Nigeria | Issue Areas: Economics and Conflict
July 28, 2011

Four Francophone states in West Africa have recently held elections.  In three, new presidents have taken office in processes that followed protracted periods of conflict and disputed rule; in Benin, a reelected incumbent has continued a democratic tradition of 20 years' standing.  Despite the fact that the outcomes of some of these elections have been disputed, they nevertheless represent steps toward strengthening democracy in the region.  This USIP event takes place in the past, please view the Webcast, Audio, or photos.

July 14, 2011

The U.S. Institute of Peace is marking South Sudan’s independence with a half-day conference highlighting views from the ground and the U.S. policy community toward the new country.

Map of Sudan (Courtesy: Unviersity of Texas)
June 14, 2011

As Southern Sudan's independence fast approaches, a fragile peace hangs in the balance. USIP has been involved in Sudan for nearly 20 years working on the ground, advising and collaborating with local organizations to find peaceful solutions to flashpoint issues. As the world looks to Sudan's leaders to resolve critical issues before July 9, the Institute was pleased to host H.E. Lt. General Dr. Riek Machar, vice president of the Government of Southern Sudan.

May 12, 2011

Somalia's Transitional Federal Government is struggling to assert its authority in a country plagued by lawlessness and a ruthless insurgency waged by a rebel group affiliated with al Qaeda. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed is a Somali American who is serving as prime minister of the Transitional Federal Government. In a presentation at the U.S. Institute of Peace he described the steps his government is taking to stabilize Somalia.

Webcast Graphic (Courtesy: USIP)
April 22, 2011

Please join us for a discussion with seasoned practitioners, policymakers, and scholars as we launch “Conducting Track II Peacemaking,” the seventh and latest publication in USIP’s “Peacemaker’s Toolkit” series.  Each handbook focuses on a particular facet of the mediator’s trade, distilling practical guidance from a wealth of experience and expertise.  All are available online at no cost and can be downloaded from the USIP Web site. Additional handbooks will be appearing in coming months.

April 20, 2011

H.E. Dr. Jean Ping, Chairperson of the AU Commission, discussed the role that the African Union continues to play in creating peace and establishing security in Africa.

Map of Sudan (Courtesy: University of Texas)
April 19, 2011

Looking ahead to southern Sudan’s secession and the future of both resulting states, three members of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (Sudan), former South African President Thabo Mbeki, former Burundian President Pierre Buyoya, and former Nigerian President Abdulsalami Abubakar, discussed the current situation and their efforts to support two peaceful Sudans.

February 22, 2011

Critical elections in Nigeria at national and state levels are scheduled for April. These elections will determine not only new leadership but whether democratic processes can gain traction. To assess the prospects for free and fair elections and to anticipate electoral outcomes, Africare and the U.S. Institute of Peace will host a public workshop on February 22 from 10:00am to 11:30am.

Map of Sudan (Courtesy: University of Texas)
December 14, 2010

The January referendums in Sudan are fast approaching. The international community is devoting significant attention to the votes and what may transpire afterwards.  This event previewed the referendums, with panelists discussing preparations on the ground, expectations for how the voting process will play out, and possible scenarios following the referendums. 

December 9, 2010

The USIP Center for Sustainable Economies in partnership with The National Endowment for Democracy, will be hosting a dialogue with the Foreign Minister of Nigeria.

Countries: Nigeria | Issue Areas: Economics and Conflict
September 10, 2010

The recent Supreme Court decision in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project upheld the laws that make it a criminal act to provide “material support” to a proscribed organization as designated by the State Department or the Treasury Department, even when that support consists of advice or training aimed at promoting peace and non-violence. This event explored the scope of this ruling and its implications for international peacemaking.

June 16, 2010

The Africa Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the United States Institute of Peace are jointly hosting a discussion with two key leaders of the international effort to manage the difficult transition in Sudan: former South African President Thabo Mbeki, now head of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (Sudan), and Haile Menkerios, the special representative of the U.N. secretary-general in Sudan and head of the United Nations Mission in Sudan. 

