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College Board

AP Central


Explore AP

See what students are saying about AP and how it helps them prepare for college and beyond.

AP Course Audit

AP Course Audit is accepting submissions for new courses that will be offered in the 2014-15 school year.

Now accepting applications

Join over 12,000 college faculty members and AP teachers at the 2015 AP Exam Reading.

APAC 2015 Call for Proposals
Submit a proposal for the AP Annual Conference 2015.

What's Changing in AP
Learn more about upcoming changes to AP courses and exams.

Online Scores Access Schedule for Educators
Find out when educators at your school or district can access 2014 score reports this summer.

New Resources for U.S. History
Access additional resources for the course including planning tools, practice exams, and more.

Share AP
Build participation in your AP program with outreach materials for students and parents in English and Spanish.

The College Board Alignment to California's LCAP
The College Board is partnering with districts across California to develop Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) that will close the achievement gap and deliver opportunity to all students in the state.

AP Chemistry Webcast
An on-demand, self-paced webcast exploring photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), a topic included in the AP Chemistry course, is now available from the course home page.

AP Spanish Language and Culture Webcast
A recorded webcast that offers strategies for teaching the AP Spanish Language and Culture course is now available from the course home page.

Nine Teachers Leading the Technology Revolution
This report, in partnership with Phi Delta Kappa International and the National Writing Project, profiles the work of nine dedicated teachers using technology to enhance student engagement across diverse subject and content areas.

Teachers Are the Center of Education: Profiles of Eight Teachers
This new report, created in partnership with Phi Delta Kappa International, documents a day in the life of eight teachers.  Each of their stories highlights the critical importance of teachers and salutes their great work.


    Course and Email Newsletter Preferences
    Course Home Pages
    Course Descriptions
    The Course Audit
    Teachers' Resources
    Exam Calendar and Fees
    Exam Information
    About Electronic Discussion Groups
    Become an AP Exam Reader

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