Peacemaker's Toolkit logo. (Image: U.S. Institute of Peace)
May 4, 2010

The U.S. Institute of Peace has been developing a new series of handbooks for practitioners and educators about the art of mediation which constitute “The Peacemaker’s Toolkit.” To formally launch the Peacemaker’s Toolkit, USIP will held a public workshop on May 4 featuring authors of three of the handbooks.

Map of Nigeria (Courtesy: University of Texas)
March 15, 2010

Nigeria has come under increased scrutiny as a possible hotbed of international terrorists. To discuss whether this is a credible conclusion the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a public workshop on March 15, 2010 featuring John Paden, Clarence Robinson Professor of International Studies at George Mason University, and David R. Smock, Vice President at the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Map of Somalia
December 9, 2009

Serious and contentious questions surround the issue of how the international community should relate to Somalia. Should major support be given to the Transitional Federal Government? Should the African Union peacekeeping force be expanded?

mosque (Photo: NY Times)
October 15, 2009

USIP's Daniel Brumberg joined a panel of guest speakers, including Congressman Keith Ellison, for a lively discussion of USIP's new volume "Conflict, Identity, and Reform in the Muslim World."

Muslim prayer (Photo: NY Times)
October 7, 2009

Grand Mufti of Egypt, His Excellency Dr. Ali Gomaa will speak about moderation in Islam and the challange of religious extremism.

Countries: Egypt | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
June 12, 2009
June 2, 2009
March 11, 2009

As the International Criminal Court considers the chief prosecutor’s request for an arrest warrant for Sudanese president Omar Hassan al-Bashir, there is an ongoing debate concerning the relationship between efforts to achieve peace in Sudan, especially in the Darfur region, and efforts to achieve proper accountability. This panel explored the relationship between peace and justice in three past cases — the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and the International Criminal Court’s actions in Uganda — to collect lessons that are relevant to Sudan.

Countries: South Sudan, Sudan, The Two Sudans | Issue Areas: Rule of Law
March 10, 2009

A public event co-sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Peace and The Center for Strategic and International Studies

Countries: Somalia | Issue Areas: Security Sector Reform/Governance
February 20, 2009

Roundtable discussion co-sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace and The United Nations University

December 17, 2008
November 12, 2008
October 21, 2008
June 10, 2008
May 2, 2008
Countries: Africa, Nigeria
April 29, 2008
Countries: Iraq | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
March 24, 2008
Countries: Somalia | Issue Areas: Conflict Analysis and Prevention
November 20, 2007
Countries: Iran | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
November 13, 2007
Countries: Nigeria | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
September 26, 2007
September 20, 2007
September 5, 2007
Countries: Somalia | Issue Areas: Conflict Analysis and Prevention
May 23, 2007
Countries: Colombia | Issue Areas: Mediation and Facilitation
March 14, 2007
Countries: Africa
January 24, 2007
December 1, 2006
November 30, 2006
November 7, 2006
Countries: Uganda | Issue Areas: Mediation and Facilitation
October 16, 2006
Countries: India, Kashmir, Pakistan | Issue Areas: Negotiation and Diplomacy
October 5, 2006
August 28, 2006
May 16, 2006
May 2, 2006
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
March 22, 2006
Countries: Nigeria
March 15, 2006
February 3, 2006
November 7, 2005
September 20, 2005
Countries: India | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
April 21, 2004
Countries: Iraq | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
March 19, 2004
December 17, 2003
Countries: Iraq | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
April 1, 2003

On April 1 the United States Institute of Peace and the Faith & Politics Institute cosponsored a special workshop on Capitol Hill to engage participants in an exploration of the potential role for faith, and the faithful, in promoting peace in the Middle East.

December 17, 2002
Countries: Iraq | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
June 18, 2002
May 16, 2000 - April 16, 2000
Countries: Burundi | Programs: Grants & Fellowships